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单词 三十六计,走为上计

三十六计,走为上计三十六着,走为上着sān shí liù jì , zǒu wéi shàng jì

of the thirty-six plans (/strategies/stratagems),flight (/running away) is the best; of all choices,departure is the best; the best thing to do now is to quit/“~”! 卷卷行李,一溜烟急走到省城去了。(《儒林外史》64) Better make myself scarce. He bundled some things together and fled tothe provincial capital.
❍ 俗话说得好: 三十六着,走为上策。(朱素臣《十五贯》40) The proverb says: Of thirty six strategies flight is best.
❍ 诗曰: “趋趋兔, 遇犬获之,”此之谓也,然则三十六计,固仍以 “走”为上计耳。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅲ—177) We read in the Book of Songs:Frisking hares and rabbits are caught by hounds. But this as it may,of thirty-six strategies the best is still to“fly”./娘道: “我儿,‘~’”。只恐没处走。(《水浒全传》 16) “My son,” said the mother,”‘Of all the thirty-six ways to get out of trouble,the best way is—leave.’ Only I’m afraid you have no place to go.”* [三十六计] The Thirty-six Stratagems
❍ 瞒天过海 crossing the sea under camouflage
❍ 围魏救赵relieving the state of Zhao by besieging the state of Wei
❍ 借刀杀人 killing someone by another’s hand
❍ 以逸待劳 waiting at one’s ease for the exhausted enemy
❍ 趁火打劫 plundering a burning house
❍ 声东击西 making a feint to the east and attacking in the west
❍ 无中生有 creating something out of nothing
❍ 暗渡陈仓 advancing secretly by an unknown path
❍ 隔岸观火 watching the fire from the other side of the river
❍ 笑里藏刀 hiding a dagger behind a smile
❍ 李代桃僵 palming off a substitute for the real thing
❍ 顺手牵羊 picking up something in passing
❍ 打草惊蛇beating the grass to frighten away the snake
❍ 借尸还魂 using a corpse to resurrect a dead soul
❍ 调虎离山luring the tiger out of his den
❍ 欲擒故纵 letting the enemy off in order to catch him
❍ 抛砖引玉 giving the enemy something to induce him to give up more valuable things
❍ 擒贼擒王 capturing the ringleader first in order to capture all his followers
❍ 釜底抽薪extracting the firewood from under the cauldron
❍ 浑水摸鱼 fishing in troubled waters
❍ 金蝉脱壳 slip ping away by casting off a cloak
❍ 关门捉贼 catching the thief by closing his escaping route
❍ 远交近攻befriending the distant enemy while attacking the enemy nearer home
❍ 假途伐虢 attacking the enemy by passing through a common neighbour
❍ 偷梁换柱stealing the beams and pillars and replacing them with rotten timbers
❍ 指桑骂槐 reviling the locust tree while pointing to the mulberry
❍ 假痴不癫 feigning madness without becoming insane
❍ 上屋抽梯removing the ladder after the enemy has climbed up
❍ 树上开花 putting artificial flowers on trees
❍ 反客为主 turning from a guest into a host
❍ 美人计 using seductive women to corrupt the foe
❍ 空城计presenting a bold front to conceal unpreparedness
❍ 反间计 sowing discord among the enemy
❍ 苦肉计deceiving the enemy by torturing one’s own man
❍ 连环计 co-ordinating one stratagem with another
❍ 走为上 running away is the best of all stratagems

三十六计,走为上计san shi liu ji,zou wei shang ji

of all the stratagems,the best is to quit


of all the 36 stratagems,the best is to quit or:of all alternatives,running away is the best





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