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外国名著wài ɡuó mínɡ zhùNon-Chinese Literary Works啊,拓荒者! [ā, tuò huānɡ zhě!] O Pioneers! 阿瑟·萨维尔勋爵的罪恶及其他故事 [ā sè sà wéi ěr xūn jué de zuì è jí qí tā ɡù shì] Lord Arthur Savile’s Crime and Other Stories 阿斯本文件 [ā sī běn wén jiàn] The Aspern Papers 艾凡赫 [ài fán hè] Ivanhoe 艾格妮斯·格雷 [ài ɡé nī sī ɡé léi] Agnes Grey 爱德温·德鲁德之谜 [ài dé wēn dé lǔ dé zhī mí] The Mystery of Edwin Drood 爱的徒劳 [ài de tú láo] Love’s Labour’s Lost 爱尔汗布拉宫 [ài ěr hàn bù lā ɡōnɡ] The Alhambra 爱丽丝镜中奇遇记 [ài lì sī jìnɡ zhōnɡ qí yù jì] Through the Looking Glass 爱丽丝漫游奇境记 [ài lì sī màn yóu qí jìnɡ jì] Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland 爱玛 [ài mǎ] Emma 爱情的礼赞 [ài qínɡ de lǐ zàn] The Passionate Pilgrim 安·维罗尼卡 [ān wéi luó ní kǎ] Ann Veronica 安东尼与克莉奥佩特拉 [ān dōnɡ ní yǔ kè lì ào pèi tè lā] The Tragedy of Antony and Cleopatra 安娜·卡列尼娜 [ān nà kǎ liè ní nà] Anna Karenina 暗礁 [àn jiāo] The Reef 傲慢与偏见 [ào màn yǔ piān jiàn] Pride and Prejudice 奥德赛 [ào dé sài] Odyssey 奥尔迈耶的愚蠢 [ào ěr mài yē de yú chǔn] Almayer’s Folly 奥赛罗 [ào sài luó] Othello 奥托王子 [ào tuō wánɡ zǐ] Prince Otto 巴比特 [bā bǐ tè] Babbitt 巴伯拉少校 [bā bó lā shào xiào] Major Barbara 巴黎圣母院 [bā lí shènɡ mǔ yuàn] Notre-Dame de Paris 巴伦特雷少爷 [bā lún tè léi shào ye] Master of Ballantrae 巴纳比·拉奇 [bā nà bǐ lā qí] Barnaby Rudge 巴斯克维尔庄园的猎犬 [bā sī kè wéi ěr zhuānɡ yuán de liè quǎn] The Hound of the Baskervilles 白菜与国王 [bái cài yǔ ɡuó wánɡ] Cabbages and Kings 白鲸 [bái jīnɡ] Moby Dick (The Whale) 白水仙花号上的黑家伙 [bái shuǐ xiān huā hào shànɡ de hēi jiā huo] The Nigger of the Marcissus 白衣女人 [bái yī nǚ rén] The Woman in White 败坏了哈德莱堡的人 [bài huài le hā dé lái bǎo de rén] The Man that Corrupted Hadleyberg 拜伦诗集 [bài lún shī jí] The Selected Poetry of Lord Byron 班尼托·西兰诺 [bān ní tuō xī lán nuò] Benito Cereno 邦纳姐妹 [bānɡ nà jiě mèi] Bunner Sisters 绑架 [bǎnɡ jià] Kidnapped 包法利夫人 [bāo fǎ lì fū rén] Madame Bouvary 暴风雨 [bào fēnɡ yǔ] The Tempest 悲惨世界 [bēi cǎn shì jiè] Les Miserables 北方与南方 [běi fānɡ yǔ nán fānɡ] North and South 被解放的普罗米修斯[bèi jiě fànɡ de pǔ luó mǐ xiū sī] Prometheus Unbound 比利·巴德 [bǐ lì bā dé] Billy Budd 彼尔·金特 [bǐ ěr jīn tè] Peer-Gynt 冰天雪地 [bīnɡ tiān xuě dì] Snow-Bound 博纳维尔上尉探险记 [bó nà wéi ěr shànɡ wèi tàn xiǎn jì] The Adventures of Captain Bonneville 布里克斯 [bù lǐ kè sī] Blix 草叶集 [cǎo yè jí] Leaves of Grass 茶花女 [chá huā nǚ] Camille 查太莱夫人的情人 [chá tài lái fū rén de qínɡ rén] Lady Chatterlay’s Lover 城堡 [chénɡ bǎo] The Castle 船长的女儿 [chuán zhǎnɡ de nǚ ér] Captain’s Daughter 纯真年代 [chún zhēn nián dài] The Age of Innocence 丛林故事 [cónɡ lín ɡù shì] The Jungle Book 错误的喜剧 [cuò wù de xǐ jù] The Comedy of Errors 达尔杜弗 [dá ěr dù fú] Le Tartuffe 大地 [dà dì] The Good Earth 大饭店 [dà fàn diàn] Grand Hotel 大街 [dà jiē] Main Street 大师的教诲 [dà shī de jiào huì] The Lesson of the Master 大卫·科波菲尔 [dà wèi kē bō fēi ěr] David Copperfield 戴西·密勒 [dài xī mì lè] Daisy Miller 当我垂死的时候 [dānɡ wǒ chuí sǐ de shí hòu] As I Lay Dying 道林·格雷的肖像 [dào lín ɡé léi de xiào xiànɡ] The Picture of Dorian Gray 德伯家的苔丝 [dé bó jiā de tāi sī] Tess of the d’Urbervilles 灯塔 [dēnɡ tǎ] To the Light House 等待戈多 [děnɡ dài ɡē duō] Waiting for Godot 地毯上的图案 [dì tǎn shànɡ de tú àn] The Figure in the Carpet 第十二夜 [dì shí èr yè] Twelfth Night 冬天的故事 [dōnɡ tiān de ɡù shì] The Winter’s Tale 董贝父子 [dǒnɡ bèi fù zǐ] Domby and Son 都柏林人 [dū bó lín rén] Dubliners 恶心 [ě xīn] Nausea 恩狄米安 [ēn dí mǐ ān] Endymion 儿子与情人 [ér zi yǔ qínɡ rén] Sons and Lovers 菲利丝表妹 [fēi lì sī biǎo mèi] Cousin Phillis 愤怒的葡萄 [fèn nù de pú táo] The Grapes of Wrath 奉使记 [fènɡ shǐ jì] The Ambassadors 凤凰和斑鸠 [fènɡ huánɡ hé bān jiū] The Phoenix and the Turtle 浮士德 [fú shì dé] Faust 福尔摩斯归来记 [fú ěr mó sī ɡuī lái jì] The Return of Sherlock Holmes 福尔摩斯回忆录 [fú ěr mó sī huí yì lù] Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes 福尔摩斯探案集 [fú ěr mó sī tàn àn jí] The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes 福尔赛世家 [fú ěr sài shì jiā] The Forsyte Saga 弗兰肯斯坦 [fú lán kěn sī tǎn] Frankenstein 弗罗斯河上的磨坊 [fú luó sī hé shànɡ de mò fánɡ] The Mill on the Floss 复活 [fù huó] Resurrection 复乐园 [fù lè yuán] Paradise Regained 父与子 [fù yǔ zǐ] Fathers and Sons 高老头 [ɡāo lǎo tóu] Le Pere Goriot 格列佛游记 [ɡé liè fú yóu jì] Gulliver’s Travels 格林童话集 [ɡé lín tónɡ huà jí] Grimm’s Fairy Tales 古董家 [ɡǔ dǒnɡ jiā] The Antiquary 古屋青苔 [ɡǔ wū qīnɡ tái] Mosses from an Old Manse 贵妇画像 [ɡuì fù huà xiànɡ] The Portrait of A Lady 贵族的窝 [ɡuì zú de wō] A Nobleman’s Nest 国外漫游 [ɡuó wài màn yóu] A Tramp Abroad 哈克贝利·费恩历险记 [hā kè bèi lì fèi ēn lì xiǎn jì] The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 哈姆莱特 [hā mǔ lái tè] The Tragedy of Hamlet; Prince of Denmark 海狼 [hǎi lánɡ] The Sea Wolf 海鸥 [hǎi ōu] The Seagull 海野瓦达之歌 [hǎi yě wǎ dá zhī ɡē] The Song of Hiawatha 好妻子 [hǎo qī zi] Good Wives 好友 [hǎo yǒu] Bel Ami 赫达·贾柏莱 [hè dá jiǎ bǎi lái] Hedda Gabler 赫米斯顿的韦尔 [hè mǐ sī dùn de wéi ěr] Weir of Hermiston 黑暗之心 [hēi àn zhī xīn] Heart of Darkness 黑箭 [hēi jiàn] The Black Arrow 黑人的灵魂 [hēi rén de línɡ hún] The Souls of Black Folk 黑死病 [hēi sǐ bìnɡ] The Plague 亨利八世 [hēnɡ lì bā shì] King Henry the Eighth 亨利六世 [hēnɡ lì liù shì] King Henry the Sixth 亨利六世上篇 [hēnɡ lì liù shì shànɡ piān] The First Part of King Henry VI 亨利六世下篇 [hēnɡ lì liù shì xià piān] The Third Part of King Henry VI 亨利六世中篇 [hēnɡ lì liù shì zhōnɡ piān] The Second Part of King Henry VI 亨利四世 [hēnɡ lì sì shì] King Henry Ⅳ 亨利四世上篇 [hēnɡ lì sì shì shànɡ piān] The First Part of King Henry IV 亨利四世下篇 [hēnɡ lì sì shì xià piān] The Second Part of King Henry IV 亨利五世 [hēnɡ lì wǔ shì] King Henry the Fifth 红皮童话书 [hónɡ pí tónɡ huà shū] The Red Fairy Book 红色英勇勋章 [hónɡ sè yīnɡ yǒnɡ xūn zhānɡ] The Red Badge of Courage 红与黑 [hónɡ yǔ hēi] The Red and the Black 红字 [hónɡ zì] The Scarlet Letter 呼啸山庄 [hū xiào shān zhuānɡ] Wuthering Heights 护符 [hù fú] The Talisman- A Tale of the Crusaders 华伦斯坦 [huá lún sī tǎn] Wallenstein 华盛顿广场 [huá shènɡ dùn ɡuǎnɡ chǎnɡ] Washington Square 怀尔德菲尔府的房客 [huái ěr dé fēi ěr fǔ de fánɡ kè] The Tenant of Wildfell Hall 欢乐之家 [huān lè zhī jiā] House of Mirth 还乡 [huán xiānɡ] The Return of the Native 荒凉山庄 [huānɡ liánɡ shān zhuānɡ] Bleak House 荒野 [huānɡ yě] Ah, Wilderness! 荒原 [huānɡ yuán] The Waste Land 黄皮童话书 [huánɡ pí tónɡ huà shū] The Yellow Fairy Book 活草 [huó cǎo] The Living Reed 基度山恩仇记 [jī dù shān ēn chóu jì] The Count of Monte-Cristo 吉姆 [jí mǔ] Kim 吉姆老爷 [jí mǔ lǎo yé] Lord Jim 嘉丽妹妹 [jiā lì mèi mèi] Sister Carrie 艰难时世 [jiān nán shí shì] Hard Times 简·爱 [jiǎn ài] Jane Eyre 见闻札记 [jiàn wén zhá jì] The Sketch Book 教师 [jiào shī] The Professor 皆大欢喜 [jiē dà huān xǐ] All’s Well That Ends Well 街头女郎梅季 [jiē tóu nǚ lánɡ méi jì] Maggie-A Girl of the Streets 杰基尔医生和海德先生的奇案 [jié jī ěr yī shēnɡ hé hǎi dé xiān shēnɡ de qí àn] The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde 金船 [jīn chuán] The Golden Boat 金阁寺 [jīn ɡé sì] The Golden Temple 金碗 [jīn wǎn] The Golden Bowl 金银岛 [jīn yín dǎo] Treasure Island 卡拉玛佐夫兄弟 [kǎ lā mǎ zuǒ fū xiōnɡ dì] The Brothers Karamazov 卡斯特桥市长 [kǎ sī tè qiáo shì zhǎnɡ] The Mayor of Casterbridge 坎特伯雷故事集 [kǎn tè bó léi ɡù shì jí] The Canterbury Tales 康迪特 [kānɡ dí tè] Candide 科利奥兰纳斯 [kē lì ào lán nà sī] The Tragedy of Coriolanus 克兰福德 [kè lán fú dé] Cranford 空中战争 [kōnɡ zhōnɡ zhàn zhēnɡ] The War in the Air 恐怖峡谷 [kǒnɡ bù xiá ɡǔ] The Valley of Fear 快乐的日子 [kuài lè de rì zi] Happy Days 快乐的王子 [kuài lè de wánɡ zǐ] The Happy Prince 快乐时光 [kuài lè shí ɡuānɡ] Time of Your Life 快乐王子及其他故事 [kuài lè wánɡ zǐ jí qí tā ɡù shì] The Happy Prince and Other Tales 拉马摩尔的新娘 [lā mǎ mó ěr de xīn niánɡ] Bride of Lammermoor 莱蒂夫人号的莫兰 [lái dì fū rén hào de mò lán] Moran of the Lady Letty 赖格尔先生 [lài ɡé ěr xiān shēnɡ] Sir Nigel 狼的儿子 [lánɡ de ér zi] The Son of the Wolf 老古玩店 [lǎo ɡǔ wán diàn] The Old Curiosity Shop 老人与海 [lǎo rén yǔ hǎi] The Old Man and the Sea 老太太们的故事 [lǎo tài tɑi men de ɡù shì] The Old Wives’ Tale 理查二世 [lǐ chá èr shì] King Richard II 理查三世 [lǐ chá sān shì] King Richard III 理想丈夫 [lǐ xiǎnɡ zhànɡ fū] An Ideal Husband 理智与情感 [lǐ zhì yǔ qínɡ ɡǎn] Sense and Sensibility 李尔王 [lǐ ěr wánɡ] King Lear 恋爱中的女人 [liàn ài zhōnɡ de nǚ rén] Women in Love 炉边蟋蟀 [lú biān xī shuài] The Cricket on the Hearth 鲁宾逊漂流记 [lǔ bīn xùn piāo liú jì] Robinson Crusoe-1 鲁宾逊漂流记续集 [lǔ bīn xùn piāo liú jì xù jí] Robinson Crusoe-2 鲁克丽丝受辱记 [lǔ kè lì sī shòu rǔ jì] The Rape of Lucrece 露丝 [lù sī] Ruth 旅美札记 [lǚ měi zhá jì] American Notes 绿皮童话书 [lǜ pí tónɡ huà shū] The Blue Fairy Book 螺丝在拧紧 [luó sī zài nǐnɡ jǐn] The Turn of the Screw 罗布·罗伊 [luó bù luó yī] Rob Roy 罗德里克·赫德森 [luó dé lǐ kè hè dé sēn] Roderick Hudson 罗马女子 [luó mǎ nǚ zǐ] La Romana 罗密欧与朱丽叶 [luó mì ōu yǔ zhū lì yè] Romeo and Juliet 玛丽·巴顿 [mǎ lì bā dùn] Mary Barton 马丁·伊登 [mǎ dīnɡ yī dēnɡ] Martin Eden 马丁·朱述尔维特 [mǎ dīnɡ zhū shù ěr wéi tè] Martin Chuzzlewit 马尔他之犹太人 [mǎ ěr tā zhī yóu tài rén] The Jew of Malta 麦克白 [mài kè bái] Macbeth 麦克提格 [mài kè tí ɡé] McTeague 麦琪的礼物 [mài qí de lǐ wù] The Gift of the Magi 曼萨特的苦难历程 [màn sà tè de kǔ nàn lì chénɡ] The Ordeal of Mansart 曼斯菲尔德庄园 [màn sī fēi ěr dé zhuānɡ yuán] Mansfield Park 玫瑰与戒指 [méi ɡui yǔ jiè zhǐ] The Rose and the Ring 没有姓名 [méi yǒu xìnɡ mínɡ] No Name 美国的悲剧 [měi ɡuó de bēi jù] An American Tragedy 美国人 [měi ɡuó rén] The American 美妙的新世界 [měi miào de xīn shì jiè] Brave New World 梦 [mènɡ] Dreams 梦见约翰·鲍尔 [mènɡ jiàn yuē hàn bào ěr] A Dream of John Ball and A King’s Lesson 米德尔马奇 [mǐ dé ěr mǎ qí] Middlemarch 密西西比河上的生活 [mì xī xī bǐ hé shànɡ de shēnɡ huó] Life on the Mississippi 名利场 [mínɡ lì chǎnɡ] Vanity Fair 名流之死 [mínɡ liú zhī sǐ] Death of the Lion 摩尔·弗兰德斯 [mó ěr fú lán dé sī] Moll Flanders 莫格街谋杀案 [mò ɡé jiē móu shā àn] Murders in the Rue Morgue 莫洛医生的岛屿 [mò luò yī shēnɡ de dǎo yǔ] The Island of Doctor Moreau 母亲 [mǔ qīn] Mother 内河航程 [nèi hé hánɡ chénɡ] An Inland Voyage 尼古拉斯·尼克贝尔 [ní ɡǔ lā sī ní kè bèi ěr] Nicholas Nickleby 年轻艺术家的画像 [nián qīnɡ yì shù jiā de huà xiànɡ] A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man 牛虻 [niú mánɡ] The Gadfly 诺斯特罗摩 [nuò sī tè luó mó] Nostromo 欧也妮·葛郎台 [ōu yě nī ɡě lánɡ tái] Eugenie Grandet 欧州人 [ōu zhōu rén] The Europeans 叛徒 [pàn tú] The Renegade 匹克威克外传 [pǐ kè wēi kè wài zhuàn] The Pickwick Papers 普克山的派克 [pǔ kè shān de pài kè] Puck of Pook’s Hill 普鲁佛克的爱歌 [pǔ lǔ fú kè de ài ɡē] The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock 妻子和女儿 [qī zi hé nǚ ér] Wives and Daughters 七个尖角阁的房子 [qī ɡè jiān jiǎo ɡé de fánɡ zi] The House of Seven Gables 骑虎 [qí hǔ] In Chancery 骑驴游塞文斯山脉 [qí lǘ yóu sài wén sī shān mài] Travels with a Donkey in the Cevennes 弃儿汤姆·琼斯的历史 [qì ér tānɡ mǔ qiónɡ sī de lì shǐ] The History of Tom Jones, A Foundling 千鹤 [qiān hè] Thousand Cranes 墙 [qiánɡ] The Wall 墙中之门 [qiánɡ zhōnɡ zhī mén] The Door in the Wall and Other Stories 钦差大臣 [qīn chāi dà chén] The Government Inspector; The Inspector-General 青春 [qīnɡ chūn] Youth 轻骑队之战歌 [qīnɡ qí duì zhī zhàn ɡē] The Charge of the Light Brigade 情女怨 [qínɡ nǚ yuàn] A Lover’s Complaint 情书 [qínɡ shū] Correspondence 请君入瓮 [qǐnɡ jūn rù wènɡ] Measure for Measure 穷理查的历书 [qiónɡ lǐ chá de lì shū] Poor Richard’s Almanack (1733-1758) 裘力斯·凯撒 [qiú lì sī kǎi sā] (The Tragedy of) Julius Caesar 劝导 [quàn dǎo] Persuasion 惹事生非 [rě shì shēnɡ fēi] Much Ado about Nothing 热爱生命 [rè ài shēnɡ mìnɡ] Love of Life and Other Stories 人间喜剧 [rén jiān xǐ jù] The Human Comedy 人生的战斗 [rén shēnɡ de zhàn dòu] The Battle of Life 人性枷锁 [rén xìnɡ jiā suǒ] Of Human Bondage 人与超人 [rén yǔ chāo rén] Man and Superman 人与地 [rén yǔ dì] Persons and Places 人与鼠 [rén yǔ shǔ] Of Mice and Men 认真的重要 [rèn zhēn de zhònɡ yào] The Importance of Being Earnest 日出 [rì chū] The Sun Also Rises 如愿 [rú yuàn] As You Like It 入定 [rù dìnɡ] Sartoris 三个火枪手 [sān ɡè huǒ qiānɡ shǒu] The Three Musketeers 三万元的遗产 [sān wàn yuán de yí chǎn] The $30,000 Bequest 丧钟为谁而鸣 [sānɡ zhōnɡ wèi shuí ér mínɡ] For Whom the Bell Tolls 莎士比亚全集 [shā shì bǐ yà quán jí] The Complete Works of William Shakespeare 傻瓜威尔逊的悲剧 [shǎ ɡuā wēi ěr xùn de bēi jù] The Tragedy of Pudd’nhead Wilson 傻子出国记 [shǎ zi chū ɡuó jì] The Innocents Abroad 少奶奶的扇子 [shào nǎi nɑi de shàn zi] Lady Windermere’s Fan 少年维特的烦恼 [shào nián wéi tè de fán nǎo] The Sorrows of Young Werther 深渊中的人们 [shēn yuān zhōnɡ de rén men] The People of the Abyss 神缠身的人 [shén chán shēn de rén] The Haunted Man and the Ghost’s Bargain 神曲 [shén qǔ] (The) Divine Comedy 神圣源泉 [shén shènɡ yuán quán] The Sacred Fount 审判 [shěn pàn] The Trial 生活行为 [shēnɡ huó xínɡ wéi] The Conduct of Life 圣艾格妮丝节前夕 [shènɡ ài ɡé nī sī jié qián xī] The Eve of St Agnes 圣诞欢歌 [shènɡ dàn huān ɡē] A Christmas Carol 圣战 [shènɡ zhàn] The Holy War 失乐园 [shī lè yuán] Paradise Lost 失去的世界 [shī qù de shì jiè] The Lost World 诗歌集 [shī ɡē jí] Book of Songs 十日谈 [shí rì tán] Decameron 十四行诗 [shí sì hánɡ shī] The Sonnets 石榴房子 [shí liú fánɡ zi] A House of Pomegranates 时间机器 [shí jiān jī qì] The Time Machine 什么是人 [shén me shì rén] What is Man 食莲者 [shí lián zhě] The Lotus-Eaters 世外桃源 [shì wài táo yuán] God’s Little Acre 书的战争 [shū de zhàn zhēnɡ] The Battle of the Books and Others 书信集 [shū xìn jí] Letters 双城记 [shuānɡ chénɡ jì] A Tale of Two Cities 死的胜利 [sǐ de shènɡ lì] The Triumph of Death 死灵魂 [sǐ línɡ hún] Dead Souls 死于威尼斯 [sǐ yú wēi ní sī] Death in Venice 四签名 [sì qiān mínɡ] The Sign of Four 塔 [tǎ] Tower 泰尔亲王伯利克里斯 [tài ěr qīn wánɡ bó lì kè lǐ sī] Pericles, Prince of Tyre 泰特斯·安德洛尼克斯 [tài tè sī ān dé luò ní kè sī] Titus Andronicus 太比 [tài bǐ] Typee 汤姆·索亚 [tānɡ mǔ suǒ yà] Tom Sawyer 汤姆·索亚历险记 [tānɡ mǔ suǒ yà lì xiǎn jì] The Adventures of Tom Sawyer 汤姆·索亚探案 [tānɡ mǔ suǒ yà tàn àn] Tom Sawyer Detective 汤姆·索亚在国外 [tānɡ mǔ suǒ yà zài ɡuó wài] Tom Sawyer Abroad 汤姆叔叔的小屋 [tānɡ mǔ shū shū de xiǎo wū] Uncle Tom’s Cabin 唐·吉诃德 [tánɡ jí hē dé] Don Quixote 唐·璜 [tánɡ huánɡ] Don Juan 特罗尔花园 [tè luó ěr huā yuán] The Troll Garden and Selected Stories 特洛伊罗斯与克瑞西达 [tè luò yī luó sī yǔ kè ruì xī dá] The History of Troilus and Cressida 特务 [tè wù] The Secret Agent 天大亮 [tiān dà liànɡ] Burning Daylight 天路历程 [tiān lù lì chénɡ] The Pilgrim’s Progress 天真女郎 [tiān zhēn nǚ lánɡ] L’Ingenu 铁蹄 [tiě tí] The Iron Heel 铁血雄师 [tiě xuè xiónɡ shī] The Red Badge of Courage 童话集 [tónɡ huà jí] Fairy Tales 屠场 [tú chǎnɡ] The Fungle 托诺·邦盖 [tuō nuò bānɡ ɡài] Tono Bungay 外套 [wài tào] The Overcoat 玩偶之家 [wán ǒu zhī jiā] A Doll’s House 万尼亚叔叔 [wàn ní yà shū shū] Uncle Vanya 万世师表 [wàn shì shī biǎo] Good-bye Mr. Chips 王子与贫儿 [wánɡ zǐ yǔ pín ér] The Prince and the Pauper 威弗利 [wēi fú lì] Waverley 威尼斯商人 [wēi ní sī shānɡ rén] The Merchant of Venice 维洛那二绅士 [wéi luò nà èr shēn shì] The Two Gentlemen of Verona 维纳斯与阿多尼斯 [wéi nà sī yǔ ā duō ní sī] Venus and Adonis 伪君子 [wěi jūn zǐ] Le Tartuffe 瘟疫年纪事 [wēn yì nián jì shì] The Journal of the Plague Year 温莎的风流娘儿们 [wēn shā de fēnɡ liú niánɡ ér men] The Merry Wives of Windsor 我的安东妮亚 [wǒ de ān dōnɡ nī yà] My Antonia 我们共同的朋友 [wǒ men ɡònɡ tónɡ de pénɡ yǒu] Our Mutual Friend 沃尔登 [wò ěr dēnɡ] Walden 乌有乡消息 [wū yǒu xiānɡ xiāo xī] News from Nowhere 无名的裘德 [wú mínɡ de qiú dé] Jude the Obscure 无事生非 [wú shì shēnɡ fēi] Much Ado About Nothing 无足轻重的女人 [wú zú qīnɡ zhònɡ de nǚ rén] A Woman of No Importance 五城之安娜 [wǔ chénɡ zhī ān nà] Anna of the Five Towns 雾都孤儿 [wù dū ɡū ér] Oliver Twist 西尔韦拉多·斯卡特斯 [xī ěr wéi lā duō sī kǎ tè sī] The Silverado Squatters 西尔维亚的恋人 [xī ěr wéi yà dì liàn rén] Sylvia’s Lovers 夏天 [xià tiān] Summer 消失的地平线 [xiāo shī de dì pínɡ xiàn] Lost Horizon 小杜丽 [xiǎo dù lì] Little Dorrit 小妇人 [xiǎo fù rén] Little Woman 辛白林 [xīn bái lín] Cymbeline 新玛格达琳 [xīn mǎ ɡé dá lín] The New Magdalen 新生活 [xīn shēnɡ huó] The New Life 星际战争 [xīnɡ jì zhàn zhēnɡ] The War of the Worlds 猩红色的谜 [xīnɡ hónɡ sè de mí] A Study in Scarlet 喧嚣与躁动 [xuān xiāo yǔ zào dònɡ] The Sound and the Fury 雪的意象 [xuě de yì xiànɡ] The Snow Image 雪乡 [xuě xiānɡ] The Snow Country 血婚 [xiě hūn] Blood Wedding 血肉之躯 [xuè ròu zhī qū] The Way of All Flesh 驯悍记 [xùn hàn jì] The Taming of the Shrew 雅典的泰门 [yǎ diǎn de tài mén] The Life of Timon of Athens 亚当·贝德 [yà dānɡ bèi dé] Adam Bede 亚历山大的桥 [yà lì shān dà de qiáo] Alexander’s Bridge 亚瑟王朝廷上的康涅狄格州美国人 [yà sè wánɡ cháo tínɡ shànɡ de kānɡ niè dí ɡé zhōu měi ɡuó rén] A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court 烟草路 [yān cǎo lù] Tobacco Road 演讲集 [yǎn jiǎnɡ jí] Mark Twain’s Speeches 羊脂球 [yánɡ zhī qiú] Ball of Fat 野性的呼唤 [yě xìnɡ de hū huàn] The Call of the Wild 一双碧眼 [yī shuānɡ bì yǎn] A Pair of Blue Eyes 伊凡吉林 [yī fán jí lín] Evangeline 伊利亚特 [yī lì yà tè] Iliad 伊诺克·阿登 [yī nuò kè ā dēnɡ] Enoch Arden 移民 [yí mín] The Emigrants 已故的马提亚·巴斯葛 [yǐ ɡù de mǎ tí yà bā sī ɡě] The Late Mattia Pascal 意图 [yì tú] Intentions 阴影线 [yīn yǐnɡ xiàn] The Shadow Line 隐身人 [yǐn shēn rén] The Invisible Man 英国人的特性 [yīnɡ ɡuó rén de tè xìnɡ] English Traits 樱桃园 [yīnɡ táo yuán] Cherry Orchard 鹰之井 [yīnɡ zhī jǐnɡ] At the Hawk’s Well 永别了,武器! [yǒnɡ bié le, wǔ qì!] A Farewell to Arms 勇敢的船长 [yǒnɡ ɡǎn de chuán zhǎnɡ] Captains Courageous 尤利西斯 [yóu lì xī sī] Ulysses 有毒带 [yǒu dú dài] The Poison Belt 渔家女 [yú jiā nǚ] The Fisher Maiden 源氏物语 [yuán shì wù yǔ] Genshi Monogatali 远大前程 [yuǎn dà qián chénɡ] Great Expectations 远离尘嚣 [yuǎn lí chén xiāo] Far from the Madding Crowd 约翰·巴雷肯 [yuē hàn bā léi kěn] John Barleycorn 约翰·克里斯朵夫 [yuē hàn kè lǐ sī duǒ fū] Jean Christophe 约翰王 [yuē hàn wánɡ] King John; The Life and Death of King John 月亮宝石 [yuè liànɡ bǎo shí] The Moonstone 云雀之歌 [yún què zhī ɡē] The Song of the Lark 在南海 [zài nán hǎi] In the South Seas 战争与和平 [zhàn zhēnɡ yǔ hé pínɡ] War and Peace 章鱼 [zhānɡ yú] The Octopus - A Story of California 织工马南传 [zhī ɡōnɡ mǎ nán zhuàn] Silas Marner 中洛辛郡的心脏 [zhōnɡ luò xīn jùn de xīn zànɡ] The Heart of Mid-Lothian 终成眷属 [zhōnɡ chénɡ juàn shǔ] All’s Well that Ends Well 重讲一遍的故事 [chónɡ jiǎnɡ yī biàn de ɡù shì] Twice-Told Tales 仲夏夜之梦 [zhònɡ xià yè zhī mènɡ] A Midsummer Night’s Dream 紫皮童话书 [zǐ pí tónɡ huà shū] The Violet Fairy Book 自传 [zì zhuàn] The Autobiography 最后的清教徒 [zuì hòu de qīnɡ jiào tú] The Last Puritan 最先登上月球的人 [zuì xiān dēnɡ shànɡ yuè qiú de rén] The First Man in the Moon 罪与罚 [zuì yǔ fá] Crime and Punishment |