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higha. 1. noble,worthy高贵的,高尚的。 △Lr.5.3.137(136):“Conspirant 'gainst this high illustrious prince,”阴谋陷害这一位高贵显赫的君王。 △1H.VI.3.1.176:“Welcome,high prince,the mighty Duke of York!”欢迎啊,高贵的皇亲,伟大的约克公爵! 2. lofty,dignified,sublime崇高的,尊严的,庄严的。 △H.VIII.Pro.3: “Sad,high,and working,” 严肃,崇高,动人。 △As.5.4.151(144):“High wedlock then behonoured.”所以崇高的婚姻应当受到赞扬。 higher fields: i.e. Palestine更崇高的战场,(指)巴勒斯坦。 △2H.IV.4.4.3:“We will our youth lead on to high-er fields,”i.e.in a holy crusade.我要率领我们的青年奔向更崇高的战场。 3. of elevated birth出身高贵的。 △H.VIII.5.5.1(5.4.1): “Heaven,from thy endless goodness send prosper-ous life,long and ever happy,to the high and mightyPrincess of England,Elizabeth!”愿上天,从你那无穷的仁慈出发,把昌盛的、长寿的而且永远幸福的一生赐给英格兰的高贵而伟大的公主伊利莎白! 4. celebrated; exceeding the common measure著名的;超出一般标准的。 △1H.IV.3.2.107: “whose highdeeds,”他那超乎寻常的(又译:名声赫赫的)战绩。 5. eminent 突出的。 △H.VIII.1.1.60: “nor calledupon / For high feats done to the crown.”又未曾奉诏为国王立过什么突出功绩。 6. flourishing繁荣的。 △Ham.1.1.113: “In the mosthigh and palmy state of Rome,”在罗马帝国最繁荣昌盛的时代。 7. rich.luxurious丰富的,奢侈的。 △2H.IV.1.1.10:“Full of high feeding,”喂饱了丰富的食物。 8. generous,full慷慨的,充分的。 △H.VIII.2.3.59:“and high note's / Ta'en (= taken) of your many vir-tues,”你的许多美德已经受到极大的注意。 9. good好。 △Rom.2.5.80 (78): “Hie to high for-tune!” i.e. Hurry to my good fortune!赶快去寻找我的幸福! 10. extreme极端的。 △H.VIII.1.1.107: “his high ha-tred”,他那极大的仇恨。 11. boisterous,loud 吵吵嚷嚷的,高声的。 △Oth.2.3.236(234): “For that I heard the clink and fall ofswords,/ And Cassio high in oath;”因为我听见刀剑的丁当碰撞之声和凯西奥的高声咒骂。 △Oth.5.2.92 (93):“The noise was high.”嘈杂的声音很高。(按: high又作here,译作“声音在这里呢”。) 12. violent,fierce激烈的,猛烈的。 △2H.VI.2.1.3:“the wind was very high,”这风太猛了。 △2H.VI.2.1.55 (53):“The winds grow high,so do your stomachs,lords.”风愈来愈猛,二位大人,你们的火气也愈来愈大了。 Phrases: high and low: high and low casts of the dice骰子掷上掷下。 △Wiv.1.3.93 (86):“And high and low be-guiles the rich and poor.”骰子掷上掷下,把富人穷人一齐骗。 high cross: the cross in the centre of a town or in themarket-place(竖在市中心或市场内的)大十字架。 △Shr.1.1.135(132): “to be whipped at the high cross everymorning.”每天早晨在大十字架上挨一顿鞭打。 high noises: rumours from court; discords in highplaces; great tumults从宫廷传出的谣言;(又解)上层的倾轧;(又解)大骚乱。 △Lr.3.6.120 (111): “Mark the highnoises,”注意那高处的来风。(孙大雨译文) high steward: chief official in charge or the corona-tion ceremony (加冕典礼的)大总管。 △H.VIII.4.1.17:“The Duke of Suffolk is the first,and claims / To be High Steward;”第一位是萨福克公爵,他请求担任这次加冕的大总管。 high top: top mast,masthead中桅,桅顶。 △Mer.1.1.28:“Vailing her high top”,它那高高的桅杆倒下来。 high treason: treason,offences against the state叛国罪。 △H.VIII.1.1.200: “I / Arrest thee of high trea-son ,”我因你的叛国罪而逮捕你。
highad. 1. highly高度地,非常。 △Tw.1.1.15:“it alone is highfantastical.”它在一切事物当中是最变幻莫测的。 2. fully,quite完全地,足足地。 △Mer.2.2.38 (36):“high gravel-blind.”完全瞎了。 △Oth.4.2.249 (242):“It is now high supper-time,”现在足足到了晚饭时候。 3. far远。 △Wiv.5.5.111(105):“hold up the jest nohigher.” i.e. continue the jest no further. 这个玩笑别再开下去了。 high高压(带)气象图上标志高气压的地区。区内空气北半球顺时针方向由内向外旋转扩散,南半球反之。由于和气旋区空气的流向相反,又称反气旋。参见low;weather map等条。 high[hai]adj.高的,高级的,高等的,昂贵的 adv. 高价地 ◇ from high从天上,从高处 high and dry搁浅,孤立无援 high and low到处 high and mighty趾高气扬,神气活现 high gear高速度 high on热心于 high on the hog奢侈地 high time该是…的时候了 high up高 on high在天上,在高处 run high波涛汹涌,情绪高涨 ‖ high achiever高成就者 high added-value高附加值 high aims崇高目的 high air burst高炸点 high altar祭坛 high altitude高空 high altitude boot高山靴 high altitude cover高空掩护 high altitude cruise高空巡航 high altitude ejection高空弹射 high altitude flight高空飞行 high altitude reconnaissance高空侦察 high altitude surveillance高空侦察 high altitude surveillance aircraft高空侦察机 high altitude target高空目标 high and broad obstacle高宽混合障碍 high and new technology高新技术 high and shot高弧度投篮 high and stable yields稳产高产 high angle高角,高射界 high angle course高角航向 high angle gire weapon高射武器 high angle gun高射炮 high angle shot俯拍,仰摄 high antiquity远古时代 high art纯艺术,高雅艺术 high backhand stroke高反拍击球 high ball高球 high baritone男高中音 high barrage高空拦阻射击 high bar高单杠,高杠 high bass高男低音 high beam远光灯 high blood贵族血统 highboard platform跳台 high bongo高音邦戈 high born出身高贵 high boy高脚柜 high brightness高亮度 high brow文化素质高者 high-brow stuff严肃戏剧 high burst registration空中试射 high-capacity head高能弹头 high channel antenna高频信道天线 high chroma colour饱和色 high class一流的,上流社会 high-class department stores 高档商场 high-class society上流社会 high clear高远球 high colored色彩鲜明的 high colour深色 high comedy高雅喜剧,高级喜剧,主题严肃 high command统帅部,最高指挥部 high commissioner高级专员 high competent高素质 high consumption 高消费 high-contact service system高接触服务系统 high contrast高反差 high contrast materials高反差材料 high correlation高度相关 high coupon利率高 high court of justice高等法院 High Court高等法院 High Court of Justice英国最高法院 high coverage大视野 high cross空中横转 high cruise高空巡航 high culture高尚文化,上层文化,良好修养 high dance高舞 high day节日 hig h definition高清晰度 high definition colour picture高清晰度彩色图像 high definition image高清晰度图像 high definition laser radar高清晰度激光雷达 high degree of autonomy高度自治权 high demand merchandise紧俏商品 high density disk高密盘 high density population高密度人口 high density raid密集空袭 high density tape高密度录像带 high dive高台跳水 high dribble高运球 high education高等教育 high efficient and energy-saving高效节能 high ejection高空弹射 high elbow recovery高肘移臂 high energy accelerator高能加速器 high energy fuel高能燃料 high energy laser weapon高能激光武器 high energy level高水平体力 high etch凸版胶印 hig h exchange高汇率 high explosive烈性炸药 high explosive shell榴弹 high fashion最新款式的,最时髦的 high finance巨额融资 high flier高材生,高价证券 high flyersty高材生 high flying高空飞行 high flying attack (raid)高空袭击 high frequency高频 high frequency amplification高频放大 high frequency band高频带 high frequency communication高频通信 high frequency interference高频干扰 high frequency radio platoon高频无线电排 high frequency receiver高频接受机 high grade优质 high-grade products高档产品 high graphics高分辨率图形 high ground 高地 high-handed measure高压手段 high handicap多让分 high hat高顶硬礼帽,放置电影摄影机的低架 high heeled shoes高跟鞋 high hurdles高栏 high income高收入 high-income earner class高薪阶层 high intensity lighting system高强度照明设备 high intensity war高强度战争 high interest loans高息贷款 high interest rate高利率 high-involvement product 高参与产品 high-involvement purchase高参与购买 high jinks狂欢作乐 high jump跳高 high jump stand跳高架 high jumper跳高运动员 high key高调,画面明亮的调子 high kick高踢 high kicker舞姿放纵的舞蹈演员 high knee提膝 high land高地 Highland fling苏格兰高地舞 high latitude高纬度 high level高空,高级指挥机构,高水平 high level anticyclone高空反气旋 high-level consumption高消费 high-level language高级语言 high-level leaders高层领导人 high level of democracy高度民主 high-level programmer高级程序员 high level reconnaissance高空侦察 high level run高空飞行 high leveraged investment高杠杆效应的投资 high life贵族生活,奢侈生活,上流社会 highlight brightness最大亮度 high light illumination强光照明 high light scene光亮画面 high lighting辅助照明 highlights and sidelights要闻与花絮,重要新闻与次要新闻 high-live-low-train hypothesis高住低练法 high living奢侈生活 high lobbing defence放高球防守 high lobbing pass高吊传球 high loop高吊弧圈球 high-low上下交替拳 high market share global strategy高市场份额全球战略 high market share高市场份额战略 high mass大弥撒曲 high master校长 high mind高尚的气概 high-need achiever高成就需要者 high net worth market高级净值市场 high notes高音符 high-order goods高档商品 high-order learning高层次学习 high pass高传 high pathogenicity高致病性 high performance高性能 high pitch高音调 high pitch loudspeaker高音扬声器 high point画的亮点 high population密集人口 high post外中锋 high post stall offence on外策应队员 high power amplifier大功率放大器 high power broadcasting大功率广播 high power coastal station高功率海岸站 high power field高倍视野 high power gas laser高功率气体激光器 high power ground radar大功率地面雷达 high power jammer大功率干扰器 high power money高能货币 high-power pistol大威力手枪 high-premium convertible debenture高溢价可转换债券 high-press selling高压推销 high pressure draft高压气流 high pressure training高强度训练 high price高价 high-priced goods高档商品 high-priced stock高价股票 high print凸版印刷 high priority优先考虑,优先处理 high priority programme优先计划 high profile鲜明的姿态,明确的立场 high profit高利润 high profit assets高利润资产 high profiters创利大户 high public profile引起公众人士高度注意 high quality优质 high-quality products优质产品,高档产品 high-quality products by ministry部优产品 hig h quality training高质量训练(课)/ high-ranking general高级将领 high-ranking officer高级军官 high-rate charging高速充电 high rate of striking高划桨频率 high ratio zoom lens高速变焦镜头 high relief高浮雕 high renaissance文艺复兴时期盛期 high resolution高显像度 high-resolution radar 高 分辨率雷达 high-resolution tracker高分辨力跟踪器 high-rise residence高层住宅 high risk stock高风险股票 high roller狂赌者 high salary band高层薪金级别 high sales销售所带来的大额税收 high school高级中学,高中 high school degree中学文凭 high school equivalency examination中学同等学力考试 high school graduate中学毕业生 high school integrating with local community高中职社区化 high-scoring game得分高的比赛 high season旺季 high seas公海 high sensitivity高灵敏度 high set传高球 high shot高吊射门 high skip step高跳步 high snare drum高音响弦小鼓 high society上流社会 high soprano第一女高音 high sound intensity高声强度 high sounding高调的,夸张的 high speed acquisition快速截获目标机 high speed aircraft teleprinter高速机载电传打字机 high speed airplane高速飞机 high speed amphibious assault landing craft高速两栖攻击登陆艇 high speed anti-radar missile高速反雷达导弹 high speed bailout高速跳伞 high speed bombing radar高速轰炸雷达 high speed camera高速摄影机 high speed combat大速度空战 high speed copying高速复印 high speed cruise高速巡航 high speed ejection system高速弹射系统 hig h speed flight(flying)高速飞行 high-speed growing高速增长 high speed launching高速发射 high speed maneuvering capability 高速机动能力 high speed mine-sweeper高速扫雷舰 high speed missile高速导弹 high speed photography快速照相术 high speed printer (HSP)高速打印机 high speed printing高速打印 high-speed racer高速赛车 high speed railways高速铁路 high speed rocket高速火箭 high speed scout高速巡逻机 high speed submarine高速潜艇 high speed taxiway高速滑行跑道 high speed transport高速运输船 high speed weapon delivery高速投射 high spike高点扣球 high spirits兴高采烈,快乐 high spot特点 high stick高击 High Street商业大街 high style时髦式样,新款式 high taxation高额税收 high-tech business incubator创业园 high-tech company 高科技公司 high-tech enterprise高技术企业 high-tech industrial development zone高科技产业开发区 high-tech industries 高科技产业 high-tech industry高技术产业 high-tech model projects to demonstrate their commercial viability高技术产业化示范工程 high-tech park高技术园区 high-tech products高科技产品 high-tech research高技术研究 hightech stock高科技股票 high-tech wars高技术战争 high technology高技术 high-technology industry高技术产业 high technology warfares高技术战争 high temperature belt高温带 high temperature reactor高温反应堆 high temperature thermal protection system高温防护系统 high tenor男高音 high tension高压 high tension fluorescent lamp霓虹灯 high tension supply高压电源 high tension wire高压线 high tide高潮 high tom高音鼓 high tone speaker高音扬声器 high toss service发高抛球 high tragedy高级悲剧 high trial高空试验 high-velocity air高速气流 high-velocity antitank shell高速反坦克炮弹 high-velocity armor-piercing高速穿甲弹 high-velocity detonation高速爆破 high-velocity drop 高速空投 high-velocity gun高射速火炮 high-velocity path高速航迹 high-velocity target practice projectile高速射击练习弹射击练习弹 high volley高截球 high-voltage lighting高压灯照明 high wage高工资 high water高潮 high water mark全盛时期,最高峰 highway freight公路运价 highway funds公路资金 highway landscape公路景观 highway maintenance expenses养路费 highway traffic volume公路运输量 highway transportation公路运输 highwaymen or road bandits who rob bus or train passengers or block the road and demand road fare车匪路霸 high yield丰产,高产 high yield bond funds高收益债券基金 high yield financing高收益融资 high yielders收益丰厚的股票 high-ball n. 高速火车,火车全速前进信号 high-blown adj.得意洋洋的 high-born n.出身高贵 highbrow n. 文化素质高者 high-class adj.高级的 high-colored adj.色彩强烈的,鲜明的 high-definition adj.非常鲜明的 high-duty adj. 大功率的 high-efficiency adj.高效的 higher adj.较高的 higher authorities上级,上级机关 higher certificte examination高级证书考试 higher circle高层圈子 higher class上层阶级 higher credit tranche高档信贷份额 higher degree高级学位 higher doctorate高级博士学位 higher education高等教育 higher education act高等教育法 Higher Education Management高等教育管理 higher education structure高等教育结构 higher education subsector高等教育界界别分组 higher elementary school高级小学 higher geometry高等几何(学)/ higher grade高级 higher grade school高级小学 higher income bracket高收入阶层 higher learning高等教育 higher level上级 higher mathematics高等数学 higher mental process高等心理过程 higher national certificate高级国家证书,高级国家文凭,国家高级学位证书 higher nervous activity高级神经活动 higher-order language高阶语言 higher-order logic高阶逻辑 higher-order predicate calculus高阶谓词演算 higher order reaction高级次反应 higher organs上级机关 higher pedagogical education高等师范教育 higher pedagogy高等教育学 Higher People’s Court高级人民法院 Higher People’s Procuratortate高级人民检察院 higher philosophy高深哲学 higher preference较优先选择 higher preparatory examination高等预备考试 higher school administration system高等院校招生制度 higher school certificate中学毕业文凭 higher sensation高等感觉机能 higher sense高等感觉 higher stilts show踩高跷表演 higher tops小学高生 higher-up hypothesis沿上假设 higher vocational education高等职业教育 highest adj. 最高的 highest alert一级戒备 highest bidder最高价竞买人,最高竟价者 highest employment of virtue道德的最高任务 highest good至善 highest organ of state power最高国家权力机关 highest possible score满分 highest price最高价 highest quotation顶盘 highest tax bracket最高的纳税等级 highest tone最明亮的调子 highest virtue最高美德 high-flown adj.夸张的 highflyer n.野心家 highflying adj.骄傲的,自命不凡的 highland n.高地,高原 highlevel adj.高级别的,高标准的 highlight n.最精彩的场面,要闻,最重要的部分 highly adv.高度地,非常 highly centralize高度集中 highly efficient in doing sth. 办事高效 Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI)高致病性禽流感 highly pathogenic suspected cases高致病性禽流感疫区 highly praise赞叹 highly-colored adj.渲染过分的 high-minded adj. 高尚的 Highness n.殿下,阁下 highness n.高度 high-pitched adj.紧张的,尖声的,高音调的 high-pressure adj.高压的 high-rank adj.高级的 high-rise adj.高楼的 highs n.高价证券 high-society n. 上流社会 highsounding adj. 言过其实的,冠冕堂皇的 high-spirited adj.兴高采烈的 high-spot n.最精彩部分 high-strung adj.紧张的,敏感的 high-tail v. 迅速撤退,迅速离开 high-test adj.优质的,高级的 high-type adj.高级的 highway n.公路,大道,交通干线 highwayman n.车匪 high-yield n.高产量 His (Her,Your) Highness殿下 |