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(构词成分):自 ~ 儿 [zi ɡěr] [方] (同 “自各儿” [zì ɡěr]) oneself;by oneself
另见 see also ɡè。


❶ (用于没有专用量词的名词) :一 ~ 理想 an ideal;
两 ~ 月 two months;3 ~ 梨 three pears
❷ (用于约数的前面):差 ~ 两 三岁 about two or three years short;
这点活有 ~ 两三天就干完了。 This bit of work can easily be finished in a couple of days.
❸ (用于带宾语的动词后面):见 ~ 面儿 meet a person;
说 ~ 话儿 have a talk;
他在农村锻炼了两年,扶 ~ 犁,赶 ~ 车,都拿得起来。 After a couple of years in the countryside,he was quite good at handling a plough and driving a cart. Ⅱ ❶ (用于动词和补语之间):笑 ~ 不停 keep on laughing;
吃 ~ 饱 eat one's fill;
砸 ~ 稀巴烂 smash sth. to smithereens;
明天我们要玩 ~ 痛快。 We'll have a wonderful time tomorrow.
❷ (用在指示代词后面):这 ~ this;
那 ~ that;
这些 ~ these ones
❸ [方] (加在某些时间词后面);昨儿 ~ yesterday;
今儿 ~ today;
明儿 ~ tomorrow Ⅲ (单独的) individual:~ 人 individual (person)
另见 see also ɡě。
◆个案史 {心理} case history;
个案研究 case study;
个别 individual;separately;specific;very few;one or two;rare;exceptional;unicum;
个儿 size;height;stature;persons or things taken singly;
个个 each and every one;all;
个个计竭 no one has any plan or suggestion to offer;
个例研究 case study;
个人 individual (person);personal;
个人财产税 personal property tax;
个人差异论 individual differences theory;
个人崇拜 personality cult;
个人地位 personal status;
个人电脑 personal computer;
个人电子事务处理机 personal electronic transactor;
个人独资企业 sole proprietorship;
个人股 person share;
个人决策 personal decision-making;
个人迷信 personality cult;
个人权利 individual rights;
个人收入 personal income;
个人收入调节税 (the) individual income tax;individual income adjust tax;
个人隐私 individual privacy;
个人职业选择 personal occupation choice;
个人道德 individual morality;
个体 individua ̄ lity;personality;thing;individual;particular;
个体差异 individual difference;
个体工商户 individual industrial or commercial household;
个体经营 individually-owned business;
个体劳动者协会 association of self-employed businessmen;
个体企业 (the) individual- owned enterprise;(the) private business;
个体商贩 individual retailers;self-employed vendors;
个体审美能力 individual aesthetic capability;
个体所有制 individual ownership;
个体基因型 idiotype;
个头儿 [方] size;height;
个位 {数} the unit;
个位进位 one's carry;
个性 specific character;individual character;individuality;personality;habit;haecceity;hecceity;
个性发展 personal development;
个性结构理论 structure theory of personality;
个性倾向性 personality tendenciousness;
个性特征 personality feature;
个性心理学 personality psychology;
个中 [书] therein;
个中老手 an old hand in ...;an expert in a given field;a big pot [shot];个中人 a person in the know;
个中三昧 secret known only to experts;
个中原因 the whys and wherefores of ...;
个子 height;stature;build





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