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单词 体无完肤

体无完肤tǐ wú wán fū

❶be black and blue (/bruised) all over; be covered with cuts and bruises;have cuts and bruises all over the body; be a mass of bruises;be beaten to (/into) a pulp; knock into a cocked hat;
❷be completely (/thoroughly) refuted(/exposed); be scathingly criticized; be torn to pieces; subject sb. to thorough repudiation
❍ 这些话,绅士们自然难免要掩住耳朵的,因为就是所谓“跳到半天空,骂得~,——还不肯罢休。” (鲁迅《朝花夕拾· “二十四孝图”》21)Of course,gentlemen are liable to stop their ears on hearing this,for these are the words of one who “leaps into midair and tears others limb from limb—never ceasing his railing.”/当时,让酷刑折磨得真是~,寸步难行。(冯志《敌后武工队》418) They had wounds all over and had great difficulty in walking.

体无完肤ti wu wan fu

❶be a mass of bruises
❷be thoroughly revised


❶have cuts and bruises all over the body
❷be thoroughtly refuted(or exposed);be scathingly criticized;be torn to shreds
被打得~be beaten black and blue

体无完肤tǐ wú wán fū

身体没有一块完好的皮肤。形容遍身伤痕。也比喻论点被抨击、批驳得不象样子。be a mass of bruises, be black and blue all over, be scathingly criticized





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