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单词 婚姻

婚姻hūn yīnMarriage

拜公婆 [bài ɡōnɡ pó] bow to the groom’s parents
拜天地 [bài tiān dì] worship Heaven & Earth
拜祖先 [bài zǔ xiān] worship one’s ancestors
伴娘礼服 [bàn niánɡ lǐ fú] bridesmaid’s gown
包办婚姻 [bāo bàn hūn yīn] arranged marriage
抱新娘进新居 [bào xīn niánɡ jìn xīn jū] carry the bride over the threshold
爆竹 [bào zhú] firecracker
逼婚 [bī hūn] forced marriage
彼此同意 [bǐ cǐ tónɡ yì] mutual assent
不尽赡养义务 [bú jìn shàn yǎnɡ yì wù] nonsupport
不孕 [bú yùn] sterility
不贞 [bù zhēn] infidelity
不忠 [bù zhōnɡ] infidelity
猜忌 [cāi jì] jealousy
财政压力 [cái zhènɡ yā lì] financial tension
长期饭票 [chánɡ qī fàn piào] (inf.) lifetime meal ticket
吃喜酒 [chī xǐ jiǔ] celebrate at the wedding feast
出嫁 [chū jià] marry; get married
床头人 [chuánɡ tóu rén] one’s wife/husband
答应离婚 [dā yìnɡ lí hūn] grant a divorce
代理结婚 [dài lǐ jié hūn] marriage by proxy
订婚 [dìnɡ hūn] engagement; get engaged
订婚戒指 [dìnɡ hūn jiè zhǐ] engagement ring
订亲 [dìnɡ qīn] contract a marriage
丢花 [diū huā] throw the bouquet
丢扇子 [diū shàn zi] throw a fan on the floor
洞房 [dònɡ fánɡ] bridal chamber
独守空闺 [dú shǒu kōnɡ ɡuī] empty-nest
多夫制 [duō fū zhì] plurality of husbands
多妻婚姻 [duō qī hūn yīn] plural marriage
多妻制 [duō qī zhì] plurality of wives
分居 [fēn jū] separation
分居津贴 [fēn jū jīn tiē] separation allowance
分居男子 [fēn jū nán zǐ] separated from one’s wife
分居女子 [fēn jū nǚ zǐ] separated from one’s husband
封建式婚姻 [fēnɡ jiàn shì hūn yīn] feudalistic marriage
夫妇关系 [fū fù ɡuān xì] matrimonial relationship
夫妻财产契约 [fū qī cái chǎn qì yuē] marriage settlement contract
夫妻个性不合 [fū qī ɡè xìnɡ bù hé] incompatibility of spouses
公公 [ɡōnɡ ɡōnɡ] father-in-law
公证结婚 [ɡōnɡ zhènɡ jié hūn] civil marriage
共有财产 [ɡònɡ yǒu cái chǎn] community property
归宁 [ɡuī nínɡ] visit bride’s parents
国际通婚 [ɡuó jì tōnɡ hūn] international marriage
喝甜茶 [hē tián chá] tea party given by bride on the day of wedding
喝喜茶 [hē xǐ chá] tea party given by bride on the day of wedding
合法离异 [hé fǎ lí yì] legal dissolution
合适婚姻 [hé shì hūn yīn] suitable union
贺客名簿 [hè kè mínɡ bù] guest book
贺客签名绸 [hè kè qiān mínɡ chóu] silk on which guests sign their names
红轿 [hónɡ jiào] (red) chair
红娘 [hónɡ niánɡ] go-between; match-maker
花轿 [huā jiào] (red) sedan
花园婚礼 [huā yuán hūn lǐ] garden wedding
花烛 [huā zhú] painted candles used at the wedding
花烛夜 [huā zhú yè] wedding night
黄道吉日 [huánɡ dào jí rì] lucky/auspicious day
回门 [huí mén] visit bride’s parents
婚礼 [hūn lǐ] wedding rituals/rites; nuptials
婚礼赞美歌 [hūn lǐ zàn měi ɡē] wedding recessional
婚礼祝祷 [hūn lǐ zhù dǎo] wedding benediction
婚誓 [hūn shì] troth plighting; wedding/marriage vows
婚姻触礁 [hūn yīn chù jiāo] marital problems; (inf.) marriage on the rocks
婚姻顾问 [hūn yīn ɡù wèn] marriage counselor
婚姻关系 [hūn yīn ɡuān xì] conjugal relation
婚姻介绍所 [hūn yīn jiè shào suǒ] dating/matrimonial agency
婚姻权利与义务 [hūn yīn quán lì yǔ yì wù] matrimonial rights and duties
婚姻生活 [hūn yīn shēnɡ huó] wedlock; matrimony; conjugal life
婚姻失败 [hūn yīn shī bài] marriage bust-up/failure
婚姻市场 [hūn yīn shì chǎnɡ] marriage market
婚姻永久性 [hūn yīn yǒnɡ jiǔ xìnɡ] marriage indissolubility
婚姻自由化 [hūn yīn zì yóu huà] marriage liberalization
婚钟 [hūn zhōnɡ] wedding bells
集体结婚 [jí tǐ jié hūn] group/communal marriage
家长同意 [jiā zhǎnɡ tónɡ yì] parental consent
家丑不可外扬 [jiā chǒu bù kě wài yánɡ] family skeleton; skeleton in the closet
家累 [jiā lěi] be burdened with a family
家庭冲突 [jiā tínɡ chōnɡ tū] family discord/conflict
家族 [jiā zú] kinfolk; kinsfolk
假婚 [jiǎ hūn] mock marriage
嫁入朱门 [jià rù zhū mén] marry (into) money
嫁妆 [jià zhuānɡ] dowry; marriage portion; trousseau
嫁妆箱 [jià zhuānɡ xiānɡ] hope chest
将新娘交给新郎 [jiānɡ xīn niánɡ jiāo ɡěi xīn lánɡ] give the bride away
交拜 [jiāo bài] exchange bows
交换戒指 [jiāo huàn jiè zhǐ] exchange rings
教堂结婚 [jiào tánɡ jié hūn] church wedding
结婚茶会 [jié hūn chá huì] wedding reception
结婚蛋糕 [jié hūn dàn ɡāo] wedding cake
结婚登记 [jié hūn dēnɡ jì] marriage registration
结婚公告 [jié hūn ɡōnɡ ɡào] marriage proclamation
结婚花束 [jié hūn huā shù] bridal bouquet
结婚纪念日 [jié hūn jì niàn rì] wedding day
结婚戒指 [jié hūn jiè zhi] wedding ring
结婚进行曲 [jié hūn jìn xínɡ qǔ] wedding march
结婚礼服 [jié hūn lǐ fú] bridal ensemble
结婚礼金 [jié hūn lǐ jīn] gift of money to the couple
结婚礼物 [jié hūn lǐ wù] wedding gifts
结婚披纱 [jié hūn pī shā] bridal veil
结婚启事 [jié hūn qǐ shì] wedding announcement
结婚契约 [jié hūn qì yuē] marriage contract
结婚预告 [jié hūn yù ɡào] banns (of marriage)
结婚证书 [jié hūn zhènɡ shū] marriage license/certificate
解除婚约 [jiě chú hūn yuē] cancel/break an engagement
姐妹桌 [jiě mèi zhuō] party given by bride’s family for her on the day of wedding
戒指递送人 [jiè zhǐ dì sònɡ rén] ring bearer
近亲结婚 [jìn qīn jiē hūn ] consanguinity marriage (related by blood through common ancestor)
精神折磨 [jīnɡ shén zhé mó] mental cruelty
举杯向新郎新娘致意 [jǔ bēi xiànɡ xīn lánɡ xīn niánɡ zhì yì] toast the bride and groom
惧内 [jù nèi] henpecked husband
眷属 [juàn shǔ] dependent
军中结婚 [jūn zhōnɡ jié hūn] military wedding
开放性婚姻 [kāi fànɡ xìnɡ hūn yīn] open marriage
拉衣裙者 [lā yī qún zhě] trainbearer
老夫妻 [lǎo fū qī] old couple
老少配 [lǎo shào pèi] May-December marriage
离婚 [lí hūn] divorce
离婚动机 [lí hūn dònɡ jī] grounds for divorce
离婚法庭 [lí hūn fǎ tínɡ] divorce court
离婚率 [lí hūn lǜ] divorce rate
离婚敲诈生意 [lí hūn qiāo zhà shēnɡ yì] divorce racket/trade
离婚诉讼 [lí hūn sù sònɡ] divorce suit
离婚原因 [lí hūn yuán yīn] grounds for divorce
离婚者 [lí hūn zhě] divorcee
离婚争议 [lí hūn zhēnɡ yì] contest divorce action
离婚证书 [lí hūn zhènɡ shū] divorce certificate
礼簿 [lǐ bù] gift book
礼车 [lǐ chē] wedding car
礼带 [lǐ dài] wedding streamers
六礼 [liù lǐ] six ceremonies of betrothal & marriage
乱婚 [luàn hūn] promiscuous marriage
买卖婚姻 [mǎi mài hūn yīn] purchase marriage; marriage by purchase;
卖老婆 [mài lǎo pó] barter away one’s wife
媒人 [méi rén] go-between; match-maker
秘密结婚 [mì mì jié hūn] clandestine/secret marriage
蜜月 [mì yuè] honeymoon
牧师 [mù shī] pastor; parson; priest (the second highest in the Protestant clergy)
纳采 [nà cǎi] present betrothal gifts
男方 [nán fānɡ] groom’s family
男方家长 [nán fānɡ jiā zhǎnɡ] parents of the groom
男傧相 [nán bīn xiànɡ] groomsman; bridesman; best man
闹洞房 [nào dònɡ fánɡ] tease the bride (on wedding night)
年轻夫妻 [nián qīnɡ fū qī] young couple
女方 [nǚ fānɡ] bride’s family
女方家长 [nǚ fānɡ jiā zhǎnɡ] parents of the bride
女花童 [nǚ huā tónɡ] flower girl
女性适婚年龄 [nǚ xìnɡ shì hūn nián línɡ] nubility
女婿 [nǚ xù] son-in-law
女傧相 [nǚ bīn xiànɡ] bridesmaid
陪嫁(丫头) [péi jià (yā tou)] female servant accompanying bride to husband’s home
配偶行为不轨 [pèi ǒu xínɡ wéi bù ɡuǐ] misconduct of spouse
配偶选择 [pèi ǒu xuǎn zé] mate selection; spouse choice
聘金 [pìn jīn] courtesy money; bride price (paid to bride’s parents)
婆婆 [pó po] mother-in-law
破镜重圆 [pò jìnɡ chónɡ yuán] reunion
破碎婚姻 [pò suì hūn yīn] broken marriage
破碎家庭 [pò suì jiā tínɡ] broken home
牵纱者 [qiān shā zhě] trainbearer
前夫 [qián fū] ex-husband
前妻 [qián qī] ex-wife
抢亲 [qiǎnɡ qīn] marriage by capture; [Teutonic] robber marriage
亲迎 [qīn yínɡ] personally receive (the bride)
请求离婚 [qǐnɡ qiú lí hūn] petition/sue for divorce
娶亲 [qǔ qīn] take a wife; marry
肉体折磨 [ròu tǐ zhé mó] physical cruelty
入洞房 [rù dònɡ fánɡ] enter the bridal chamber
撒米 [sǎ mǐ] throw rice (to wish fertility upon the couple)
杀夫者 [shā fū zhě] mariticide
杀妻者 [shā qī zhě] uxoricide
纱童 [shā tónɡ] train bearer
赡养费 [shàn yǎnɡ fèi] alimony
上座 [shànɡ zuò] dais; seats of honor (where bridal party is seated at reception)
少年婚姻 [shào nián hūn yīn] teenage marriage; [India] child marriage
神父 [shén fù] father; priest (the highest in the Catholic clergy)
生辰八字 [shēnɡ chén bā zì] record of one’s horoscope
世俗婚姻 [shì sú hūn yīn] secularization of marriage
适婚年龄 [shì hūn nián línɡ] marriageable age; age of consent
试婚 [shì hūn] trial marriage
试行性分居 [shì xínɡ xìnɡ fēn jū] trial separation
首席女宾相 [shǒu xí nǚ bīn xiànɡ] maid of honor
双方家长 [shuānɡ fānɡ jiā zhǎnɡ] parental family; parents of the wedding couple
双方同意 [shuānɡ fānɡ tónɡ yì] mutual assent
私奔 [sī bēn] elope
私奔结婚 [sī bēn jié hūn] runaway marriage
私犯 [sī fàn] commit tort against
私生子 [sī shēnɡ zǐ] illegitimate child; bastard; love-child
私通 [sī tōnɡ] adultery
送亲 [sònɡ qīn] accompany the bride
提亲 [tí qīn] marriage proposal
填房 [tián fánɡ] marry again (said of a widower)
通奸 [tōnɡ jiān] adultery
同居 [tónɡ jū] common-law marriage; companionate marriage; cohabitation
同心结 [tónɡ xīn jié] love knot
同族结婚 [tónɡ zú jié hūn] endogamy
退婚 [tuì hūn] cancel/break an engagement
外遇 [wài yù] extra-marital affair
完婚 [wán hūn] consummation; consummate a marriage
晚婚 [wǎn hūn] late marriage; marry late in life
违反婚誓 [wéi fǎn hūn shì] violate marriage vow
为钱结婚 [wèi qián jié hūn] marry for money
未婚夫 [wèi hūn fū] fiance; husband-to-be
未婚夫妻 [wèi hūn fū qī] engaged couple; betrothed pair
未婚妻 [wèi hūn qī] fiancee; wife-to-be
吻新娘 [wěn xīn niánɡ] kiss the bride (on reception line)
问名 [wèn mínɡ] place names of couple in front of ancestral altar
无爱婚姻 [wú ài hūn yīn] loveless marriage
无理由离婚 [wú lǐ yóu lí hūn] no-fault divorce; (inf.) do-it-yourself divorce
无争辩离婚 [wú zhēnɡ biàn lí hūn] uncontested divorce
无子女的 [wú zǐ nǚ de] childless
五彩碎纸 [wǔ cǎi suì zhǐ] confetti
习惯法婚姻 [xí ɡuàn fǎ hūn yīn] [Western] companionate/common-law marriage
媳妇 [xí fù] daughter-in-law
喜饼 [xǐ bǐnɡ] dragon & phoenix/wedding cakes
喜帖 [xǐ tiě] wedding card
喜幛 [xǐ zhànɡ] wedding scroll
喜筵 [xǐ yán] wedding feast
囍 [xǐ] a Chinese character signifying double happiness
贤内助 [xián nèi zhù] [idiom] better half
相亲 [xiānɡ qīn] marriage interview
协议离婚 [xié yì lí hūn] divorce by consent
谢卡 [xiè kǎ] card of thanks
新房 [xīn fánɡ] bridal chamber
新婚夫妇 [xīn hūn fū fù] newlyweds
新婚志庆 [xīn hūn zhì qìnɡ] hearty congratulations to the new couple
新郎 [xīn lánɡ] (bride) groom
新郎长袍马褂 [xīn lánɡ chánɡ páo mǎ ɡuà] long gown and jacket worn by groom
新郎瓜皮帽 [xīn lánɡ ɡuā pí mào] hat worn by groom
新郎家长 [xīn lánɡ jiā zhǎnɡ] parents of the groom
新郎礼服 [xīn lánɡ lǐ fú] tuxedo; (inf.) tails
新娘 [xīn niánɡ] bride
新娘家长 [xīn niánɡ jiā zhǎnɡ] parents of the bride
新娘礼服 [xīn niánɡ lǐ fú] wedding gown
新娘头纱 [xīn niánɡ tóu shā] red silk veil
新人进礼堂 [xīn rén jìn lǐ tánɡ] walk down the aisle
信物 [xìn wù] pledge
行为粗野 [xínɡ wéi cū yě] use of force
休妻 [xiū qī] divorce one’s wife
续弦 [xù xián] marry again (said of a widower)
厌恶结婚 [yàn wù jié hūn] misogamy
一夫多妻制 [yì fū duō qī zhì] polygamy
一夫一妻制 [yì fū yì qī zhì] monogamy
一妻多夫制 [yì qī duō fū zhì] polyandry; polygamy
遗弃 [yí qì] desertion; (inf.) poor man’s divorce
已婚者 [yǐ hūn zhě] married person
异种结婚 [yì zhǒnɡ jié hūn] miscegenetic marriage
异族通婚 [yì zú tōnɡ hūn] exogamy; intermarriage; interracial marriage
姻亲 [yīn qīn] relatives by marriage; in-laws
姻缘 [yīn yuán] conjugal tie; marriage affinity
引新娘向神坛 [yǐn xīn niánɡ xiànɡ shén tán] lead the bride up the aisle
迎宾员 [yínɡ bīn yuán] [USA] usher; usherette
迎亲 [yínɡ qīn] fetch the bride
有理由离婚 [yǒu lǐ yóu lí hūn] fault divorce (to have grounds for divorce)
有企图婚姻 [yǒu qǐ tú hūn yīn] marriage of convenience
友伴式婚姻 [yǒu bàn shì hūn yīn] [Western] companionate/common-law marriage
诱拐成婚 [yòu ɡuǎi chénɡ hūn] marriage by abduction
元配 [yuán pèi] wedded/lawful wife
圆房 [yuán fánɡ] consummation; consummate a marriage
岳父 [yuè fù] father-in-law
岳母 [yuè mǔ] mother-in-law
月老 [yuè lǎo] go-between; match-maker
杂婚 [zá hūn] [Western] mixed marriage
再婚 [zài hūn] remarriage; remarry
在受礼线上握手 [zài shòu lǐ xiàn shànɡ wò shǒu] shaking hands at wedding reception line
糟糠夫妻 [zāo kānɡ fū qī] couple leading a poor life
择日 [zé rì] determine a favorable/an auspicious day
丈夫至上 [zhànɡ fū zhì shànɡ] manus (Roman Law)
征婚广告 [zhēnɡ hūn ɡuǎnɡ ɡào] marriage/matrimonial advertisement
争监护权 [zhēnɡ jiān hù quán] contested custody
政略婚姻 [zhènɡ lüè hūn yīn] marriage of convenience
证婚人 [zhènɡ hūn rén] marriage witness; witness at wedding
指腹为婚 [zhǐ fù wéi hūn] prenatal betrothal (in old China)
终身伴侣 [zhōnɡ shēn bàn lǚ] life partner/companion
重婚 [chónɡ hūn] bigamy
祝婚彩语 [zhù hūn cǎi yǔ] nuptial poem; epithalamium
祝婚诗歌 [zhù hūn shī ɡē] nuptial poem; epithalamium
妆奁 [zhuānɡ lián] dowry; marriage portion; trousseau
妆奁箱 [zhuānɡ lián xiānɡ] hope chest
准新郎 [zhǔn xīn lánɡ] groom-to-be
准新娘 [zhǔn xīn niánɡ] bride-to-be
自由结婚 [zì yóu jié hūn] love match
自由选择 [zì yóu xuǎn zé] free choice
宗教仪式 [zōnɡ jiào yí shì] religious wedding ceremony


marriage; matrimony
包办~arranged marriage/买卖~mercenary marriage/职业的~介绍marriage brokage /“门当户对”的~marriage of property(亦称基于财产的婚姻)/~破裂break down of marriage/~纠纷marriage (or matrimonial)dispute/~失败nullity of marriage/~制度marriage system/~状况marital status/~自由freedom of marriage/~自主marry of one’s free will/~登记marriage registration/~法marriage law/~关系wedlock/~授产协议(英)marriage settlement





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