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单词 regard


1. look,glance一看,一瞥。
△Tw.2.5.60 (53): “a de-mure travel of regard.”i.e. a solemn glance round theroom. 威严地向室内环视一周。
△Tw.2.5.73 (65):“quenching my familiar smile with an austere regardof control—”用一副庄严的权威神气抑制住我的亲昵的微笑。

△Tw.5.1.222(212): “You throw a strange regardupon me,” i.e. you look at me strangely. 你用那样冷淡的眼光看着我。
2. view,estimation. opinion视野,评价,看法。
△1H.IV.4.3.57:“Sick in the world's regard,”i.e. despised inthe eyes of the world. 在世人的眼光中是被看不起的。
△Ham.4.7.75: “in my regard,”据我看来。
3. object of sight,prospect景象,视野。
△Oth.2.1.40:“An indistinct regard.”无法分辨的景象。
4. repute名声。
△Gent.2.4.60 (59): “a son that welldeserves / The honour and regard of such a father.”
5. account,importance,consequence 价值,重要性。
△1H.VI.4.1.145: “That for a toy,a thing of no re-gard,”为了一点细故,一件毫不重要的事。
6. consideration考虑。
△Ham.3.1.86(85):“And en-terprises of great pitch and moment / With this re-gard their currents turn awry,”惊天动地的大事业,在这一种考虑之下,就在进行中出了别扭。
△Lr.1.1.241 (238):“Love's not love / When it is mingled with regardsthat stand / Aloof from the entire point.”如果它搀和了和主题无关的种种考虑,爱情就不是爱情了。
△Oth.1.1.154(153):“in which regard,”i.e. because of which con-sideration. 由于这种考虑,为了这个缘故,因此…
2.11:“Things without all remedy / Should be withoutregard.”i.e. Should be ignored.无法弥补的事情就不必再去考虑。
7. attention,concern,interest 注意,关切,兴趣。
△2H.IV.1.2.192(168):“Virtue is of so little regardin these costermongers' times,”在这种惟利是图的时代,美德是不受重视的。
8. care,deliberation小心,谨慎。
△Lr.1.4.289 (265):“And in the most exact regard support / The worshipsof their name.”又都极其谨慎地维护着他们的名誉。
9. guarantee,condition,term保证,条件,条款。
△Ham.2.2.79: “On such regards of safety and allowance /As therein are set down.”i.e.On guarantees for thesecurity of the country and conditions of allowing theNorwegian troops to pass through Denmark. 在这信里已经写明若干条件,保证地方秩序,遵照一定路线。
in regard: inasmuch as,since鉴于,由于。
△1H.VI.5.4.124:“That. in regard King Henry gives consent /Of mere compassion and of lenity,/ To ease yourcountry of distressful war / And suffer you to breathein fruitful peace,”鉴于国王亨利完全出自怜悯和宽厚之心,为了使你们国家免受战争之苦,并让你们在和平富裕生活中稍稍喘息,特同意…。
in regard of: with respect to关于。
△H.V.1.1.77:“And in regard of causes now in hand.”并且鉴于当前的局势。
your regard: care of your own safety,concern foryourself对你自己安全的关切,对你自己的关心。
△1H.VI.4.5.22:“Your loss is great,so your regard should be.”i.e.The loss of you would be a severe setback,so thecare of your own safety should be of great conse-quence. 你的生死关系非浅,因此你的安危也意义重大。


1. show attention to. notice 对…表示注意,注意。
△1H.IV.1.2.96 (85): “and yet he talked very wise-ly,but I regarded him not.”然而他说得很有道理,但是我不睬他。
△2H.VI.3.1.18:“Small curs are not regardedwhen they grin,/ But great men tremble when the li-on roars.”小狗龇牙嗥叫,没有人理它;但是狮子一怒吼,大人物也要发抖。
2. consider,reflect on考虑,思考。
△Gent.3.1.257(258):“Regard thy danger,”要考虑你的危险。
3. esteem,take into account尊重,重视。
△2H.VI.4.2.12(10): “O miserable age! Virtue is not regarded inhandicraftsmen.”啊,悲惨的时代! 手艺人的功劳是不受重视的。
4. look after,attend to照顾,照料。
△1H.VI.3.2.86:“But,ere we go,regard this dying prince,/ The val-iant Duke of Bedford.”但是,在我们离开之前,先照料一下这位垂危的王子、英勇的贝德福公爵。


◇ as regards关于,至于
have regard for sb.尊敬
have regard to考虑到hold in regard赞赏
hold sb. in high关于这件事
in regard to关于
in this regard在这一点上
regard sb.with special respect另眼相看
with regard to关心
‖ regardful adj.关心的,表示敬意的
regardless adj.不管,不顾,不注意
◇regardless of不考虑,不顾
regarding prep.关于





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