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单词 不求甚解

不求甚解bù qiú shèn jiě

be content with superficial understanding; be satisfied (/content)with a smattering of knowledge; have but little understanding of; make no effort to go deep into sth;make no effort to understand the real meaning; not try (/seek) to understand thoroughly; seek no more than (/merely) a superficial (/vague/slim/skin deep) understanding;with little understanding of the nature of things;without seeking for the real meaning
❍ 好读书,~;每有会意,便欣然忘食。(陶渊明《五柳先生传》) He is fond of study,yet he does not search for obscure meanings. Whenever he under stands a passage,he is so happy that he forgets to eat.
❍ 小时候读书读到陶渊明的“好读书~”,先生就给我讲了,他说:“~”者,就是不去看注解,而只读本文的意思。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅲ—278) In my young days when we read that Tao Yuanming “enjoyed reading but did not try to understand thoroughly,” my teacher explained that this meant he did not look up the commentaries but simply read the text.
❍ 现在我们很多同志,还保存着一种粗枝大叶、~的作风,甚至全然不了解下情,却在那里担负指导工作,这是异常危险的现象。(《毛泽东选集》747) Many of our comrades still have a crude and careless style of work,do not seek to understand things thoroughly and many even be completely ignorant of conditions at the lower levels,and yet they are responsible for directing work. This is an extremely dangerous state of affairs.


not seek to understand things thoroughly; be content with a superficial understanding

不求甚解bù qiú shèn jiě

甚:很。不求深入理解,只求了解大概意思。be content with superficial understanding, not seek too understand things thoroughly, make no effort to go into sth., not to go deep into sth.





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