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(相互;彼此) each other;mutual: ~ 爱 love one another;~ 不干涉内政 noninterference in each other's internal affairs;~ 派常驻使节 exchange resident envoys;mutually accredit resident envoys;~ 通情报 exchange information;keep each other informed;~ 为条件 mutually conditional;interdependent;~ 相学习 learn from each other
◆互帮互学 help and learn from each other;
互保协会 the mutual Club;
互变 interconversion;
互补 {电子} complementary;complementation;relatively complemented;
互补色 complementary colours;
互不侵犯 mutual nonaggression;refrain from invading each other;
互不通气 not exchange information;
互不相交 {数} mutually disjoint;mutually exclusive;
互抵贸易 mutual- compensating trade;
互动分析 interaction analysis;
互动系统模式 interact system model;
互动作用体系 interact system model;
互反 reciprocal;
互访 exchange visits;
互感 {电} common reactance;inductance mutual;mutual inductance;
互贺佳节 exchange the compliments of the season;
互...互... mutual;each other;
互换 interchange;counterchange;mutual exchange;double replacement;exchange;interconversion;reciprocate;transposition;permutation;
互换性 interchangeability;interconvertibility;
互惠 mutually beneficial;reciprocal;
互惠共生 mutualistic symbiosis;reciprocal symbiosis;mutualism;
互惠关税 reciprocal tariff;
互惠合作 mutual benefit and collaboration;
互惠贸易 reciprocal trade;
互惠许可合同 cross licence;
互忌 jealous of each other;
互教互学 teach and learn from each other;
互敬互惠 mutual respect and mutual benefit;
互敬互爱 mutually respect and love;mutual love and deep respect;
互赖 interdependence;
互利 mutually beneficial;of mutual benefit;
互利合作 mutual beneficial co-operation;
互利互惠 offer mutual benefit and achieve common progress;mutal benefit and reciprocity;
互联 interconnection;interconnect;
互连 interconnection;nexus;
互谅互让 mutual understanding and mutual accommodation;
互满数 {数} amicable number;
互免签证 mutual exemption of visa;
互摩擦 mutual friction;
互让 make mutual accommodation;
互谈心曲 chat feelings with each other;
互调 intermodu ̄ lation;
互通 interflow;
互通款曲 express feelings of mutual affection friendship];互通声气 keep in contact with each other;
互通姓名 introduce to each other;
互通有无 mutual help to make up what the other lacks;carry on the exchange of needed goods;each making up what the other lacks;each supplies what the other needs;exchange what one has for what one has not [does not have];help supply each other's needs;meet each other's wants;supply each other's needs;
互吐衷怀 open out to each other;
互为因果 reciprocal causation;interact as both cause and effect;
互相 mutual;each other;
互相爱慕 mutual love and admiration;
互相标榜 eulogize each other;mutual admiration and eulogy;
互相拆台 undermine each other's work;
互相扯皮 argue back and forth over trifles;buck-passing;endless disputes over trifles;will not serve as a precedent;engage in endless haggling and shifts of responsibility;
互相掣肘 hold each other back;
互相仇视 regard each other as an enemy;
互相抵触 contradict each other;
互相对照 check one against another;
互相干性 mutual coherence;
互相攻击 run foul of each other;
互相勾结 play into each other's hands;work hand and glove with each other;act in collusion;
互相贯通 interpenetrate;
互相呼应 take concerted action;
互相辉映 add to each other's splendo(u)r;
互相激励 interanimation;
互相监督 mutual supervision;
互相交换 intercourse;
互相结合 interosculation;
互相敬爱 mutually respect and love;
互相拉歌 egg each other on to sing;
互相利用 each using the other for his own ends;
互相排斥 mutual exclusion;mutual repulsion;be mutually exclusive;
互相配合 interwork;intermesh;work in coordinaton;
互相捧场 logrolling;
互相迁就 mutually making a compromise;
互相牵连 involve each other;be inter-related;
互相切磋 improve each other by active discussion;
互相倾心 become greatly attached to each other;
互相倾轧 try to fight each other for power;
互相确保生存战略 mutual assurance to survive strategy;
互相让步 split the difference;give and take;
互相渗透 interpenetrate;
互相适应 co-adaptation;
互相调制 intermodulation;
互相推诿 mutually making excuses;
互相信赖 mutual trust;
互相揖让 bow to each other complaisantly;
互相依存 depend on each other for existence;
互相印证 corroborate each other;
互相制约 mutual condition;
互相转化 mutual transformation;
互有利弊 cut both ways;
互争雄长 fight for leadership or hegemony;
互助 help each other;mutual aid;cooperation;synergism;logrolling;
互助互让 help each other and make mutual concessions;
互阻 mutual resistance;
互作用 mutual effect;interaction

mutual;each other;one another;reciprocal
恢复~派大使resume the exchange of ambassadors/~不得罪avoid offending one another /~不干涉内政noninterference in each other’s internal affairs/~不侵犯mutual nonaggression/~不侵犯条约nonaggression treaty (or pact); mutual nonaggression treaty;treaty of (mutual)nonaggression/~不通气not exchange information





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