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单词 中日战略互惠关系


China-Japan strategic rela tionship of mutual benefit
互惠关系的基本精神是: 中日两国共同为亚洲以及世界的和平、稳定与发展作出建设性贡献,是新时代赋予两国的庄严责任。基于这一认识,今后中日两国将全面发展在双边、地区及国际等各层次的互利合作,共同为两国、亚洲以及世界作出贡献,在此过程中相互获得利益并扩大共同利益,藉此推动两国关系发展到新的高度。The basic goal of the strategic relationship of mutual benefit is as follows:To work together to contribute constructively to peace,stability and development in Asia and the world at large is the solemn responsibility placed on China and Japan by the new era. Based on this understanding,China and Japan will conduct all-round and mu tually beneficial cooperation at bilateral,regional and international levels to contribute to both countries,Asia and the whole world,and in this process,achieve mutual benefit and expand common interests,thereby lifting the bilateral relationship to a new height.
战略互惠关系的基本内涵是:1.相互支持和平发展,增进政治互信。保持并加强两国高层往来。努力提高各自政策的透明度。扩大和深化两国政府、议会、政党的交流与对话。2.深化互利合作,实现共同发展。加强在能源、环保、金融、信息通信技术、知识产权保护等领域的合作,充实和完善合作机制。3.加强防务对话与交流,共同致力于维护地区稳定。4.加强人文交流,增进两国人民相互理解和友好感情。广泛开展两国青少年、媒体、友城、民间团体之间的交流。开展丰富多彩的文化交流。5.加强协调与合作,共同应对地区及全球性课题。共同致力于维护东北亚和平与稳定,坚持通过对话和平解决朝鲜半岛核问题,实现朝鲜半岛无核化目标。双方赞成联合国包括安理会进行必要、合理的改革。支持东盟在东亚区域合作中发挥重要作用,共同在开放、透明、包容等三项原则基础上促进东亚区域合作。(以上见2007年4月11日《中日联合新闻公报》)The thrust of the strategic relationship of mutual benefit consists of the following:1) Supporting each other’s peaceful development and increasing political trust.The two countries will maintain and strengthen high--level exchange of visits,strive to improve policy transparency,increase mutual visits and dialogue between the governments,parliaments and political parties. 2) Deepening mutually beneficial cooperation for common development.The two countries will strengthen cooperation in energy,environmental protection,information and communication technology and protection of intellectual property rights and improve bilateral cooperation mechanism.3) Strengthening defence dialogue and exchanges and working together to maintain stability in the region.4) Enhancing cultural and people-to-people exchanges to increase mutual understanding and friendship between the two peoples. The two countries will carry out extensive exchanges between the youths,media,twin cities and nongovernmental organizations of the two countries and diversified cultural exchanges. 5) Enhancing consultation and cooperation in a joint effort to address regional and global issues. The two countries will work together to maintain peace and stability in Northeast Asia. They are committed to finding a peaceful solution to the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula through dialogue to achieve the denuclearization of the peninsula.The two countries support carrying out necessary and reasonable reform of the United Nations and its Security Council.They support the important role of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations in East Asia cooperation.They will advance cooperation in East Asia in accordance with the principles of openness,transparency and inclusiveness. (From China--Japan Joint Press Communique,11 April 2007)中日构建战略互惠关系的原则是:增加互信,信守承诺;顾全大局,求同存异;平等互利,共同发展;面向未来,加强交流;密切磋商,应对挑战。The following principles should be followed in building China-Japan strategic relationship of mutual benefit: enhance mutual trust and honor commitment; uphold larger interests and expand common ground while shelving differences; equality,mutual benefit and common development;be forward looking and strengthen exchanges;maintain dose consultation to meet challenges.





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