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单词 不自量力

不自量力不量力;不自量;自不量力bù zì liàng lì

be unaware of one’s own limitations (/weaknesses/impotence); bite off more than one can chew; go beyond one’s strength (/depth); have an exaggerated opinion of oneself;not estimate one’s own strength; not take (/have) a proper measure of oneself; overrate (/overestimate) onself (/one’s own ability); start sth one cannot finish; undertake what is beyond one’s power
❍ 世上最可笑的是那些“知识里手”,有了道听途说的一知半解,便自封为“天下第一”,适足见其不自量而已。(《毛泽东选集》264) The most ridiculous person in the world is the “know-all” who picks up a smattering of hearsay knowledge and proclaims himself “the world’s Number One authority”; this merely shows that he has not taken a proper measure of himself.
❍ 不度德,不量力,……(《左传·隐十一年》) Its lord did not consider the virtue of his opponent; he did not estimate his own strength./……石得富他娘也嫌他~,可是她管不了他已经好多年了。(柳青《铜墙铁壁》85) Shi Defu’s mother thought he was over-estimating his own ability,but what was the use of talking—for several years now she hadn’t been able to control him.


overrate one’s own abilities;fail to give a realistic estimate of one’s own abilities


overrate one’s own abilities;fail to take a proper measure of oneself

不自量力bù zì liànɡ lì

过高地估计自己的力量。overreach oneself, have an exaggerated opinion of oneself, go beyond one’s strength





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