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单词 乘虚而入

乘虚而入乘隙而入chéng xū ér rù

enter through taking advantage of the unpreparedness; get a chance to step in; seize the opportunity to step in;take advantage of sb’s weakened position; break through at the weak point; hit when one’s opponent is off guard; exploit one’s opponent’s weakness
❍ 周人便趁着机会强大了起来,终竟~,把殷朝灭了。(郭沫若《屈原》 14)…this gave the Zhou people an opportunity tostreng then themselves until they were able to take the Shangs by surprise and conquer them.

乘虚而入chénɡ xū ér rù

趁着某些薄弱的地方进攻。get a chance to step in, exploit one’s opponents weakness, break through at the weak point





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