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单词 低声下气

低声下气dī shēng xià qì

assiduously; cringe;fawn; go down on one’s hands and knees; grovelling;humble oneself; humbly and quietly; meek and subservient; obsequious; servile; sing small; soft-spoken and submissive; speak humbly and under one’s breath
❍ 这里只苦了袭人,在宝玉跟前~的伏侍劝慰,宝玉竟是不懂。(《红楼梦》1239) This left Xiren to bear the brunt. She waited assiduously on Baoyu and tried to advise and console him,but still his wits wandered.
❍ 他说话尖刻而聪明,有时又 “热情”而 “爽快”,对他的主子并不~,时常倒是故意离着贾克逊远远的。(曹禺《明朗的天》12) He has a sharp and glib tongue,sometimes he also pretends to be warm hearted and agreeable. However,he does not cringe before his master Jackson,but often purposely keeps the latter at a considerable distance.
❍ 我从来不肯对人这样~说话,现在我求你可怜可怜我,……(《曹禺选集·雷雨》114)I’ve never gone down on my hands and knees like this to anyone else,and now I’m begging you to have pity on me./“你听我说呀,”秋丝瓜~地要求。(周立波《山乡巨变》211) “Listen to me,please,” asked Autumn Loofah-Gourd,humbly and quietly.
❍ 花白胡子一面说,一面走到康大叔面前,~问道,……(《鲁迅选集》上—19) As he spoke,the greybeard walked up to the man in brown,and lowered his voice to ask: …/宝玉背地里拉着他,~,要问黛玉的话,紫娟从没好话回答。(《红楼梦》 1301) When he quietly took her hand and softly questioned her about Daiyu,she gave him offhand answers.
❍ 连尖下巴少爷也~地像一个瘪臭虫,还打“顺风锣”。(鲁迅《彷徨·离婚》158)…even this young sharp-chin,with his soft talk and air of a flattened bug,was simply saying what was expected of him.

低声下气dī shēnɡ xià qì

形容说话小心恭顺、屈节的样子。soft-spoken and submissive, cringe, be obsequious, eat dirt,eat crow, assiduously, eat one’s leek, eat humble pie humbly and quittly, humble oneself





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