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(低下) bend down;bow:~ 首 bow one's head;~ 伏 prostrate;
她 ~ 下身亲了亲孩子。 She bent down and kissed the child. Ⅱ [敬] (旧时公文书信中用来称对方的动作) design to;condescend to:~ 准 condescend to grant;~ 念 kindly consider or remember
◆俯察 deign to examine or investigate;
俯冲 dive;downthrust;nose dive;pitchdown;pique;{地质} subduction;
俯焊(接) downhand welding;
俯角 angle of depression;depression;
俯就 [敬] condescend to take the post;deign to accept a post;make do with;put up with;
俯就人意 bend one's will;
俯瞰 look down at;overlook;
俯临 overlook; 俯射 plunging fire; 俯身 bend; 俯拾皆 [即]是 can be found everywhere;All one has to do is to stoop and pick them up.;be easily available;be extremely common;obtainable everywhere;of things so plentiful that one can have them with ease;
俯视 look down at;overlook;
俯首 bow one's head (in sub ̄ mission);
俯首甘为孺子牛 Head bowed,like a willing ox I serve the children.;modesty combined with the spirit of willingly serving the young and weak;
俯首就范 obey [submit];submit (oneself) to the law;submit to the authorities with meekness;submit with a bent head;surrender without struggle;
俯首就缚 droop one's head and allow oneself to be bound — to give [offer] no resistance;
俯首就戮 bow before the butcher's knife;
俯首屈膝 kneel down humbly;
俯首受罚 bend the head to receive punishment;kiss the rod;
俯首受辱 give one's head for the washing;docilely submit to sb.'s abuse;
俯首贴耳 take it lying down;take orders [hear and obey] submissively;be all obedience;be docile and obedient;be extremely obedient;be servile;obey docilely [submissively;meekly;servilely];obey with servility;One's head bows low,with hands cupping one's ears.;servile like a dog;submissive;servility;
俯首听命 submissively to hear and obey;answer every order with a low bow;be at sb.'s beck and call;be docile and obedient;bend one's neck;bow down to obey submissively;bow one's head to superior might;obey sb.'s orders with all due submission;submissively;
俯顺民情 defer to popular opinion;favour public opinion;in deference to the feeling of the people;
俯顺民意 comply with the wishes of the people;comply with the people's wishes;yield to public opinion;
俯卧 lie prostrate;
俯卧撑 {体} push-up;
俯卧位 {医} prone position;
俯卸式 dump-bed;
俯仰 cabrage;pitch;pitching;tilt;a bending or lifting of the head; a simple move or action; 俯仰角 {航空} angle of pitch;
俯仰无愧 feel not disgraceful in looking down and up — having a clear conscience;
俯仰由人 submit oneself to sb.'s whims and fancies;be at other's beck and call;be at sb.'s mercy;be at the disposal of others;be led by the nose of others;be twisted round sb.'s finger;follow others servilely;give oneself up at sb.'s disposal;He is entirely subject to the will of other people.;It is for others to tell him when to turn upward,and when to turn downward his face.;live under the thumb of others;stand [be] at sb.'s beck and call;
俯仰之间 in the twinkling of an eye;in an instant;in a flash;the little time it takes to turn one's face upward and downward;in a twinkle;in a jiffy;in a short moment;in the briefest space of time;
俯仰自得 be contented and happy wherever one may be;
俯腰过伸法 {中医} lumbar hyperextension in prone position;
俯泳 {体} breaststroke





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