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单词 peg
释义 peg2 /peg; peg/ vt, vi (-gg-) 1 [VP6A, 15B] peg sth (down), fasten with pegs: 以栓、钉、桩等钉牢或系紧: peg a tent down. 把帐篷用木桩系牢在地上。 peg sb down, (fig) make him keep to a certain line of action, restrict him to the rules, etc. (喻) 约束某人; 管住某人。 2 [VP15B] peg sth out. mark by means of pegs fixed in the ground; show (a score, esp at cribbage) by means of pegs. 以木桁钉隹地上标出; 以木析尽分; (尤指一糊纸牌戏中)以木钉在有孔的木板上记(分 )o level pegging, (often fig) making progress at the same rate. (常作比喻用法)以相同比率进展; 以同样速度进步。 3 [VP6A, 15B] (comm) keep (prices, etc) steady by buying and selling (stocks) freely at fixed prices; keep (wages) steady: (商)以固定价格随时买旺股票以稳定(价格等): 使('“. 资)稳定: wage-pegging efforts that failed. 业已失败的戡定 I: 资的努力。 4 [VP2C] peg away at, keep on working at. 继续做。 peg out. (colloq) (⑶死亡。 ,




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