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单词 稳如泰山

稳如泰山wěn rú Tài shān

as safe as a rock; as stable (/immovable) as Mount Taishan;/他的五亲六眷、家理师清、磕头拜把的,布满全屯。在哈尔滨,在佳木斯,在一面坡,都有他的休戚相关的亲友,大青顶子还有韩老七,他想他在这儿原是~的,谁敢动他?(周立波《暴风骤雨》64) With his relatives and sworn brothers all over this village,his friends and relatives in Harbin,Jiamusi and Yimianpo,and his younger brother in Daqing Mountain,he had thought he was as safe as a rock. Who would dare lift a finger against him!/不料他, 身如磐石, ~。 (朱素臣《十五贯》34) I little expect the governor would prove|Immovable as Mount Tai.

稳如泰山wen ru tai shan

as stable as Mount Tai—rock-firm

稳如泰山wěn rú tài shān

形容事物非常牢固。as stable as Mount Tai-Shan, as steady as a rock





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