滂沱大雨大雨滂沱pāng tuó dà yǔa driving rainstorm; a tremendous downpour; torrential (/pouring) rain ❍ 辞别了周副主席,特委的同志冒着山城少有的~,立即分头出发去传达布置工作;……(罗广斌、杨益言 《红岩》 95) After saying goodbye to Cormade Zhou Enlai,the comrades separated in a driving rainstorm to carry out their assignments. /下了一夜的~,早已停止了。(杨佩瑾《剑》373) The PDouring rain that had lasted the whole night had long since stopped. /整一天阴云翻腾,后晌时下时住,到黑夜终于下起了~……(柳青 《铜墙铁壁》 119) All day there had been black tumbled clouds overhead,with occasional showers in the afternoon. Now the rain began falling in a tremendous downpour". 滂沱大雨pouring rain;downpour;raining cats and dogs |