体操tǐ cāoGymnastics摆动吊环 [bǎi dònɡ diào huán] swinging rings 摆动手倒立 [bǎi dònɡ shǒu dào lì] handstand with swing 背腾越 [bèi ténɡ yuè] rear/back vault 表演台 [biǎo yǎn tái] stage; platform 侧弓箭步 [cè ɡōnɡ jiàn bù] lateral/sideways lunge 侧式挺身 [cè shì tǐnɡ shēn] side support position 侧手翻 [cè shǒu fān] cartwheel; lateral wheel 侧腾越 [cè ténɡ yuè] side vault 晨操 [chén cāo] morning exercise 大双杠 [dà shuānɡ ɡànɡ] uneven bars 单杠 [dān ɡànɡ] horizontal bar 弹簧板 [tán huánɡ bǎn] springboard 倒十字支撑 [dào shí zì zhī chēnɡ] cross handstand 倒悬垂 [dào xuán chuí] inverted hang 低杠 [dī ɡànɡ] lower bar 垫上运动 [diàn shànɡ yùn dònɡ] mat exercises 吊杠 [diào ɡànɡ] trapeze 吊环 [diào huán] (hand) rings 蹲坐 [dūn zuò] squatting; crouching 翻上向前 [fān shànɡ xiànɡ qián] upward circle forward 伏地挺身 [fú dì tǐnɡ shēn] front support position; front support with arms bent 俯腾越 [fǔ ténɡ yuè] front/face vault 腹部运动 [fù bù yùn dònɡ] abdominal exercise 杠下动作 [ɡànɡ xià dònɡ zuò] movement below the bars 高低杠 [ɡāo dī ɡànɡ] uneven parallel bars; high-low bars 高杠 [ɡāo ɡànɡ] top bar 弓箭步 [ɡōnɡ jiàn bù] forward lunge 规定动作 [ɡuī dìnɡ dònɡ zuò] official exercise 后空翻离杠 [hòu kōnɡ fān lí ɡànɡ] backward somersault from the bar 后手翻 [hòu shǒu fān] flip-flop; flip-flap 基本姿势 [jī běn zī shì] basic position 技巧运动 [jì qiǎo yùn dònɡ] acrobatic gymnastics 肩背倒立 [jiān bèi dào lì] shoulder stand 静止吊环 [jìnɡ zhǐ diào huán] stationary rings 开脚姿势 [kāi jiǎo zī shì] stride position 两手抱头足跟提起 [liǎnɡ shǒu bào tóu zú ɡēn tí qǐ] grasp the neck with the heel raised 两手叉腰两膝蹲下 [liǎnɡ shǒu chá yāo liǎnɡ xī dūn xià] deep knee bend with hands on hips 两手叉腰上体左右弯 [liǎnɡ shǒu chá yāo shànɡ tǐ zuǒ yòu wān] bend the trunk sideways with the hands on the hips 慢起手倒立 [màn qǐ shǒu dào lì] handstand with press 木马 [mù mǎ] horse; buck 劈叉 [pǐ chà] split 平衡木 [pínɡ hénɡ mù] balance beam 平衡运动 [pínɡ hénɡ yùn dònɡ] balance exercise 骑撑 [qí chēnɡ] straddle support 屈臂撑行进 [qū bèi chēnɡ xínɡ jìn] bent arms support walk 柔软体操 [róu ruǎn tǐ cāo] callisthenics 上体后倒 [shànɡ tǐ hòu dǎo] bend the trunk backwards 上体前弯 [shànɡ tǐ qián wān] bend the trunk forwards 双臂屈伸 [shuānɡ bèi qū shēn] dip 双杠 [shuānɡ ɡànɡ] parallel bars 双人体操 [shuānɡ rén tǐ cāo] couples/companion exercises 水平平衡 [shuǐ pínɡ pínɡ hénɡ] horizontal balance 松弛运动 [sōnɡ chí yùn dònɡ] relaxing movement 藤圈操 [ténɡ quān cāo] hoop exercises; exercises with rattan hoops 体操 [tǐ cāo] gymnastics 体操器械 [tǐ cāo qì xiè] exerciser 徒手操 [tú shǒu cāo] freehand drill 团体操 [tuán tǐ cāo] mass drill 脱手 [tuō shǒu] releasing the grip 往复运动 [wǎnɡ fù yùn dònɡ] alternative motion 无氧运动 [wú yǎnɡ yùn dònɡ] anaerobic exercise 膝盖平提 [xī ɡài pínɡ tí] knee raising 向前大回环 [xiànɡ qián dà huí huán] giant circle forward 哑铃操 [yǎ línɡ cāo] dumb-bell exercises 仰卧起坐 [yǎnɡ wò qǐ zuò] sit-up 引体向上 [yǐn tǐ xiànɡ shànɡ] pull up 有氧健身运动 [yǒu yǎnɡ jiàn shēn yùn dònɡ] aerobic exercise 有氧运动 [yǒu yǎnɡ yùn dònɡ] aerobics 右腿向前举 [yòu tuǐ xiànɡ qián jǔ] right leg forwards 再握杠 [zài wò ɡànɡ] regrasping the bar 转体 [zhuǎn tǐ] turn; twist; pirouette 自由体操 [zì yóu tǐ cāo] free/floor exercises 纵劈叉 [zònɡ pǐ chà] side split 左腿向后举 [zuǒ tuǐ xiànɡ hòu jǔ] left leg backwards 体操gymnastics 健美~calisthenics/艺术~artistic gymnasitcs/自由~floor (or free)exercise/~健将master of gymnastics/~运动员gymnast |