adj (1) 1)(指物)高的((of things) having a top that is some distance,esp a large distance from the base):a~stool/wall/tower/mountain 高凳子/墙/塔/山;~heels 高跟儿;The houses are~. 这些房子很高。How~is the building/the hill? 大楼/山有多高? 〖同〗tall;〖反〗low; 2)测量的高度(measuring in height):The building is 26 metres~. 此楼26米高。 a 15-hand~horse 一匹15手高的马;a seven-foot~wall/cray 七英尺高的墙/岩;a building twenty storeys~一栋20层高的楼房;a low mud wall about 80 centimetres~大约80厘米高的低矮泥墙;knee-~boots 齐膝高的靴子; 3)离地(海)平面很高(reaching up to a certain (usu great) distance from the ground or sea level):The bookshelf is too~for the child to reach.书架太高,孩子够不着。(a plane)~in the sky 高高飞在天空中的飞机;a~ceiling/shelf/plateau 很高的天花板/很高的架子/海拔很高的高原;fly at a~altitude 在高空飞行;a dive from the~diving board 高台跳水; 4)超出一般高度的(of greater than average height):a~collar/neck高领子/长颈; 5)(指动作)在地面以上相当的高度完成的或达到这一高度的((of physical action) performed at or reaching a considerable distance above ground): a~dive/kick 高台跳水/踢得很高;
(2)高级的,重要的(of great rank,importance,or influence)[通常作attrib]:a~official 高级官员;~society/social status 上流社会/高的社会地位;hold a~office/position in the government 在政府任要职/重要职位;have friends in~places 有职位显赫的朋友;~er education 高等教育;a man of~standing 地位很高的人;refer a case to~er court 将案件提交上级法院;be~up in the company 公司中位居高层;〖同〗important,superior;〖反〗unimportant;
(3) 1)高度的,强烈的,很大的,非常的(above the usual level,amount,rate,or degree):a~price/temperature/fever/speed/salary高价/温/烧/速/薪;a~wind/explosive/living standard 强风/烈性炸药/高的生活标准;~voltage/praise/blood pressure/frequency 高压电/高度赞扬/高血压/高频率;have~hopes of becoming a director极有希望成为厂长;travel/go at (a)~speed 高速行驶;(gas) be kept at a~pressure(煤气)在高压下保存;need (require) a~degree of accuracy/intelligence 需要(要求)高精度/智力;be in~spirits 兴致勃勃;an area of~unemployment 失业率很高的地区;a~risk investment 风险很大的投资;have a~sense of duty/responsibility 具有很高的义务/责任感;make sth at a~cost 以高价制成某物;in~favour 十分有利;(suggestion)meet with the principal's~est approval(建议)受到校长的高度赞成; 2)有高价值的(having great value):An ace is a~card.“A”牌是张大牌。work out~numbers 计算出复杂的数字;play for~stakes下大赌注; 3)昂贵(奢侈)的(rich,extravagant or luxurious)[作attrib]:living in a~style 过奢侈生活;enjoy the~life 享受豪华的生活;indulge in~living 沉溺于奢侈的生活; 4)高尚的,品德好的(very noble;showing goodness in morals and character;worthy of admiration)[通常作attrib]:have~ideals/principles/aims有高尚的理想/高水准的道德原则/崇高的目标;a person of~principle/character/morals有高水准原则/品质/道德的人;~moral standards 高尚的道德水平;live by certain~ideals 生活有高尚的理想; 5)很有利的(very favourable)[通常作attib]:have a~opinion of sb 对某人给予很高的评价;have a~regard for sb 非常尊重某人; 6)令人愉快的(enjoyable)[作attrib]:the~point of the evening 晚上最令人愉快的时刻;Going to university was a~point in his life. 上大学是他一生中最快乐的时刻。
(4)高音调的,尖利的((of a note of music,a sound of a voice) at or near the top end of the range):have a very~voice 有很尖的嗓音/高音;a~squeaky voice 一种刺耳的尖声;hold/reach~notes 唱/达到很高的声调;the~tones of a child/flute 孩子(唱)的/笛子的高音;The note is too~for her. 这音调对她来说太高了。〖同〗sharp;〖反〗low,deep;
(5)(时间、季节等)正盛的(being at or near its peak)[作attrib]:~noon/summer 正午/盛夏;
(6)高速档的(used for fast speeds):change into a~(er) gear 换到(更)高档;
(7)(肉类等)开始变质的((of food,esp meat)beginning to be bad)[作 pred]:The game-birds/The meat/The venison is~. 猎禽/肉/鹿肉开始变质。
(8)醉了的,被麻醉品麻醉了的(drunk or affected by drugs)[通常作pred][A(on)](infml): get~喝醉了;be/get~on pot/cannabis/marijuana 酗酒/吸大麻/抽大麻烟神情恍惚;
high and dry 1)搁浅:When the tide went out the boat was~and dry. 当潮水退去时,这条船搁浅了。 2)孤立无援:All his money was stolen and he was left~and dry in a country where he knew nobody. 他所有的钱都被人偷了,他在这个国家举目无亲,孤立无援。
in high places 在有权势的圈子里:have friends in~places 在有权势的人中有朋友;
→′high-born adj 出身高贵(名门)的;͵high-′class adj 最好的;上流社会的;͵high-′flyer,͵high-′flier n 野心勃勃的人;͵high-′flyins adj 野心勃勃的;͵high-′grade adj 高质量的;高级的;͵high-′handed adj 高压的,专横的;͵high-′handedly adv 专横地;͵high-′handedness n专横,高压;′highland高地;͵high-′level adj(指谈判)高级的,高层次的;͵high-′minded adj 品格高尚的;͵high-′mindedly adv 品格高尚地;͵high-′mindedness n 品格高尚;͵high-′octane adj(指汽油)辛烷含量高从而质优的;͵high-′pitched adj 尖声的,声调高的;(指屋顶)十分陡的;͵high-′powered adj(指物)大功率的;力量大的;(指人)有精力的,精力充沛的;͵high-′priced adj 昂贵的,高价的;͵high-′principled adj 正大光明的;͵high-′ranking adj 高级的;′high-rise adj(指楼房)高(多)层的;′high-sounding adj(指语言)夸张的;͵high-′speed adj 高速度的;͵high-′spirited adj 活泼愉快的;(指马)活蹦乱跳的;͵high-′tech adj 高技术的;′high-up n 社会地位高的人,要人;
adv (1)高,高高地(at or to a high point,place,or level):pay/live/climb/jump~付高价/过奢侈生活/爬得高/跳得高;(bird/plane) circle/fly~above/into the sky(鸟/飞机)在高空中盘旋/飞向高空;throw the ball~up into the air 把球抛向空中;~above the clouds 在云层的高处;hold one's head~高高昂起头;Prices have risen too~.价格上涨太高。(dollar) stay~(美元汇率)居高不下;be/stand~in sb's favour深受……的尊重;
(2)(职务、地位等)很高(to or at a high or important level in society,in an organization,a high rank): aim~in one's political ambitions 在政治上雄心勃勃;rise~in the world/the profession 在世界上/这个职业中地位很高;get very~in the company 在公司中获得高职位;He's flying~,but he'll fall soon.(fig)他爬得很高,但也会跌得很快。
(3)声调高地(to or at a high level in sound):sing~唱很高的调;
high and low到处:search/look~and low for sth 到处寻找某物;
run high(尤指感情)强烈:Popular feelings/Passions ran~over the plan.人们对这个计划群情激动。
n (1)(最)高峰(水准值)(high point in a scale;the highest level;too great value in prices or costs,etc)[C]:Living cost reached a new~. 生活费用达到一个新的高度。be at a new~处于新的高位;(stock-market levels) approach previous~s (股市水平)接近以前的高点;(wool production)decline from a~of about 300 million pounds to about 110 million pounds(羊毛产量)从大约3亿磅下降到大约1.1亿磅;
(2)高气压槽(带)(area of high barometric pressure)[C]:a~over northern Asia 北亚上空的一个高压槽;
(3)兴奋(快感)(state of great excitement and often happiness produced by or as if by a drug)[C](sl):He's on a~today. 他今天异常兴奋。
on high 1)在高处: (climbers)gaze/look down from on~(攀登者)从高处向下凝视;(lord) look down from on~(贵族)居高自傲;(decisions)be handed down to the workforce from on~(决定)从上面传达给劳工们; 2)在天堂:hosts/god on~天堂的主人/上帝; a judgement from on~上苍的审判;
【用法】tall 可指人,而high则不可。与 high(高的)相对的词是low(低的),用于多数事物(不包括人)的测量,特别是表示离地面的距离时,例如:You can see the city from the top of that high building.(你可以从这座高楼的顶上看这座城市。)与tall(高的)相对的词是short(矮的),指人,例如:a tall man(一个高个的人);用于船可以说:a tall ship(一艘很高的船);还可以用tall 来描述高而狭长的东西,特别是表示从顶到底的整个距离时,此时tall与high同义。
【辨异】high与tall皆指有相当大的高度。high是个普通的词,既指向上的伸长,又指处在一个相当高的位置,如:six feet high(六英尺高);a high shelf(一个高架子);tall(高的)用来指与其宽度相比很高或者指比同类事物的平均高度高,如:a tall tree/building(一棵很高的树/一座很高的楼房)。high 和tall有时可互换使用,如:a tall/high building(一座高楼);a tall/high tree (一棵很高的树)。