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Ⅰ ❶ (照耀在物体上、使人能看见物体的一种物质) light;ray:月 ~ moonlight;
日 ~ sunlight;sunshine;
爱克斯 ~ X-ray
❷ (景物) scenery:风 ~ scene;view;sight;
春 ~ 明媚 a sunlit and enchanting scene of spring
❸ (光彩;荣誉) honour;glory;lustre:为国争 ~ win honour for one's country;
给晚会增 ~ shed lustre on [add lustre to] the evening party
❹ (明亮;生辉) brightness:双目有 ~ bright-eyed
❺ (恩惠) favour;grace:沾 ~ benefit from association with sb.;
借 ~ excuse me
❻ [书] (时光) time
❼ [书] (特指日、 月、星辰等天体) cetestial body
❽ (姓氏) a surname ~ 逸 Guang Yi Ⅱ ❶ (光大) glorify;recover;regain:~ 前裕后 win praises for one's ancestors and enrich one's posterity;~ 耀门楣[庭] bring honour to the family name
❷ (露在外面) bare;be naked:~ 着头 be bareheaded;
他 ~ 着上身。 He was naked to the waist.
❸ [书] (照耀) shine Ⅲ ❶ (光滑;光溜) smooth;glossy:刮垢磨 ~ make sth. clean and smooth by scraping and polishing;
这纸不太 ~。 This paper is not smooth enough.
❷ (露着的) naked;nude;bare:~ 脚 barefooted;~ 脊梁 barebacked
❸ (一点不剩) used up;with nothing left:两星期过去,他们的钱用 ~ 了。 Two weeks passed. They ran out of money. 他把整块蛋糕都吃 ~ 了。 He has eaten up the whole cake. 我们贮存的火柴用 ~ 了。 Our stock of matches is used up.
❹ [敬] (表示光荣) glorious;gracious:承蒙 ~ 临。 It was gracious of you to come.
❺ (明亮的) bright Ⅳ (只;单) only;alone;merely:不要 ~ 凭热情去工作。 Don't work by enthusiasm alone. ~ 有好的意愿还不够。 Good intention alone is not enough. 她 ~ 吃青菜,不吃肉。 She eats only vegetables and abstains from eating meat.
◆光斑 {天} flare;light spot;facula;plage;
光板地 bare land;
光板儿 worn-out fur;
光膀子 stripped to the waist;
光笔 {电子} light gun;light pen;
光标 cursor;
光标控制键 cusor control key;
光波 light wave;optical wave;
光波长 optical wavelength;
光波导 fiber waveguide;optical waveguide;light guide;
光波干涉 optical interference;
光标位置 cursor position;
光标移动 cursor remove;
光剥舌 {医} uncoated and smooth tongue;
光捕集器 light trap;
光捕鱼法 light fishing;
光彩 lustre;splendour;radiance;glow;sheen;splendid;glittering;honourable;glorious;
光彩夺目 Its brightness dazzles the eyes.;be very bright-coloured and dazzling;Its elegance ravishes the eye.;It glittered (in the sunlight) so that a man's eyes could not even rest upon it.;It was so bright that it dazzled somebody's eyes.;oriency;shine with dazzling brilliance;The luster dazzles the eye.;The sparkling (of the jewels) dazzled the eye.;
光彩奇异 fancy;
光彩石 augelite;
光蝉 lantern fly;planthopper;
光处理 optical processing;
光传播 optical propagation;
光慈菇 {中药} tulip bulb;
光大 [书] brighten;
光带 light band;slit of light;
光导 light guide;
光导纤维 light-guide fibre;optical (waveguide) fibre;fibre optics;
光导纤维通信[光纤通信] optical fibre communication;
光点 light-spot;luminescent spot;luminous spot;spot;light dot;
光电 {物} photoelectricity;
光电笔记录器 photopen recorder;
光电池 {电子} photocell;photoelectric cell;light cell;optoelectronic cell;photocell pickoff;photoemissive element;photogalvanic cell;photronic cell;light-sensitive cell;
光电发射管 photoemission cell;photovalve;
光电放射 electronogen;
光电管 {电子} electric eye;light-sensitive tube;photoelectric tube;phototube;electric cell;photocell;photoelement;photosensitive cell;photovalve;solar-cell;photoelectric cell;photogalvanic cell;
光电流 {物} light current;
光电排版 photo composition;
光电式 photoelectric type;photoelectric;
光电效应 {物} photoelectric effect;electro-optic effect;Hallwach's effect;photo-electrical effect;photoeffect;
光电阅读机 optical mark reader (OMR); 光电子 {电子} photoelectron;phoelectron;
光电子学 optoelectronics;optronics;photoelectronics; optical electronics; 光度 {物} luminosity;
光发射 light emission;luminous emission;
光反馈 optical feedback;
光风霁月 benign and openhearted (like “a light breeze and clear moon”);open and above board;
光辐射 light output;optical radiation;ray radiation;emission of light;
光复 recover;
光复旧物 recover [restore] the country [lost territory];recover what has been lost (to an invader);
光杆儿 a bare trunk or stalk;a man who has lost his family;a person without a following;
光顾 patronize;honour with;
光固定 photofixation;
光怪陆离 lustrous and dazzling;a wonderful view;fantasy in abundance;grotesque and diversified;grotesque in shape and gaudy in colour;strange and unusual;
光棍 (地痞;流氓) ruffian;hoodlum;
光棍儿 unmarried man;bachelor;
光过敏 photosensitization;
光过敏性皮炎 hypericism;
光汗症 phosphorhidrosis;
光和 light sum;
光合 {植} photosynthetic;
光合作用 {植} photosynthesis;
光盒 light box;
光花 blink;brilliance;splendour;
光华 brilliance;splendour;bright;lustre;
光滑 smooth;glossy;slick;sleek;
光滑鳖 queen turtle;
光滑冰 glare ice;
光滑冬青 hoopwood;inkberry;
光滑如镜 smooth and bright like a mirror;
光滑如玉 as smooth as jade;
光化 {化} actinic;photochemical;
光化学 photochemistry;actinology;actinochemistry;
光环 a ring of light;corona;glory;{宗} halo;aureole;
光幻觉 {心} photism;photistor;pseudopsy;photopsy;optical illusion;pseudophotoesthesia;
光幻视 optical illusion;pseudopsy;phose;phosphene;
光辉 brilliance;flame;shine;halo;blaze;fulguration;radiance;glory;lustre;brilliant;magnificent;glorious;
光辉灿烂 shine with great splendor;bright;brilliant;glittering radiant;shine with increasing splendor;splendid;
光辉点 highlight;
光辉夺目 so bright that it dazzles the eye;brilliant;dazzling;dazzlingly beautiful orient;
光辉霉素 mithramycin;
光辉篇章 brilliant chapter;
光辉耀目 glitter and glow in the sunlight;
光计算机 {自} optical computer;
光洁 bright and clean;
光洁度 {机} (smooth) finish;fineness;degree of finish;
光景 scene;circumstances;conditions;(大约) about;around;(表示有很大的可能性) very probably;quite likely;
光壳小麦 glabrouschaffed wheat;
光可鉴人 be brilliant enough to reflect one's image;a surface so bright that it can serve as a mirror;
光阑 {光} flare stop;shutter;diaphragm;stop;blind;light diaphragm;optical stop;orifice;
光缆 optical cable;
光雷达 optical radar;ladar (缩自 laser detecting and ranging);colidar;laser radar;lidar (缩自 light detection and ranging);{激} opdar;
光量子 light quantum;optical photon;photon;
光亮 bright;luminous;shiny;shine;burnish;
光亮度 radiance;radiancy;
光亮如镜 as bright as a sixpence [mirror];光疗 {医} luminous therapy;phototherapy;light therapy;
光临 [敬] presence (of a guest,etc.);
光溜溜 smooth;slippery;bare;naked;
光流 light stream;luminous flux;
光溜 [口] smooth;slippery;
光录声 photographic sound recording;
光裸 nude;
光脉冲 {光} pulsed light;light impulse;light pulse;light sample(s);optical pulse;
光芒 rays of light;brilliant rays;radiance;flame;shine;
光芒四射 radiate brilliant light;a flash of light radiating in all directions;(a diamond) scattering splendor;
光芒万丈 (A brilliant sun) casts a thousand beams.;gloriously radiant;resplendent;shining in all directions;shinning with boundless radiance;
光密度 optical density;
光面 glaze;
光明 light;bright;promising;openhearted;guileless;{穴位} Guangming (G 37);光明大道 the bright road;a bright future;
光明磊落 be perfectly open in all one's actions;be open and aboveboard;be open and straightforward;frank and forthright;
光明正大 work in just ways;aboveboard and straightforward;as open as the day;frank and righteous;just and honorable;open and aboveboard;
光能 luminous energy;optical energy;
光年 {天} light year;
光盘 optical disk;light disk;
光皮 smoothbark;prima;
光皮南瓜 vegetable marrow;
光屁股 in the nude;stark naked;
光票 straight bill;clean bill;clean draft;
光频(率) optical frequency;light frequency;
光谱 light spectrum;optical spectrum;spectrum (pl. spectra); 光谱分析 {物} spectrum analysis;spectral decomposition;spectroana ̄ lysis;spectrographic analysis;spectroscopic analysis;spectrology;
光谱灵敏度 {物} spectral response;spectral sensitivity;spectrum sensitivity;
光谱线 line;spectral line;spectrum line;
光谱学 optical spectroscopy;spectroscopy;
光期 {植} photophase;
光漆 lac varnish;
光前裕后 glorify one's forefathers and enrich one's posterity;shed lustre on one's ancestry and bring benefit to one's posterity;
光强 light intensity;intensity of light;
光强度 light intensity;luminous intensity;optical power;
光圈 iris diaphragm;iris aperture;light ring;stop;halo;
光荣 honour;glory;proud;credit;
光荣就义 sacrifice one's life for the sake of righteousness;die a heroic death;prefer death to disgrace;
光荣人家 an honoured family;
光润 (of skin) smooth;
光润如珠 pearly;
光鳃鱼 chromide;
光散射 {光} light scattering;
光扫描 optical scanning;
光色 photochromic;
光栅 {电子} raster;optical grating;grating;pattern;
光山峭壁 bare hills and sheer cliffs;
光山秃岭 bare hills and mountains;
光闪 color break-up;
光身赤条 be stark naked;
光生理学 photophysiology;
光生物学 photobiology;
光时 light time;
光束 light beam;light pencil;luminous flux;pencil;stricture;
光说不做 only talk and not to act;
光速 speed of light;velocity of light (光磁);light velocity;ray velocity;
光探测 optical detection;
光天化日 The sun lightens up the sky — said of peaceful times.;a bright sky and a benign sun;in [under] broad daylight;in the open day;the light of day;
光通话 photophone;
光通信 photo-communication;
光瞳 pupil;
光痛 photodynia;photalgia;
光头 bareheaded;shaven head;shaven-headed;
光头秃额 with balding hair and shining forehead;
光透射 light transmission;
光秃秃 barren;bare;bald;bleak;
光图像 light image;
光瓦特 {光} light watt;
光污染 light pollution;
光吸收 light absorption;
光纤 fibre-optical;
光线 light;luminous beam;ray;ray of light;
光信号 optical signal;photosignal;
光信息处理 optical information processing;
光许愿不供献 never suit one's words to action;
光学 {物} optics;photology;photics;
光学测距 optical ranging;
光学汉字识别 optical Chinese character recognition;
光学还音 optical sound reproduction;
光学技巧印片 special effect optical printing;
光学透镜 optical lens;
光学纤维 optical fibre;fibre;
光学显微镜 {光} light microscope;optical microscope;photon microscope;
光学信息 optical information;
光压 light pressure;
光焰 radiance;flare;
光焰万丈 cast its radiance far and wide;illuminating highly in a myriad feet;
光氧化(作用) photooxidation;
光耀 brilliant light;brilliance;glorious;honourable;
光耀门庭 win honour and distinction for one's family;bring honour to the family name;
光叶榕 poplar leaf fig;
光叶榆 {植} smooth-leaved elm;
光阴 time;
光阴极 photocathode;photoemitter;
光阴驹隙 Time flies like the shadow of the sun passing through a crevice;Time passes quickly.;
光阴冉冉 Time passes away slowly.;The years roll on smoothly.;
光阴荏苒 Time passes very quickly.;Day after day passed by.;Day and night alternate in quick succession.;The time slipped away.;Time sped past.;
光阴如水 Time passes like flowing water.;
光阴似箭 the flight of time;the swift passage of time;The time goes like lightning.;Time flies (like an arrow).;Time passes fast.;How time flies!;光阴虚度 loaf [trifle;fritter] away one's time;lose one's time by trifling;
光阴一去不复返 All time is no time when it is past.;Lost time is never found again.;Time and tide wait for no man.;
光印机 photoprinter;
光影 shadow;
光油 {材} gloss oil;
光油彩 gleamer;
光诱 photo-induction;
光诱导 photoinduction;
光浴 light bath;
光源 light source;source;illuminant;illuminating source;luminous source;source of light;radiant;
光月 light month;
光阅读器 optical reader;optical reading equipment;
光晕 halation;halo;
光再生 photo(-)reversal;photo(-)restoration;
光泽 lustre;gloss;burnish;sheen;brilliance;shine;glazing;
光泽度 glossiness;gloss;
光泽柔和 soft gloss; 光照 beam;illumination;
光照不及之处 shadowland;
光照度 illuminance;
光照人寒 (the moon) sent forth cold rays that made sb. shudder;
光照日月 shine like the sun and the moon;
光照性红斑 photoerythema;
光照性皮肤病 photodermatosis;
光照性皮炎 photodermatitis;
光折射 anaclasis;
光蛰 photopotential;
光钟 {钟} light clock;photonon;
光柱 light pillar;light cross;
光锥 light cone;
光子 {量子} quantum photon; photon; 光字符 optical character;
光[荣]宗耀祖 make one's ancestors illustrious;bring glory [honour] on [to] one's ancestors;glorify and illuminate the ancestors;One's ancestors will be rendered illustrious.;
光钻 drill finish






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