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单词 亡羊补牢

亡羊补牢wáng yáng bǔ láo

mend (/repair) the fold (/corral) when the sheep is lost; lock (/shut)the stable door after the horse has been stolen—take precaution before it is too late
❍ 他们如果还为前途着想,他们就应该自己出来医治这个伤痕。“~,犹未为晚。”(《毛泽东选集》736) If they still care for their own future,they should come forward of their own accord and dress the wound. “It is not too late to mend the fold even after some of the sheep have been lost. ”


mend the fold after a sheep is lost—resort to a remedy
~,未为晚也。It is not too late to mend the fold even after some sheep have been lost.or:Better late than never.

亡羊补牢wánɡ yánɡ bǔ láo

亡:丢失;牢:指牲口圈。羊丢了再去修羊圈,还不算晚。比喻出了问题后想办法补救,可以防止再遭损失。mend the fold after the sheep is lost, take precaution before it is too late





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