释义 |
不分青红皂白不问(/管/辨)青红皂白bù fēn qīng hóng zào báiat a promiscuous manner; be irrespective of green,black or white;in a wholesale manner; indiscriminately; irrespective of right or wrong; jumble together things of different nature;lump things together regardless of their nature; make no distinction between black and white (/right and wrong); pass a blanket judgment (on sth); without even finding out the truth of the matter; without knowing rights and wrongs of the case; without investigating the case to see which is right and which wrong ❍ 前清有成例,知县老爷出巡,路遇两人相打,~,谁是谁非,各打屁股五百完事。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅳ—178)There was a rule in the Qing Dynasty that when a magistrate made a tour of inspection and came across two men fighting on the road,instead of investigating the case to see which was right and which wrong,he would simply give each five hundred strokes on the backside. ❍ 那 ‘小畜生’ ~,就夹脸一嘴巴…… (《鲁迅选集》上—163) But that Young Beast wouldn’t distinguish black from white. He gave me a slap on the cheek. ❍ 正自胡猜,只见黑魆魆的进来一个人,贾瑞便打定是凤姐,~,那人刚到面前便如饿虎捕食、猫儿捕鼠的一般,抱住叫道: “亲嫂子,等死我了!” (《红楼梦》 139)Just then a dark figure appeared. Sure that it was Xifeng,he threw caution to the winds and barely had the figure stepped through the door than he flung himself on it like a ravenous tiger,or a cat pouncing on a mouse.“Dearest!”he cried,“I nearly died of longing.”/不料守备家人听见此信,也不问青红皂白,就来吵闹。(《红楼梦》170) When word of this reached the inspector’s family,without even finding out the truth of the matter they came and stormed. 不分青红皂白make no distinction between right and wrong;indiscriminately |