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单词 串通一气

串通一气chuàn tōng yī qì

act in collaboration with; be all in league; collude closely with each other; conspire with sb; gang up with; stand in with;work hand in glove with
❍ 鸳鸯听了,便红了脸,说道:“怪道,你们~来算计我! 等着我和你主子闹去就是了!”(《红楼梦》570) Yuanyang flushed scarlet.“So that’s it!” she exclaimed. “You’re all in league against me.Wait till I go and have this out with your mistress.”/他听说崔骨碌和李兰女~,要谋害他的性命,气得粒粒麻子都涨红了,非立时杀了崔骨碌不行。(袁静《新儿女英雄传》244) When Guo heard how Orchid and Gulu had plotted to murder him,the pockmarks on his face turned crimson. Staring terribly,he grasped his rifle and strode towards the kneeling,quaking Gulu.


work hand in glove with each other;act in close collaboration; club together for harmful purposes
两人~,互相包庇。Acting in close collaboration,the two of them shielded each other.

串通一气chuàn tōnɡ yī qì

暗中勾结,互相配合。take part in the conspiracy with sb., gang up, act in collaboration with, conspire with sb., stand in with, be all in league





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更新时间:2025/3/14 21:00:25