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单词 与众不同

与众不同yǔ zhòng bù tóng

be different from all the others; be different from the general (/common)run; extraordinary; have a different character; look different (/stand out) from the common herd;peculiar; special; unusual; out of the ordinary
❍ 俘虏听到的沈振新说话的声音,是他听到这个屋子里外新出现的~的声音,右眼皮微微地张开了一下。(吴强《红日》24) To the prisoner’s ears the sound of Shen Zhen xin’s voice was a new sound,different from all the others that he had heard inside and outside the room,and his right eyelid opened slightly for a moment.
❍ 他等到大家发言差不多了,自己反复思考,再提出~的见解,衬托出马慕韩是高人一等的。(周而复《上海的早晨》 Ⅰ—550) He waited until everyone had had a say and he had had the opportunity of thinking things over before he put forward a different view from the rest,thus telling them by implication that Ma Muhan stood head and shoulders above them.
❍ 怪不得他刚来看书时就流露出一些~的神情来。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》85) No wonder he had seemed different from the general run of customers from the first time he’d entered the bookshop.
❍ 走到门边,她又回过头来,依恋地仔细望望江姐,似乎想从她身上找出点~的地方。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》54) She turned to leave the room,looking back wistfully,as if hoping to see something extraordinary in Sister Jiang.
❍ 若本家亲戚家家请酒,叫娘也穿起来,显得~。(《儒林外史》289) When relatives ask her out,she should wear it to look different from the common herd.
❍ 譬如一个人,脸上长了一个瘤,额上肿出一颗疮,的确是~,显出他特别的样子,可以算他的“粹”。(鲁迅《热风·随感录三十五》) Take the case of a man with a wen on his face or a carbuncle on his forehead,which certainly mark him off from other people and make him something special,and can therefore be considered his “characteristics.”/只有南赵家的大姐娃与众人不同。(王汶石《风雪之夜》69) But this did not apply to Dajie of Nanzhao Village.
❍ 呵,年青人,你~。(郭沫若《屈原》5) Your youthful and impetuous heart|Sets you from common men apart,…/原谅坏人几句,他便说:“翻天妙手,~。”(《鲁迅选集》上—3) While if I excused evil-doers,he would say: “Good for you,that shows originality.”/有的卖穷,或卖病,说他的作品是挨饿三天,吐血十口,这才做出来的,所以~。(《鲁迅选集》 Ⅳ—176) Others take advantage of poverty or ill health,claiming that their works deserve special consideration because they were written after three days without food or after ten attacks of pulmonary haemorrhage.
❍ 他大概的确有些特别,据舆论说,用药就~。(《鲁迅选集》上—277) He probably was unique in some respects. It was generally agreed his pre scriptions were unusual.
❍ 潘信诚在一旁暗暗点头,觉得马慕韩究竟~,看问题提问题确是高人一筹。(周而复《上海的早晨》 Ⅰ—441) Pan Xincheng nodded quietly to himself. He was thinking that Ma Muhan stood out from the general run of industrialists and that he stood head and shoulders above them in the way he looked at problems and in the way he posed them.


out of the ordinary; different from the common run;unconventional

与众不同yǔ zhònɡ bù tónɡ

跟众人不一样。stick out like a sore thumb, out of the ordinary, different from the common run, be not the same as others





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