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❶ (跟四周的距离相等; 中心) centre; middle: 居 ~ in the centre; 正 ~ midmost; 辽 ~ central Liaoning
❷ (指中国) China: 日 ~ 关系 relations between China and Japan; 洋为 ~ 用 make foreign things serve China
❸ (范围内; 内部) in; among; amidst; inside: 水 ~ in the water; 心 ~ at heart; in mind; 园 ~ in the garden; 家 ~ at home; 学生 ~ among the students
❹ (位置在两端之间的) middle; mid: ~ 西部 Middle West; ~ 途 halfway; midway; 月 ~ in the middle of a month
❺ (等级在两端之间的) medium; intermediate: ~ 等身材 of medium height; ~ 号 medium size
❻ (不偏不倚) mean; halfway between two extremes: 适 ~ moderate; ~ 立国 neutral country; ~ 庸 mean
❼ (中人) intermediary; intermediator: 作 ~ act as an intermediary; be an intermediator
❽ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 京 Zhong Jing Ⅱ (适于; 合于) good for; agreeable to: ~ 用 useful; 不 ~ 用 no use; good for nothing; ~ 听 agreeable to the hearer; pleasant to the ear Ⅲ [方] (成; 行; 好) all right; O.K.; well: ~ 不 ~? Is it all right? 这办法 ~! This way works!
◆中班 the middle class in a kindergarten; middle shift; swing shift; 中板 {冶} medium plate; crossband; {动} median plate; jobbing sheet; {音} moderato; 中饱 squeeze; embezzle; pocket money to which one has no claim; batten on money entrusted to one's care; line one's pockets with public funds or other people's money; 中波 medium wave; medium-frequency wave; 中部 central section; middle part; intermediate section; medio-; medi-; 中不溜儿 [口] fair to middling; middling; snacks; just so-so; 中财委 [简] (中央人民政府财政经济委员会) Financial and Economic Commission of the Central People's Government Council; 中菜 Chinese meal [food]; 中餐 Chinese meal;Chinese food; Chinese dinner; 中草药 Chinese medicinal herb; Chinese herbal medicine; 中策 the second best plan; 中层 middle-level; mesosphere; intermediate deck; medio-; medi-; 中产阶级 middle class; middle bourgeoisie; 中长期高技术发展计划 [“八六三计划”] a high technology research and development program (HTRDP); 863 program; 中成药 Chinese patent drug; 中程 intermediate range; medium range; 中词 {逻} middle term; 中稻 semilate rice; middle-season rice; 中等 secondary; medium; moderate; middling; 中点 middle; midrange; umbilic; midpoint; 中东 the Middle East; 中短波 {讯} intermediate waves; medium high frequency wave; medium short wave; 中段 middle piece; midpiece; {胚} mesomere; trunk; midportion; 中断 suspend; break off; discontinue; severance; {计} interrupt; interception; hiatus; lapse; blocking; 中队 detachment; {军} squadron; 中耳 {生理} auris media; middle ear; tympan-; tympano-; 中饭 midday meal; lunch; 中分 divide from the middle; halve; 中锋 {足球; 水球} centre forward; {篮球} centre; 中缝 centre joint; 中伏 the second of the three ten-day periods of the hot season (sometimes lasting twenty days instead of ten); the first day of the second period of the hot season; 中服 traditional Chinese clothing; 中耕 {农} intertill; intertillage; 中共 [简] (中国共产党) the Communist Party of China (CPC); 中共中央 [简] (中国共产党中央委员会) the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China; 中古 the middle ancient times; mid-ancient; medieval period; medieval times; Middle Ages; {地} mesoid; 中顾委 [简] (中共中央顾问委员会) the Advisory Commission of the Central Committee of the CPC; 中国 China; Sino-; 中国工农红军 the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army (1928-1937); 中国公认名牌产品 well-known Chinese brand-name product; 中国共产党 the Communist Party of China; 中国共产主义青年团 the Communist Youth League of China; 中国国际旅行社 Chine International Travel service; 中国国际图书贸易公司 China International Book Trading Corporation; 中国国情 China's actural condition; 中国科学院院士 academician of CAS; 中国老年学会 Gerontology Society of China; 中国青年志愿者协会 China Youth Volunteers Association; 中国人民保险公司 the People's Insurance Company of China; 中国人民建设银行 the People's Construction Bank of China; 中国人民解放军 the Chinese People's Liberation Army; 中国人民银行 the People's Bank of China; 中国人民志愿军 the Chinese People's Volunteers; 中国软件评测中心 China Software Test Center; 中国商品条码 China Article Number Bar Code; 中国少年先锋队 the Young Pioneers of China; 中国图书奖 China Book Prize; 中和 neutralization; balancing out; neutralize; 中华 China; 中华老字号 China's time-honoured brand; 中华人民共和国 the People's Republic of China (PRC); 中画 Chinese painting; 中级 middle rank; intermediate; 中继 relay; repeating; relaying; repeat; trunking; 中纪委 [简] (中共中央纪律检查委员会) the Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Central Committee of the CPC; 中坚 nucleus; hard core; spark plug; 中间 among; between; centre; middle; intermediate; middle; interspace; 中间人 middleman; intermediary; 中间轴 {机} jackshaft; counter-shaft unit; intermediate axle; intermediate shaft; intermediate spindle; middle shaft; 中将 {军} lieutenant general (英美陆军, 美空军); air marshal (英空军); vice admiral; 中焦 {中医} middle-jiao; middle warmer; middle heater; middle burner (portion of the body housing the stomach and spleen); 中介 intermediary; medium; 中景 mid-shot; {摄} medium shot; MS; 中距离 {体} middle distance; 中看 be pleasant to the eye; 中空 cavity; medium altitude; 中馈 cooking; wife; 中栏 {体} intermediate hurdles; 中浪 moderate sea; 中立 neutrality; neutral; standing in the middle; neither on one side nor the other; 中立国 neutral state [nation]; 中联部 [简] the International Liaison Department of the Central Committee of the CPC; 中量级 {举重} middleweight; 中林 middle forest; coppice with standards; composite coppice; 中流 midstream; mid-channel; 中流砥柱 mainstay; a pillar [a firm] rock in midstream; a tower of strength; stand firm as a rock in mid-stream; the chief cornerstone; the solitary rock in a turbulent stream; 中美关系 Sino-U.S. relation; 中美洲 Central America; 中脑 {生理} mes ̄ encephalon; midbrain; deutocerebrum; mesocere ̄ brum; 中年 mid-life; middle age; 中农 middle peas ̄ ant; 中派 centrist; 中跑 {体} middle distance run; 中胚层 {胚} mesoblast; mesoblastema; mesoderm; 中篇小说 medium-length novel; novelette; long short story; novellas; novelet; 中频 intermediate frequency; IF; medium frequency; midfrequency; resting frequency; 中期 mid-term; medium term; {细胞} metaphase; 中青年 young and middle-aged; 中秋节 the Mid-autumn Festival (15th day of the 8th lunar month); 中人 middleman; go-between; mediator; intermediary; 中日和平友好条约 China-Japan Peace and Friendship Treaty; 中日友协 [简] (中国 — 日本友好协会) the China-Japan Friendship Association; 中沙群岛 the Zhongsha Islands; 中山狼 the Zhongshan wolf in the fable — a person who repays good with evil; a perfidious person; 中山装 Chinese tunic suit; 中肾 mesonephron; mesonephros; deutonephron; 中生代 {地} Mesozoic Era; Mesozoic; Secondary era; 中生界 {地} Mesozoic group; 中石器时代 Mesolithic Age; Middle Stone Age; 中士 {军} sergeant; staff sergeant; petty officer second class; petty officer first class; 中世纪 Middle Ages; 中枢 omphalos; maincenter; pivot; {动} centre; central pivot; main centre; {穴位} Zhong ̄ shu (GV 7); 中速 intermediate speed; 中堂 central scroll; a form of address for a Grand Secretary in the Ming and Qing dynasties; 中提琴 viola; 中天 transit; midheaven; passage; meridian passage; meridian transit; culmination; 中听 pleasant to the ear; agreeable to the hearer; 中途 halfway; midway; 中外 China and foreign countries; at home and abroad; 中外合资 Sino-foreign joint venture; 中尉 {军} first lieutenant (美陆、空军); lieutenant junior grade (美海军); lieutenant (英陆军); sublieutenant (英海军); flying officer; 中卫 {足球} centre halfback; 中温 mesotherm; 中文 the Chinese language; Chinese; 中午 noon; midday; noonday; 中西 Chinese and Western; 中线 {数} central line; median; centre line; halfway line; {电} neutral conductor; neutral line; neutral; 中小城市 middle-sized and small cities; small-medium cities; 中校 lieutenant colonel (英美陆军, 美空军); commander (英美海军); wing commander; 中心 centre; centrum; centrality; kernel; heart; core; hub; 中心线 centre line; mean line; median; 中兴 reviving; coming back to activity; resurgent; resurgence; 中型 medium-sized; middle-sized; midsize; 中性 {化} neutral; {语} neuter; 中性点 {电工} neutral point; mid-point; no-slip point; non-slip point; star point; 中胸 meditruncus; meso ̄ thorax; 中休 break; 中修 medium maintenance; medium repair; second line maintenance; 中学 middle school; secondary school; a late Qing Dynasty term for Chinese traditional learning; Chinese learning; 中学生 middle school student; 中旬 the middle ten days of a month; midmonth; 中压 {电} medium voltage; medium-pressure; 中央 centre; middle; central authorities; a surname; 中央集权 centralization (of authority); 中央军委 [简] the Military Commission of the Central Committee of the CPC; the Central military Commission of the PRC; 中药 traditional Chinese medicine; 中叶 middle period; {生} lobus centralis; lobus medius; 中医 traditional Chinese medical science; doctor of traditional Chinese medicine; practitioner of Chinese medicine; 中音 alto voice; 中庸 the golden mean of the Confucian school; The Doctrine of Mean; 中庸之道 a middle course; a mean course; golden mean; middle of the road; “the doctrine of the mean”; the happy mean; the happy medium; take a mean course; 中用 of use; useful; 中游 middle reaches; midstream; the state of being middling; 中雨 {气} moderate rain; 中原 Central Plains (comprising the middle and lower reaches of the Huanghe River); 中源 mesogene; 中正 [书] fair; just; 中值 mid-value; 中指委 [简] the Guiding Commission of the Central Committee of the CPC for the Party Consolidation.; 中止 discontinue; suspend; break off; stop suppression; interruption; intermittence; 中止合同 suspension of contract; 中轴 {解} axis; centre shaft; mean axis (椭球的); middle axle; 中柱 stele; vascular cylinder; colummals; king's piece; king-rod; 中专 [简] (中等专科学校) special [technical secondary] school; polytechnic school; 中转 {交} change trains; transit shipment; 中子 {物} neutron


❶ (正对上; 恰好合上) hit; fit exactly: 打 ~ hit the target [mark]; 射 ~ 靶心 hit the bull's eye; ~ 吃 good to eat; tasty; ~ 听 agreeable to the ear; (words, advice) pleasing to listener; 你没猜 ~。 You didn't guess right. 你说 ~ 了。 You've hit it.; That's right.
❷ (受到; 遭受) be hit by; fall into; be affected by; suffer; sustain: ~ 诡计 be caught in a trap; ~ 埋伏 fall into an ambush; ~ 煤气 be gassed; 胳膊上 ~ 了一枪 be shot in the arm
另见 see also zhōnɡ。
◆中标 win the bidding; 中标合同 contract awarded; contract gained; 中彩 win a prize at a lottery; 中弹[枪] be struck by a bullet; get shot; [俚] stop a bullet; 中的 hit the target; hit the mark; hit the nail on the head; 中毒 poisoning; methysis; intoxication; venenation; toxicosis; be poisoned; 中毒性 toxic; 中风 {中医} apoplexia; apoplexy; wind-stroke syndrome (of Tai ̄ yang); paralytic stroke; 中计 be trapped; be victimized by a scheme; walk into a trap; be taken in; fall into a trap; 中奖 draw a prizewinning ticket in a lottery; get the winning number in a bond; win a prize in a lottery; 中举 pass the provincial civil service examination under the old Chinese examination system; 中肯 apropos; pertinent; to the point; relevant; {物} cri ̄ tical; 中魔 be bewitched; be posessed; 中签 be the lucky number (in drawing lots, etc.); 中伤 slander; malign; vilify; hurt sb. insidiously; say damaging things about others before a third party; 中暑 heat ̄ stroke; siriasis; calentura; calenture; heliosis; sunstroke; suffer heatstroke; suffer sunstroke; be affected by the heat; 中邪 be bewitched; 中选 be chosen; be selected; win election; 中意 be to one's liking; catch the fancy of; take fancy to; like; agreeable; satisfied








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