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单词 不识时务

不识时务不知时务;不达时务bù shí shí wù

be ignorant of the present state of affairs (/of the trend); have no proper understanding (/appraisal/estimation) of how things stand; know nothing of the affairs of the day; not know the shape of events;not understand the actual conditions; show ignorance(/no understanding) of the times: unable to see how the land lies
❍ 行者道: “这个师父不知时务! 这个旷野山中,船从何来?……”(《西游记》207)“This master of mine is truly impractical!” said Pilgrim. “in the wilds of this mountain,where will you find a boat?…”/你别不达时务了。到了这个田地,你还顾我做什么?(《红楼梦》1365)Stop being so dense. Now that things have come to this pass,why worry about me?/孔明曰: “亮不笑别人,笑子敬~耳。”(《三国演义》384)…he replied,“I am smiling at no other than your opponent Lu Su,who knows nothing of the affairs of the day.”/独有刘豫州~,强与争衡;今孤身江夏,存亡未保。(《三国演义》384) The only exception is Liu Bei,who did not understand the conditions and vigorously contended against him,with the result he is now at Jiangxia in a very parlous state.
❍ 但如果在新时期内,在新三民主义已经建立之后,还要翻那老套;……那末,它就是~的反动的东西了。(《毛泽东选集》654) But if the old stuff is repeated in the new period after the new Three People’s Principles have been established,…then that is reactionary and shows ignorance of the times.


fail to appreciate the realities of the times; not sensible to the changing realities;lack proper judgment

不识时务bù shí shí wù

时务:当时的形势。不懂得当时社会的形势。not to know the shape of events, be insensible, show no understanding of the times, have no proper understanding, out of the swim





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