❶ (正对上; 恰好合上) hit; fit exactly: 打 ~ hit the target [mark]; 射 ~ 靶心 hit the bull's eye; ~ 吃 good to eat; tasty; ~ 听 agreeable to the ear; (words, advice) pleasing to listener; 你没猜 ~。 You didn't guess right. 你说 ~ 了。 You've hit it.; That's right.
❷ (受到; 遭受) be hit by; fall into; be affected by; suffer; sustain: ~ 诡计 be caught in a trap; ~ 埋伏 fall into an ambush; ~ 煤气 be gassed; 胳膊上 ~ 了一枪 be shot in the arm
另见 see also zhōnɡ。
◆中标 win the bidding; 中标合同 contract awarded; contract gained; 中彩 win a prize at a lottery; 中弹[枪] be struck by a bullet; get shot; [俚] stop a bullet; 中的 hit the target; hit the mark; hit the nail on the head; 中毒 poisoning; methysis; intoxication; venenation; toxicosis; be poisoned; 中毒性 toxic; 中风 {中医} apoplexia; apoplexy; wind-stroke syndrome (of Tai ̄ yang); paralytic stroke; 中计 be trapped; be victimized by a scheme; walk into a trap; be taken in; fall into a trap; 中奖 draw a prizewinning ticket in a lottery; get the winning number in a bond; win a prize in a lottery; 中举 pass the provincial civil service examination under the old Chinese examination system; 中肯 apropos; pertinent; to the point; relevant; {物} cri ̄ tical; 中魔 be bewitched; be posessed; 中签 be the lucky number (in drawing lots, etc.); 中伤 slander; malign; vilify; hurt sb. insidiously; say damaging things about others before a third party; 中暑 heat ̄ stroke; siriasis; calentura; calenture; heliosis; sunstroke; suffer heatstroke; suffer sunstroke; be affected by the heat; 中邪 be bewitched; 中选 be chosen; be selected; win election; 中意 be to one's liking; catch the fancy of; take fancy to; like; agreeable; satisfied