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单词 不伦不类

不伦不类bù lún bù lèi

be jumbled; below standard; defying classification; heterogeneous;messy; neither fish,(flesh,) nor fowl (/nor good red herring); neither rhyme nor reason; nondescript;without rhyme or reason (/sense or order)
❍ 他变得很爱喝酒,老跟些~的朋友胡混。(高云览(小城春秋》157)He had become very fond of drinking,and mixed with all sorts of peculiar companions.
❍ 客厅里摆的是硬木桌椅、西式沙发、玻璃屏风,非常讲究而又~。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》211) The room was furnished grandly but inconsistently with Chinese hardwood tables and chairs,……/把永王李璘比成匈奴,比成秦始皇,比得都有点~。(郭沫若《李白与杜甫》172) One can see at once how incongruous it is to compare Li Lin and Prince Yong with the Huns and the Emperor of Qin.


neither fish nor fowl;nondescript
~的比喻far-fetched analogy; incongruous metaphor

不伦不类bù lún bù lèi

伦:类。既像这一类,又不像那一类。neither rhyme nor reason, neither fish nor fowl, nondescript, defying classification, be jumbled, below standard





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