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单词 为人作嫁

为人作嫁为他人做嫁衣裳wèi rén zuò jià

sew sb else’s trousseau—do work for others with no benefit to oneself; be kept busy on other’s account;toil in the service of sb.; work for others
❍ 完啦一完啦一为他人做嫁衣裳,而自谓得意……(杨沫《青春之歌》142) This is the end! I thought I was happy,but I’ve just been making bridal clothes for others to wear.…/甚荒唐,到头来都是为他人做嫁衣裳。(《红楼梦》12)❶And all our labour in the end|Is making clothes for someone else to wear.
❷Each of us with that poor girl may compare,|Who sews a wedding-gown for another bride to wear.
❍ 何必~?(《红楼梦》1234) Why should you put yourself out for others?


make bridal clothes for others to wear—doing work for others with no benefit to oneself;toil for others without reaping any reward in return;play into sb’s hands

为人作嫁wèi rén zuò jià

原指贫女无钱置办嫁衣,却年年替别人缝制嫁衣。现多比喻白白地替他人忙碌。render sb. a service, play into the hands of sb., provide the dowry for sb., act as a cat’s-paw





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