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单词 何足挂齿

何足挂齿hé zú guà chǐ

don’t mention it; not worth mentioning (/bothering about/talking about); of what use is it to mention it
❍ 宋江笑道: “院长尊兄何必见外,量这些银两,~,由他去赌输了罢:……”(《水浒全传》467) Song Jiang laughed and said,“Honoured Brother,do not look upon me as a stranger. Of what use is it to mention so small a bit of silver?Let him go and lose it at gaming…”/黄文炳道:“村野微物,~。”(《水浒全传》495)Huang Wenbing said,“These poor fruits of a wilderness need not even be mentioned.”/老道双手将颈上的数珠微微一擎,“善哉!善哉!皮毛小事,~。”(曲波《林海雪原》152) Delicately fingering the rosary beads around his neck,the old priest replied,“A small matter. Not worth mentioning. Virtue be praised. Virtue be praised.”





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