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单词 亡国灭种

亡国灭种wáng guó miè zhǒng

national doom (/subjugation) and racial extinction; the destruction of the country and the subjugation of her people
❍ 在如此的~的紧急关头,国民党如果还因循上述的政策不愿迅速改变,将使抗日战争蒙受绝大的不利。(《毛泽东选集》325) If,at this critical juncture of life or death for our nation,the Kuomintang continues in the same old groove and does not quickly change its policy,it will bring disaster to the War of Resistance.
❍ 中央认为在目前形势之下,有提出建立民主共和国口号的必要,因为这是团结一切抗日力量来保障中国领土完整和预防中国人民遭受~的惨祸的最好方法,而且这也是从广大人民的民主要求产生出来的最适当的统一战线的口号。(《毛泽东选集》247) The Central Committee holds that in the present situation it is necessary to put forward the slogan of establish a democratic republic,because this is the best way to unite all the anti-Japanese forces to safeguard China’s territorial integrity and avert the calamity of the destruction of China and of the subjugation of her people,and also because this is the most fitting slogan.for the formation of a united front based on the democratic demands of the broad masses of the people.

亡国灭种wang guo mie zhong

conquer the country and destroy its people


national subjugation and racial extinction

亡国灭种wánɡ ɡuó miè zhǒnɡ

形容国家灭亡,种族灭绝。national subjugation and genocide, national doom and racial extinction





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