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单词 proof
释义 proof1 /pru: f; pruf/ n 1 [U] evidence (in general), or [C] a particular piece of evidence, that is sufficient to show, or helps to show, that sth is a fact: (一般的)证据; 证明文件; 证言; 物证: We shall require ~(s) of that statement. 我们将需要那项声明之证据。 Is there any ~ that the accused man was at the scene of the crime? 有没有证据证明被吿在犯罪的现场? They gave him a gold watch as a ~ of their regard. 他们送他一个金表,以表示敬意。 Can you give ~ of your nationality/- that you are British? 你能证明你的国籍(你是英国人) U? 2 [U] demonstrating; testing of whether sth is true, a fact, etc: 证明; 验证: Is life on the planet Mars capable of ~? 火星上有生物存在的说法能验证吗? He produced documents in ~ of his claim. 他提出文件以证明他的所有权。 3 [C] test, trial, examination: 考验; 试验; 测验: put sth to the ~, test it. 试验某事物。 It has stood the ~, has passed the test. 它已通过了试验(经得起考验)。 The ~ of the pudding is in the eating, (prov) The real test is practical, not theoretical. (A) 方丁之美味吃时方知; 空言不如实验。 4 [C] trial copy of sth printed or engraved, for approval before other copies are printed: (印刷物的)校样; 校稿: pass the ~s for press, approve them, agree that printing may be begun. 看完校样同意付印。 ' ~- read vi, vt [VP2A, 6A] read and correct ~s. 校对。 ' ~- reader n person employed to read and correct ~s. 校对员; 改正校稿者。 5 [U] standard of strength of distilled alcoholic liquors: (酒的)标准酒精度: This rum is 30 per cent below ~. 这兰酒的酒精度低于标准百分之三十。 ~ spirit, alcoholic mixture which is up to standard, 标准强度的酒; 合度酒。




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