人心popular feeling;public feeling;will of the people; popularity; support of the people 得~者得天下,失~者失天下。Those who command popular support will gain state power;those who forfeit popular confidence will lost it./~涣散。People are demoralized./得~ have the support of the people; enjoy popular support;be popular/不得~go against the will of the people; be unpopular; be discredited/大快~most gratifying to the people; to the great satisfaction of the people/深入~strike root in the hearts of the people/收买~curry favor with the public/影响~have impact on popular feeling/振奋~boost popular morale/~安定the public is quiet (or calm)/~不满cause (or rouse) popular discontent/~难测difficult to fathom one’s innermost thoughts/~丧尽lose (or forfeit)all popular sympathy |