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单词 不祥之兆

不祥之兆bù xiáng zhī zhào

a bad omen (/sign);a warning of disaster; a portent of bad things to come; an ill (/evil) omen; bode sb no good; ill omened; spell disaster
❍ 一切的议论,都是垂头丧气的,好象都发现了~。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》37) All these discussions took place in a very gloomy atmosphere as if these words had been a bad omen.
❍ 都把枪放在胳肢窝里夹着。他们好像得到了~,一面走一面扒头探脑地窥察公路两侧。(冯志《敌后武工队》115) All had their guns tucked under their arms and looked as though they’d seen some had sign,for they were inspecting both sides of the highway as they ambled along.
❍ 我在“三人快板”这个节目上,又发现了~。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》429) One of the acts gave me a warning of disaster.
❍ 宝玉生下时,衔了玉来,便也古怪,我早知是~,……(《红楼梦》1536)When Baoyu was born with jade in his mouth,I knew it was uncanny and boded no good;…/这些话,不但宝玉说的不好,便是王夫人李纨所说,句句都是~,……(《红楼梦》1520) For not only had Baoyu’s words struck her as ill-omened,so had everything said by Lady Wang and Li Wan.

不祥之兆bù xiánɡ zhī zhào

不吉利或预示灾祸的征兆。a bad sign, an ill omen, spell disaster





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