释义 |
为非作歹wéi fēi zuò dǎibreak the law; commit(many/all sorts of)crimes;do all kinds of evils;engage in lawlessness; perpetrate outrages; up to all kinds of evil (/wickedness) ❍ 十五贯本是货款,几时曾~? (朱素臣 《十五贯》22) These fifteen strings of cash are for buying goods. What crime have I committed?/又公开号召群众密告那些欺压百姓,~,勾结土匪国民党的坏分子大地主。(曲波《林海雪原》) 445)It also openly called on the people to expose the bad elements and landlords who rode roughshod over the people,committed all sorts of crimes and were in league’with the Kuomintang bandits. ❍ 栾平,伪满汉奸警尉,充当日本爪牙,~,屠杀百姓。(曲波《林海雪原》)85) Luan Ping,traitor,captain in the puppet police under the Japanese,committed many crimes for his masters,murdered innocent people. ❍ 紫娟笑道: “我说的是好话,不过叫你心里留神,并没叫你去~。……”(《红楼梦》732) “I meant well,”was the smiling answer.”I just wanted you to look out for yourself,not to do anything wrong.…”/这号人们,在乡村里~,鱼肉乡民,看得见,听得到。(梁斌《红旗谱》116) The gentry have done so much harm in the villages,grabbing other people’s property,that everyone has seen or heard of some example. ❍ 及至孛罗大人把阿合马二十几年来为非作恶的情形告诉了皇上,皇上说:“那么王著杀阿合马是对的呀。” (田汉《关汉卿》 77) But when Lord Bor reported to His Majesty about Akham’s twenty-odd year record of gross misdeeds,he said,“Then it was right for Wang Zhu to Kill Akham. ” 为非作歹wei fei zuo daido evil 为非作歹doing wrongful acts 为非作歹do evil;commit misdeeds and crimes;perpetrate outrages 为非作歹wéi fēi zuò dǎi非、歹:坏事。形容做尽了坏事。do evil, be evil and wicked, up to all kinds of evil, commit crimes |