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单词 三思而行

三思而行三思而后行sān sī ér xíng

act only after careful thought; act with prudence; draw not your bow till your arrow is fixed; look before you leap; look around well before taking any step;measure twice and cut once; second thoughts are best; think thrice and then act; advise with (/take counsel of) one’s pillow
❍ 你也会~,再思可矣。(《关汉卿戏剧集·赵盼儿风月救风尘》110) You had better think again!/季文子三思而后行。(《论语·公冶长》) Ji Wan though tthrice,and then acted.
❍ 林冲谏道:“兄长,人心难忖,~。”(《水浒全传》841) Lin Chong exhorted him and said,“Brother,hard it is to know a man’s heart—think thrice on what you do! ”

三思而行sān sī ér xínɡ

形容经过反复考虑后才采取行动。look before you leap; second thoughts are best; First think, then speak





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