释义 |
以理服人yǐ lǐ fú rénconvince people by rea soning (/sound argument); persuade through reasoning; reason sb into compliance ❍ 对于错误的意见,不是压服,而是说服,~。(《毛泽东选集》Ⅴ—415)…not coercing people with wrong views into sub mission but convincing them by reasoning. ❍ 万隆会议虽然只开了短短七天,周总理的伟大气魄和远见卓识,以及那谦虚热忱、平等相待、~的态度和作风,却已给与会各国代表留下了不可磨灭的印象,博得了普遍的钦佩和敬仰,为新中国赢得了许多朋友。(《敬爱的周总理我们永远怀念您》 Ⅱ—235) In the short period of seven days at the conference Premiser Zhou’s far-sightedness and largeness of mind,his modesty,warmth,equal treatment to all and reasonableness left indelibleimpressions on all the participants,winning their respect and admiration and making many friends for the new China. ❍ 共产党是~的。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生> 520) … the Communist Party used reason to win people over. 以理服人persuading through reasoning 以理服人convince people by reasoning(or by sound arguments); convince people by using reason;persuade through reasoning 以理服人yǐ lǐ fú rén用道理来说服别人。convince people by reasoning, persuade through reasoning, reason sb. into compliance |