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❶ (用交通工具或牲畜代替步行;坐) ride: ~ 公共汽车 ride in a bus;go by bus;~ 火车 [飞机,海轮,船] 旅行 travel by train [plane,ship,boat];~ 马 ride a horse;
代表团 ~ 车前往宾馆。 The delegation drove to the guesthouse.
❷ (利用条件、机会等) take advantage of;avail oneself of: ~ 敌不备 take the enemy unawares;
无隙可 ~ no crack to get in by;no loophole to exploit
❸ {数} (进行乘法运算) multiply: 5 ~ 3等于15。 Five times three is fifteen.;5 multiplied by 3 is 15. Ⅱ ❶ (佛教的教派或教义) a main division of Buddhist schools: 大 ~ Mahayana;Great Vehicle;
小 ~ Hinayana;Little Vehicle
❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 昌 Cheng Chang
另见 see also shènɡ。
◆乘便 when it is convenient;at one's convenience;
乘车 riding;
乘法 {数} multiplication;
乘方 {数} involution;power;
乘风破浪 ride the wind and waves;brave winds and waves;cut through the wind and waves on one's way towards;ride on the crest of the waves;ride on the wind;ride the waves forward;ride the winds and break the waves;ride the wind and cleave [break] the waves;sail through wind and waves;
乘号 times sign;product sign;multiple sign;
乘火打劫 take advantage of a conflagration to loot [plunder] a burning house;take advantage of sb.'s misfortune to do him harm;
乘机 seize the opportunity;
乘积 {数} product;
乘警 a railway policeman;
乘客 passenger;
乘凉 enjoy the cool;relax in a cool place;
乘龙快婿 a handsome [lucky] son-in-law;a proud son-in-law;a son-in-law of high rank;
乘幂 power;
乘人之危 take advantage of others' difficulties [precarious position;trouble];capitalize on sb.'s difficulties [disasters];make use of [utilize] the precarious situation sb. is in;try to use sb.'s dilemma to ...;
乘胜 exploit a victory;follow up a victory;
乘胜前进 march forward triumphantly;continue one's triumphant advance;advance from victory to victory;advance in the midst of victories already won;go forward in triumph;press ahead with flying colours;
乘时乘势 catch the time and seize the right moment;
乘数 {数} multiplier;multiplicator;
乘务(人)员 crew member;attendant on a train;[美] train conductor;
乘兴 while one is in high spirits;
乘兴而来 come on an impulse;
乘虚 take advantage of a weak point in an opponent's defence;act when sb. is off guard;
乘虚而入 take advantage of a weak point;advance when the enemy's defenses are weak;enter,taking advantage of the enemy's unpreparedness;get a chance to step in;infiltrate by taking advantage of the other side's unpreparedness;act when one's opponent is off guard;break through at a weak point;exploit a weak point;
乘子 multiplicator;multiplier


❶ (通称一般史书) historical works: 史 ~ history; annals; 野 ~ unofficial history
❷ {史} (古代称四匹马拉的车, 一辆为一乘) a war chariot drawn by four horses: 千 ~ 之国 a state with a thousand chariots
另见 see also chénɡ。





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