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单词 不屑一顾

不屑一顾bù xiè yī gù

cannot be bothered to cast a look at; close (/shut) one’s eyes to; feel (/have) no interest in; loathe the sight of; not deign to look at; not care a fig for; not worth consideration;not worth a single glance (/a look/looking at);regard as beneath one’s notice (/contempt); set at naught; shrug sth off; take sth as of no (/little)consequence; wave aside; will not spare a glance for
❍ 走在最前面的是一个四十岁左右的“国军”上士,他的态度异常从容,在灯光中微微眯着眼,大步在路边上迈着,似乎对迎面开来的汽车~,…… (杨佩瑾《剑》108)At the head of the detachment was a sergeant first class in his early forties. His eyes narrowed to ward off the strong light,he was striding forward with calm steps. It seemed as if he couldn’t be bothered to cast a look at the approaching truck.
❍ 他们对于第一条路,都认为~。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》177) They regarded the first possibility as not worthy of serious consideration,…

不屑一顾bù xiè yī ɡù

不屑:不值得;顾:看。认为不值得一看。not worth a single glance, not to deign to look, beneath one’s notice





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更新时间:2025/1/19 14:14:08