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❶ (二加一后所得) three: ~ 倍 three times; threefold; triple; ~ 幕喜剧 comedy in three acts; ~ 岁小孩 a child of three
❷ (表示多数或多次) more than two; several; many: 接二连 ~ one after another; in quick succession; ~ 思 think again and again; think twice (about doing sth.); ~ 弯九转 (full of ) twists and turns; 再 ~ 考虑 consider over and over again Ⅱ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 成志 San Chengzhi
◆三八妇女节 International Working Women's Day (March 8);“三八”红旗手 “March 8th” red-banner holder;
三百六十行 all trades and professions; all walks of life; Jack-of-all-trades;
三宝 {佛教} Triratna; the triad of the Buddha, the dharma, and the sangha;
三北 The three Norths (for northwest of China, the northern part of north China, and the western part of China);
三倍 trebling; treble; threefold; triple;
三边 three sides; trilateral;
三边形 trilateral;
三不管 come within nobody's jurisdiction; be nobody's business;
三步一岗,五步一哨 with sentries posted every few yards; be heavily sentried;
三部 three parts; three sections;
三彩 {考古} three-colour glazed pottery;
三槽出钢 {冶} three-trough steel tapping technique;
三叉戟 trident;
三叉神经 {生理} trigeminus; trigeminal nerve; nervus trigeminalis; nervus trigeminus;
三岔路口 a fork in the road; a junction of three roads;
三长两短 unexpected misfortune; if sth. untoward should happen ...; if sth. were to happen (to sb.)...; sth. unfortunate, esp. death; unforeseen disasters [accidents];三朝元老 minister to three emperors; an official who stays in power under different regimes; a senior statesman of three rulers in succession;
三重 tripling; treble; threefold; triple; tri-;三次 triple; ter-; tri-;三从四德 the three obediences and the four virtues; three obediences (in ancient China a woman was required to obey her father before marriage, and her husband during married life and her sons in widowhood) and four virtues (fidelity, physical charm, propriety in speech and efficiency in needle work) — wifely submission and virtue;
三寸不烂之舌 (have) a silver tongue; a glib tongue;an eloquent tongue; gift of (the) gab;have kissed the Blarney stone;
三寸金莲 three-inch “golden lotuses”— woman's bound feet in the feudal age;
三大差别 the three major differences (namely, those between workers and peasants, between city and countryside and between manual and mental labour); three major distinctions (between town and country, industry and agriculture, physical and mental labour);
三大法宝 the three magic weapons (the united front, armed struggle and Party building);
三大纪律,八项注意 the Three Main Rules of Discipline and the Eight Points for Attention of the Chinese People's Liberation Army;
三大民主 democracy in the three main fields (i.e. political, economic and military democracy);
三等 third-class;
三等舱 third-class;
三点 three-point;
三叠 triple-lap;
三定 fixed quota system (for grain producing, purchasing and marketing);
三度 third-degree; three- dimensional;
三端 three-terminal;
三段论 {数} syllogism;
三法 {中医} the three therapeutic methods of traditional Chinese medicine (diaphoresis, emetic measures, purgation and diuresis);
三番两[五]次 over and over (again); a dozen of times; again and again; repeatedly; time and again; times without [out of] number; twice and three times;
三反运动 (1951-1952) movement against three evils (corruption, waste and bureaucracy);
三方 trilateral; three sides; tripartite;
三废 {环保} the three wastes (waste gas; waste water; industrial residue);
三分 trisection;
三分像人, 七分像鬼 more like a devil than a man; be only three parts like a man and seven parts like a devil;
三伏 the three periods of the hot season; the last of the three periods of the hot season;
三副 {航海} third mate; third officer;
三纲五常 the three cardinal guides and the five constant virtues as specified in the feudal ethical code; the Three Cardinal Guides (ruler guides subject, father guides son and husband guides wife) and Five Constant Virtues (benevolence, righteousness, propriety, knowledge and sincerity) — principle of feudal moral conduct;
三个臭皮匠, 合成一个诸葛亮 Three cobblers with their wits combined equal Zhuge Liang, the master mind.; The wisdom of the masses exceeds that of the wisest individual.; Two heads are better than one.;
三个世界 the three worlds (the first world, the second and the third world);
三更半夜 in the dead of night; late at night; about midnight;
三宫六苑 the emperor's harem; queens and consorts of an emperor;
三姑六婆 nuns, Taoist nuns and female fortune-tellers; procuresses, matchmakers, sorceresses, madams of brothels, female pharmacists and midwives—various liberal professions of women of the lower classes in old China;
三顾茅庐 have visited the cottage thrice in succession — to call on sb. repeatedly; make three calls at the thatched cottage; repeatedly to request sb. to take up a responsible post; request sb. repeatedly to take up a responsible post;
三光政策 the policy of “burn all,kill all, loot all” (once pursued by the Japanese invaders in China);
三好学生 “three good” student (good in study, attitude and health);
三核苷酸 trinucleotid (=trinucleotide);
三合板 {材} three-ply board; plywood;
三合土 tabia;
三合星 {天} triple star;
三呼万岁 with three cheers for the Imperial Majesty;
三化暝 yellow rice borer;
三环 tricycle;
三皇五帝 Three Emperors and Five Sovereigns (in ancient China); the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors; rulers of remote antiquity; legendary emperors or sovereigns;
三极管 {电} {无} triode; audion; radiotron; three-electrode valve; three-electrode tube;
三级 three-level; [巴] Fully Good;
三季稻 triple cropping of rice;
三驾马车 troika; three-in-hand;
三尖瓣 {生理} tricuspid valve; valvula tricuspidalis;
三缄其口 remain mute as if one's mouth were sealed; be reluctant to speak or voice one's opinion; clam up; remain silent; talk with great prudence;
三焦 tri-jiao;
三脚架 tripod; tripod leg; brandreth; brandrith; tripus; stand; mounting tripus; trivet;
三角 triangle; trigonometry; trigonum (pl. trigona);
三角函数 circular functions; trigono ̄ metric functions;
三角肌 deltoid; deltoideus triangu ̄ laris;
三角架 lampstand; rack;
三角皮带 texrope; V belt; cone belt; triangle belt;
三角形 {数} delta; triangle; square;
三角学 trigonometry;
三角债 debt chain; chain debt; debt in chains; troublesome defaults; triangular debt; debt's chains among enterprises; 三角洲 {地质} delta;
三教九流 the three religions and the nine schools of thought; the three religions and the nine systems [schools] of philosophy; the three religions and the nine wisdoms; the three cults and nine schools; various religious sects and academic schools; adherents of different religions and sects; [贬] people in various trades; people of all sorts; people of different low professions; men of dubious [all] trades;
三节棍 a cudgel of three linked sections; three section cudgel;
三结合 three-in-one combination (refers to cases where leading cadres, technicians, and workers in an enterprise pool their heads to solve questions of production and technology);
三进制 ternary;
三九天 the third nine-day period after the winter solstice — coldest days of winter;
三九严寒 in the bitter winter;
三句话不离本行 never to say three sentences without talking about one's own work; can hardly open one's mouth without talking shop; never to begin a talk without referring to one's own line; talk always about one's own line; talk shop all the time;
三军 [旧] the army; the three armed services;
三军司令 commander of the three services; Commander-in-Chief of the three services;
三K党 Ku-Klux-Klan;
三垒手 third baseman;
三棱 {植} rhizoma sparganii; trigone;
三棱镜 {光} (triangular) prism; triple prism;
三联(现象) trigeminy;
三梁天平 triple beam balance;
三磷酸 triphosphoric acid;
三磷酸腺苷 atriphos;
三令五申 give repeated orders and injunctions; have ordered repeatedly [time and again]; have repeatedly issued orders; have time and again declared; repeatedly to issue orders; repeated orders and instructions;
三硫 trithio;
三六九等 various grades and ranks;
三氯 trichlorine;
三轮 third wheel;
三昧 {佛教} samadhi; secret; knack;
三面体 {数} trihedron; trihedral;
三民主义 the Three People's Principles (Nationalism, Democracy, the People's Liveli ̄ hood);
三明治 sandwich;
三能级 {物} three-level;
三年五载 for three or five years; in [for] a few years;
三七 {中药} pseudo-ginseng;
三七开 a seventy-thirty ratio; 70 per cent achievements and 30 per cent mistakes;
三亲六眷 all the kinsmen and kinswomen [acquaintances];三秋 {农} the three autumn jobs; general term for autumn harvesting; sowing and ploughing;“三权分立” “separation of the three powers”; “ tripartite” political system;
三人成虎 Three people spread-ing reports of a tiger make you believe there is one around.; A lie, if repeated often enough, will be accepted as truth.; A repeated slander makes others believe.;
三人行,必有我师 If three of us are walking together, at least one of the other two is good enough to be my teacher.;
三三两两 by twos and threes; (gather) in twos and threes; in crowds; in small groups;
三色 three-colour;
三色版 {音} three-colour halftone; three-colour;
三色堇 {植} pansy; herb trinity; herbs trinity; herb trinities;
三声道 triple-track;
三生有幸 be the most supreme a stroke of luck; happiness of one's three existences; luck for three incarnations; the good fortune of three lives; thrice blessed;
三十而立 A man should be independent [steadfast] at the age of thirty.; At thirty, a man should be able to think for himself.;
三十六行, 行行出状元 Every profession produces its own leading authority.; Every trade has its master.;
三十六计[着;策], 走为上计[着;策] Out of thirty-six plans, the best is to get away at once.; Of all the stratagems, retreat is the best.; of the thirty-six stratagems, the best is running away; The best thing to do now is to quit.; There are thirty-six ways, but the best of them all is to run away.; There is no way out except hiding oneself away — to escape.;
三十年河东, 三十年河西 changeable in prosperity and decline; capricious in rise and fall; a chequered career; full of ups and downs;
三熟制 {农} triple-cropping system;
三束 three beams;
三水铝矿 zirlite; claussenite;
三思而行 think thrice before acting; act with prudence; Discretion is the better part of valour.; Don't draw your bow till your arrow is fixed.; give the matter some second thoughts; Look before you leap.; Measure thrice and cut once.; Score twice before you cut once.; Think before you do anything.; think the matter over carefully before acting; Think thrice on what you do.; think twice before doing sth.; Turn three times before acting.;
三岁 three years old;
三天打鱼, 两天晒网 go fishing for three days and dry the nets for two; be like the fisherman who fishes for three days, and idles about for the next two days while his nets are drying; blow hot and cold; lack perseverance; play fast and loose; spend three days fishing and two days drying nets; work by fits and starts;
三天两头 every two or three days; almost every day; every other day or so;
三通 {机} triplet; tee; tee joint; {工} wye; Y; yoke; “three exchanges” — exchanges of mails, trade, air and shipping services; the opening of postal, aviation and navigational services and commercial inter ̄ flow;
三通阀 tee valve; three-port valve; three-way valve; triple valve;
三头六臂 (with) three heads and six arms; have three heads and six arms (like the deity of old, formed from a lotus, who had three heads and six arms); superhuman powers;
三推六问 make several cross-examinations;
三腿桌 trivet table;
三维 {数} three-dimensional;
三位 three's place; three-position;
三五成群 in groups of three and four; in knots; in small groups; in threes and fives; in threes and fours;
三下五除二 neat and quick;
三夏 {农} the three summer jobs (summer harvesting; summer planting; summer field management);
三弦 {音} sanxian, a three-stringed plucked instrument;
三线 three-way; three-wire;
三线地区 remote regions away from the coastal areas;
三项 three terms;
三相 {电} three-phase; triphase;
三向(的) three-dimensional; three-way;
三硝基甲苯 {化} T.N.T. (trinitro toluene; tolita; trilite); triton; trinitro ̄ toluene; trinitrotoluol; trinitrotoluol; trinol; tolit(e); tolitol; trotyl;
三芯 {电} three-core;
三心二意 be of two minds; change one's mind constantly; double-minded; have two minds; instability; shilly-shally; undecided; half-hearted; with half a heart;
三言两语 in two words or three; in a few words; in one or two words; with just a few words;
三阳开泰 The spring comes in full form.; auspicious beginning of a new year; happy; lucky; surge of good luck; the opening of nature in spring; 三氧化物 teroxide; {化} trioxide;
三叶草 whitetip clover; shamrock; clover; trefoil;
三叶虫 {古生} Trilobita;
三元(形) {化} ternary;
三元系 ternary system;
三月 March; the third month of the lunar year; the third moon;
三灾八难 suffer from one ailment after another; children's various illness and ailments; have one trouble after another; numerous adversities and calamities;
三战两胜 {体} the best of three games;
三朝回门 the return of the bride to her mother's home on the third day of the wedding; a bride's homecoming on the third day after matrimony;
三着四错 (just) a few mistakes;
三只手 [方] pickpocket;
三趾(的) three-toed;
三自一包 more plots for private use, more free markets, more enterprises with sole responsibility for their own profit or loss, and fixing output quotas on a household basis;
三足鼎立 a situation of tripartite confrontation; like the three legs of a tripod;
三座大山 the three big mountains (imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat-capitalism, which weighed like mountains on the backs of the Chinese people before liberation)





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