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单词 上下其手

上下其手shàng xià qí shǒu

change wording in legal documents to alter meaning slightly by changing emphasis; get up to tricks; league together (/manoeuvre) for some evil end;practise fraud
❍ 上其手,曰:“夫子为王子围,寡君之贵介弟也。”下其手,曰:“此子为穿封戌,方城外之县尹也。谁获子?”(《左传·襄公二十六年》) Then holding up his hand,he said,“That gentleman is Wei,a son of our King Kong,and the honourable brother of our ruler.” Holding it down,he said,“This gentleman is Chuanfeng Shu,director of defence of the district outside our wall.Which of them to you? ”/统通换了自己的私人,以便~。(李宝嘉《官场现形记》二十四) All the incumbents were replaced by his own men so that they might league together for some evil end.


practice fraud; manoeuvre for some evil ends; get up to tricks; act in an underhand way; resort to deception

上下其手shànɡ xià qí shǒu

比喻暗中勾结,串通作弊。practise fraud, get up to tricks, maneuver for some evil end





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