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单词 五体投地

五体投地wǔ tǐ tóu dì

❶fall down on all fours;kneel at the feet of; make a full kowtow
❷be a disciple at a master’s feet; prostrate oneself before all admiration; be knocked out (/over whelmed) with admiration; throw oneself at sb’s feet in veneration
❍ 你今天的手段,……就是叫诡计多端的特别顾问先生知道了,他也一定佩服得~。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》 119) If that crafty Special Adviser learns about the methods you employed today,even he will be knocked out with admiration!/已经九天没有吃饭?!这真是清高得很哪!我只好~。(鲁迅《华盖集》24) So you haven’t eaten for nine days?! How sublime! I am overwhelmed with admiration./“……善哉!”说着~磕了一个头,又念下去。(曲波《林海雪原》146) “…Virtue be praised.” So saying,the old man made a full kowtow,then resumed his chant./“有的是?”老董侧着矮胖的身子,脸上臃肿的肉跟着他那~的羡慕的神气而向下垂着。(草明《原动力》84)“Plenty?”Short,fat Dong leaned forward with an obsequious and envious expression,the loose flesh of his face sagging.
❍ 金懋廉听他说完,~,佩服不已,大声欢呼:“妙,妙,真是好啊!”(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—556) When Jin Maolian had heard him through to the end he exclaimed in loud and unreservedly admiring and respectful approba tion.


prostrate oneself on the ground (in admiration or as an act of worship)

五体投地wǔ tǐ tóu dì

五体:指人的四肢和头。佛教行大礼时,双膝和头都要着地。比喻敬佩到极点。prostrate oneself before sb. in admiration, fall down on all fours, kneel at the feet of





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