释义 |
spelln. charm,magic 魔力,魔法。 △H.VIII.1.3.1:“Is’t (= Is it) possible the spells of France should juggle / Men into such strange mysteries?”法国的魔力竟然可能把人们引诱得迷恋如此离奇古怪的风尚吗? △H.VIII.3.2.19:“O,fear him not,/ His spell in that is out.”啊,不必怕他,他在这方面的魔法已经不灵了。
spellvb. spell backward: miscontrue,say the reverse of some-body,turn his merits into faults; misrepresent,distort曲解,把(人)说得恰好相反(把好处说成坏处);颠倒黑白,歪曲。 △Ado.3.1.61: “But she would spell him back-ward.”她都要把他颠三倒四说得一文不值。 spell[spel]n.魅力,咒语,魔法,吸引力 v.拼写,拼音,迷住 ◇by spell断断续续地说 spell out详细说明 spell over思考,读懂 under spell使着迷 ‖ spells of good or bad fortune际遇 spelling bee拼读比赛 spelling book单词拼写课本 spelling error拼写错误 spelling mistake拼写错误 spellable adj.可以拼写的 speller n.拼字课本 spelling n.拼音,拼写 |