释义 |
偃旗息鼓掩旗息鼓yǎn qí xī gǔlower the banners (/haul down the flag) and muffle (/silence)the drums—cease all activities; beat a retreat; call off the army maneuvres; down the banner and stop fighting ❍ 秦显家的听了,轰去了魂魄,垂头丧气,登时掩旗息鼓,卷包而去。(《红楼梦》787) Thunderstruck and utterly cast down by this news,Qin Xian’s wife made haste to pack up and beat a retreat. ❍ 闯王说: “今夜两队人马都要~,闯字旗不用打了。” (姚雪垠《李自成》 Ⅰ—248) “No,”he answered. “Tonight when we leave our drums will be mute,and there is no need to raise Prince Valiant’s banner. ”/……被这个思想上的反动同盟军稍稍一反攻,所谓新学,就~,宣告退却,失了灵魂,而只剩下它的躯壳了。(《毛泽东选集》657)…as soon as this reactionary ideological alliance started a minor counter-offensive,the so-called new learning lowered its banners,muffled its drums and beat a retreat,retaining its outer form but losing its soul. ❍ 即令子邓忠,与帐前校尉师纂,各引五千兵,先去段谷埋伏,如此如此而行。二人受计而走。艾令~,以待蜀兵。(《三国演义》963) He sent his son Zhong and Shi Zuan,each leading half a legion to lie in wait in the Duan Valley and not to betray their presence. ❍ 却说张郃、徐晃领兵追至蜀寨,天色已暮; 见寨中~,又见赵云匹马单枪,立于营外,寨门大开,二将不敢前进。(《三国演义》620) It was dark when Zhang He and Xu Huang neared the camp of the men of Shu. They saw that the ensigns and weapons had been overthrown,and no drums beat at their approach. They also saw the one figure of the doughty warrior at the gate and then they halted and dared advance no farther. 偃旗息鼓yan qi xi gulower the banners and muffle the drums—cease all activities 偃旗息鼓yǎn qí xī ɡǔ偃:放倒;息:停止。放倒战旗,停止敲战鼓。原指行军时部队隐蔽行动,形容军中肃静;现也指休战。cease all activities, beat a retreat, sheathe the sword, stop all activities and lie low |