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单词 spy
释义 spy /spai; spai/ n (pl spies) 1 person who tries to get secret information, esp about the military affairs of other countries (called a 'secret agent' if he is employed by one's own government and a 'spy' if he is working for other countries). 间谍(受雇于本国政府者,称为'特工人员',为其他国家工作者,称为涧谍')。 2 person who keeps a secret watch on the movements of others: M探; 探员; 秘密侦察他人行动者: police spies, persons employed by the police to watch suspected criminals; 为探 (警察雇用以侦察嫌疑犯者); industrial spies, employed to learn trade secrets, etc. 工业间谍(受雇刺探商业秘密等者)。 vi, vt 1 [VP2A, 3A, 15B] ~ (into/on/upon sth); ~ sth out, act as a spy on, watch secretly: 作侦探; 侦坠; 窥探: spy on the enemy's movements; 值察敌方行动; spy out the land; 秘密侦察该地; spy into other people's affairs. 窥探他人事物。 2 [VP6A, 19A] observe; see; discover: 观察; 看见; 童现: I spy someone coming up the garden path. 我看到有人从花园小径走过来。 You pie, pigeon pie. 鸽肉馅饼。 2 (comm) soft seat or cushion, esp as a seat in a car. (商)软座; 软坐垫(尤指用于峤车中者)。 are quick at spying her faults. 你很容易看出仙的缺点。 'spy-glass n small telescope. 小望远镜。 'spyhole n peep-hole. 窥视孔。




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