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单词 做一天和尚撞一天钟

做一天和尚撞一天钟zuò yī tiān hé shang zhuàng yī tiān zhōng

go on tolling (/sounding) the bell as long as one is (/remains) a monk (/bonze)—do the least that is expected of one; do one’s job perfunctorily;dowhat one has to whether one likes it or not; take a passive attitude towards one’s work; drone awayday in and day out
❍ 我早就辞过职了,吴老板还没答应,我只好~! (茅盾《子夜》451)As a matter of fact,I’ve already sent in my resignation once,but Mr Wu hasn’t agreed to let me go yet,so for the time beingI’ll just have to carry on as I am now.
❍ 办事不认真,无一定计划,无一定方向,敷衍了事,得过且过,~。这是第九种。(《毛泽东选集》331) To work half-heartedlywithout a definite plan or direction; to work per functorily and muddle along—“So long as one remains a monk,one goes on tolling the bell.” This is a ninth type.

做一天和尚撞一天钟zuo yi tian he shang zhuang yi tian zhong

【口语】go on tolling the bell as long as one is a monk—take a passive attitude towards one’s work


go on tolling the bell as long as one is a monk—do the least as expected of one; do one’s job perfunctorily;adopt a passive attitude towards one’s work

做一天和尚撞一天钟zuò yī tiān hé shānɡ zhuànɡ yī tiān zhōnɡ

形容没有远大目标,对自己的工作敷衍了事,应付过去。do the least that is expected of one,do one’s job mechanically,follow a rountine, do just enough to get by





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更新时间:2025/1/19 20:58:12