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单词 三教九流

三教九流sān jiào jiǔ liú

the three religions(Confucianism,Taoism,and Buddhism) and the nine schools of thought (the Confucians,the Taoists,the Yin-Yang,the Legalists,the Logicians,the Mohists,the Political Startegists,the Eclectics and the Agriculturists) — various religious sects and academic schools; people from all walks of life;people in various trades; people of all sorts; people of varying social origins and backgrounds
❍ 竹斋说,现在的共产党真厉害,九流三教里,到处全有,防不胜防。(茅盾《子夜》 14) Zhuzhai says they’re up to all sorts of tricks now. They’re everywhere. You’ll find them in all walks of life,and there’s no stopping them.
❍ 我打算照旧卖茶,派 (指) 小丁宝和小心眼作招待,有我在这儿监视着~,各色人等,一定能够得到大量的情报。(老舍《茶馆》75)I carry on selling tea here,and (pointing)Little Ding Bao and Xiao Xinyan will be the waitresses. I’ll be here keeping an eye on people from all walks of life. We’re sure to pick up a lot of information and get our hands on the Commies.
❍ 你看十三经,廿一史,九流三教,诸子百家,腐烂时文,新奇小说。(孔尚任《桃花扇·逮社》 Here are the Thirteen Canons,the Twenty-one Dynastic Histories,all the tomes of the nine schools of philosophy,of the three religions and the hundred thi nkers.besides collec-tions of eight-legged essays and fashionable modern novels.
❍ 上至天文,下至地理,~,诸子百家,无所不通,古今兴废,圣贤经传,无所不览。(《三国演义》737)Everything: astronomy on one hand,geography on the other;the three teachings and the nine systems;all the philosophers; history all through and all sacred books and traditions. There is nothing I have not read.
❍ 便从不入~的小说家所谓“闲话休题,言归正传”这一句套话里,取出 “正传” 两个字来,作为名目,……(《鲁迅选集》上—50) …so from the stock phrase of the novelists,who are not reckoned among the Three Cults and Nine Schools. “Enough of this digression,and back to the true story,”I will take the last two words as my title; …/…… “~”都不如他。(《毛泽东选集》Ⅴ—490) …people of all“three religions and nine schools of thought”are not fit to hold a candle to them.

三教九流san jiao jiu liu

❶three religions and nine schools of thought
❷various religious sects and academic schools
❸people in various trades

三教九流san jiao jiu liu

three religions and nine schools of thought;various religious sects and academic schools; people in various trades


three religions and nine schools of thought
三教指儒教、佛教、道教。九流指儒家、道家、阴阳家、法家、名家、墨家、纵横家、杂家、农家。泛指宗教、学术各种流派或社会上各种行业。也用来泛指江湖上各种各样的人。the three religions refer to Confucians,Buddhism and Taoism;the nine schools of thought refer to the Confucius,the Taoists,the “Ying Yang”advocates,the Legalists,the Logicians,the Mohists,the Political Strategists,the Eclectics and the Agriculturists

三教九流sān jiào jiǔ liú

三教:指佛教、道教、儒教;九流:指道家、儒家、阴阳家、法家、名家、墨家、纵横家、杂家、农家。指宗教、学术中各种流派或社会上各种行业、各色人物。也泛指江湖上各种行业的人。people of all sorts, people in various trades, men of dubious trades





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