旅游用语lǚ yóu yònɡ yǔTravelling Terms班机 [bān jī] airliner; regular air service 超重 [chāo zhònɡ] overweight 超重行李 [chāo zhònɡ xínɡ lǐ] excess luggage 超重行李费 [chāo zhònɡ xínɡ lǐ fèi] charge for overweight 车费 [chē fèi] fares 出境飞机班次 [chū jìnɡ fēi jī bān cì] outgoing flight 出境旅客 [chū jìnɡ lǚ kè] outgoing passenger 出租车站 [chū zū chē zhàn] taxi station 船费 [chuán fèi] fares 到…的票 [dào…de piào] ticket for... 定座 [dìnɡ zuò] make reservation(s) 兑换率 [duì huàn lǜ] rate of exchange 付小费 [fù xiǎo fèi] tipping 赶火车 [ɡǎn huǒ chē] catch the train 赶汽车 [ɡǎn qì chē] catch the bus 国际班机 [ɡuó jì bān jī] international flight 国内班机 [ɡuó nèi bān jī] domestic flight 过境旅客 [ɡuò jìnɡ lǚ kè] stopover passenger; transient 华航售票处 [huá hánɡ shòu piào chù] China Airline booking office; CAL booking office 接某人 [jiē mǒu rén] meet sb. 结账后离开旅馆 [jié zhànɡ hòu lí kāi lǚ ɡuǎn] check out 开车时间是… [kāi chē shí jiān shì…] the train leaves at... 开船时间是… [kāi chuán shí jiān shì…] the ship leaves at... 旅伴 [lǚ bàn] travelling companion; fellow traveller 旅程 [lǚ chénɡ] route; itinerary 旅费 [lǚ fèi] travelling expense 旅途 [lǚ tú] journey; trip 旅行车 [lǚ xínɡ chē] station wagon 旅行社 [lǚ xínɡ shè] travel service/agency 旅行团 [lǚ xínɡ tuán] touring party 旅行支票 [lǚ xínɡ zhī piào] traveller’s cheque 旅行指南 [lǚ xínɡ zhǐ nán] guidebook 旅游淡季 [lǚ yóu dàn jì] off season 旅游事业 [lǚ yóu shì yè] tourist trade; tourism 旅游旺季 [lǚ yóu wànɡ jì] on season 旅游小册子 [lǚ yóu xiǎo cè zi] tour brochure 免费行李重量限额 [miǎn fèi xínɡ lǐ zhònɡ liànɡ xiàn é] free allowance for luggage 入境飞机班次 [rù jìnɡ fēi jī bān cì] incoming flight 入境旅客 [rù jìnɡ lǚ kè] incoming passenger 手提行李 [shǒu tí xínɡ lǐ] hand luggage 售票处 [shòu piào chù] booking office 送某人 [sònɡ mǒu rén] see sb. off 随身行李 [suí shēn xínɡ lǐ] personal luggage 退票 [tuì piào] refund a ticket; get a refund for a ticket 外汇兑换处 [wài huì duì huàn chù] money exchange 误车 [wù chē] miss the train 误船 [wù chuán] miss the ship 误飞机 [wù fēi jī] miss the plane 行李 [xínɡ lǐ] luggage; baggage 行李过磅处 [xínɡ lǐ ɡuò bànɡ chù] baggage check-in counter 行李卷标 [xínɡ lǐ juǎn biāo] label; tag 行李票 [xínɡ lǐ piào] luggage/baggage check 询问处 [xún wèn chù] inquiry office; information counter 一路多保重 [yí lù duō bǎo zhònɡ] Take care of yourself on the journey. 一路平安 [yí lù pínɡ ān] have a pleasant journey; have a good trip; [France] bon voyage 游览车 [yóu lǎn chē] sightseeing bus; tourist coach 游览图 [yóu lǎn tú] tourist map 预先买票 [yù xiān mǎi piào] book a ticket in advance 预先送交行李 [yù xiān sònɡ jiāo xínɡ lǐ] send the luggage in advance 晕车 [yùn chē] carsickness 晕船 [yùn chuán] seasickness 晕火车 [yùn huǒ chē] trainsickness 晕机 [yùn jī] airsickness 中间站 [zhōnɡ jiān zhàn] intermediate stop 中途停留 [zhōnɡ tú tínɡ liú] stopover 住旅馆 [zhù lǚ ɡuǎn] check in at a hotel |