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单词 gain
gain/ɡeɪn/ v & n

v (1)获(赢)得,得到(obtainwin (esp sth wanted or needed))[T+nD+n+n]:~possession/happiness/honour/votes/time获得所有权/幸福/荣誉/选票/赢得时间;~a battle/a prize 赢得一场战斗的胜利/获奖;~a bad reputation/a decisive victory/a modest living/much knowledge/two additional seats 获得坏名声/决定性的胜利/中等的收入/许多知识/又得到两个座位;~sb's affections/a child's confidence 赢得某人的爱慕/孩子的信任;~wealth in real estate/full marks in an examination 得到不动产的财富/考试得满分;~possession of a house/a salary of ten pounds per week/the rank of colonel 获得房屋的所有权/每周10英镑的薪水/上校军衔;~a clear idea of how vast the world is清楚地了解到世界是多么广阔;~an advantage over a competitor/a reputation as an expert poker player/access to secret information 比竞争对手技高一筹/获得玩扑克牌能手的名声/获得秘密情报;~sb victory 使某人获得成功;〖同〗acquire,get,obtain,win;〖反〗lose;

(2)获得更多(所需之物),增加(get more of(esp sth wanted or needed))[T+n]:~experience/power/strength/momentum积累经验/增大权力/增长力气/增强势头;~weight/speed/height增加体重/速度/高度;~confidence增强信心;

(3)获益,得利(benefitprofit from sth/doing sth)[I+prep(by/from)]:~by watching how sb works/being a member of the EU看某人怎样工作而获益/成为欧洲联盟成员而得到好处;

(4)(指钟表)走快((of a watch or clock)go fast;become ahead of the correct time)[IT+n]:The clock/watch ~s.这钟/表走得快。The watch neither ~s nor loses.这只手表走得既不快,也不慢。~(by) several minutes a day一天快几分钟;

(5)抵达(尤指经过一番努力)(reach(sth)(usu with effort))[T+n]:~the shore/the summit/the port/the top of the mountain抵达岸边/最高点/港口/山顶;~a desired place 抵达一个想去的地方;~one's destination抵达某人的目的地;〖同〗reach,arrive at;come to;

gain ground 1)取得进步,进展:At last our men began to~ground,forcing the enemy back towards the river. 我方战士终于开始推进,迫使敌人向河边退却。2)更广泛地被接受或更有影响力:His views were once unacceptable but are now ~ing ground rapidly.他的观点一度曾不被人们所接受,而现在其影响迅速扩大。

gain time 借故拖延时间:He knew that his work would not be ready for the meeting so he pretended to be ill in order to~time.他知道他为会议做的准备工作还未就绪,所以便装病以拖延时间。

gain in (v adv)(身体的或抽象品质的) 增加 (vt):~in height/strength 增加身高/力气;~in beauty/confidence/influence/know-ledge/wisdom/popularity/value 增添美貌/增强信心/增大影响/增长知识/增长智慧/提高声望/增值;

gain over (v adv)争取过来(vt): Rulers often try by a judicious distribution of favours to~over hostile tribes. 统治者们经常审慎地通过施恩去争取敌对集团。

→′gainings n [pl] 收益;收入;赢得的东西;′gainable adj 可得到的,能赢得的;′gainer n 获得者;得利者;

n (1) 财富的增加;利润(益)((getting of)wealthprofitsadvantage)[U]:financial~财政收入;some~from one's investment从某人投资中获利;the love of~贪得利益;be interested only in~只对利益感兴趣;greedy for~贪利;His loss was her ~.他的损失就是她的收益;He'd do anything for ~.为了利益他不择手段。〖同〗profit,advantage,wealth;

(2)(数量或力量的)增加,增进(increase in volumeamount or power;improvement)[C]:heavy~s 增加很多;have a~in weight(of two pounds)/of two pounds(in weight)体重增加(两磅)/(体重)增加两磅;~in accuracy/efficiency/prices/health精确度提高/效率提高/价格上涨/身体更好;~in knowledge/volume/strength知识/数量/力量增加;The company has made notable~s in productivity.该公司的生产效率显著提高。make a~of ten metres over sb 超过某人10米;

→′gainless adj 不能获得的,无利的;′gainfully adv 获利地;有用地;′gainfulness n 可获利;有收益;






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