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单词 heel
heel/hi:l/ n & vt

(1) 1)脚后跟,踵(back part of the foot)[C]:have a blister on one's~脚后跟上长了个水泡;be mortally wounded in the~脚后跟受了致命的伤;One of his heels had got blistered on the walk. 走路时他的一个脚后跟磨出了水泡。2)(袜的)后跟(part of a sockstockingetc that covers a heel)[C]:There's a hole in the~of my stocking/sock.我的袜子后跟上有个洞。3)(鞋靴的)后跟(part of a shoeboot that supports a heel)[C]:wear high/lower~s 穿高/较矮跟的鞋;The~has come off this shoe.这只鞋的后跟掉了。hear the click of one's own~s on the pavement听到自己的鞋后跟踩在人行道上发出的卡嗒声;~bar快速修鞋店(部);

(2)踵状物(sth resembling the back part of the human foot in positionshapeetc)[C]:the~of a golf club/the hand 高尔夫球棒的弯头/手掌根;

(3)卑鄙的家伙(person who behaves badlyesp a man with regard to women)[C](sl):He's a bit of a~leaving her like that after his promise to marry her.他答应同她结婚之后又弃她不管,有点卑鄙。

at/on sb's heelson the heels of sth 紧跟,追随:He ran off with a dog close at/on his~s.他在前面跑,狗紧紧地在后面追。

bring sb/sth to heel/come to heel 1)(使)顺从:bring the rebels/children to~使叛乱分子/孩子们服从;(sb's son)come to~(某人的儿子)听话了; 2)(让)狗紧随在主人后面:train one's dog to come to~训练狗紧跟主人;

down at heel(指人)衣衫褴褛: He is down at~. 他衣衫褴褛。

kick up one's heels 雀跃:When exams were over the students went to town to kick up their~s. 考试结束,学生们兴高采烈地进城去庆贺一番。

take to one's heels 逃走(跑):When he heard the police coming,the thief took to his~s. 听说警察来了,小偷撒腿就逃。

turn on one's heel 急转向后跑:When John saw Fred approaching him,he turned on his~.看到弗雷德走过来,约翰转身就走。

under the heel of sb 被……控制:The whole country was now under the~of the enemy. 现在整个国家都在敌人的控制之中。

vt (1)修理鞋跟:给……钉后掌(putrepair a heel on (a shoe))[T+n]:(shoes) need~ing(鞋)需要修跟;sole and~a pair of shoes 给一双鞋打前后掌;

(2)用脚后跟向后传送(球)(in footballrugby hit (the ball) backwards with the heel)[T+n]:~the ball to the goal-keeper 用脚后跟向后把球传给守门员





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