❷the national leadership;the central Party a nd government authorities
广场~有一座纪念碑。There is a monument in the center of the square./发挥~和地方两个积极性bring both central and local initiatives into play/党~ the Central Committee of the Party; the Party’s Central Committee/党~代表机关agency of the Party Central Committee/团~ Central Committee of the Youth League/~垂直管理部门departments directly under the Central Government/~顾问委员会the Central Advisory Commission /~本级收入revenues collected by the Central Government/~本级支出expenditures incurred directly by the Central Government/~财经领导小组Central Financial Work Leading Group/~财政central government revenue/~财政赤字deficit in the central government budget/~储备粮垂直管理体系vertical management system for the central grain reserves/~储备银行Central Reserve Bank(旧)/~大型企业central large enterprises/~大型工委Central Work Committee for Large Enterprises/~党校Party School of the Central Committee (of the CPC)/~党政机关the Party and government organs at the central level/~党政军各部门central departments of the Party,government and army/~地方共享税tax revenue shared by the central and local governments/~电视台China Central Television(CCTV)/~各部门departments under the Party’s Central Committee and the State Council/~各部委ministries and commissions under the State Council/~工作会议the Central Working Conference/~国家机关central state organ;China’s state organs/~国库central treasury/~和地方两个积极性national and local initiatives/~和地方两个积极性都得到发挥Both national and local initiatives are brought into full play./~和地方企业并举simultaneous development of national and local enterprises/~基本建设基金central capital construction funds/~集权centralization(of authority)/~集权的国家state with centralized power/~集权的封建君主制centralized feudal monarchy/~集体领导collective central leadership /~经济工作会议Central Economic Working Conference/~领导机关central leading organs/~领导同志Party and state leaders (short for “the leading comrades of the Party and state”);members of the central leadership/~农村工作领导小组Central Rural Work Leading Group/~情报局 (美)Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)/~全会plenary session of the Central Committee /~人民广播电台China National Radio(CNR)/~商务区 central business district (CBD)/~社会保障专用基金special central government fund for social security/~税收体系central taxation system /~预算内经常性建设投资regular construction investment from the central government budget/~直属机关departments under the Party’s Central Committee/~综合治理委员会“严打”整治斗争检查组Strike-hard Campaign Inspection Group of the Central Committee for Comprehensive Management of Public Security